On Writing Well CH14

On Writing Well CH14

作者: 夕夜Silence | 来源:发表于2017-11-10 23:48 被阅读0次

    I. Words and express

    1. What we're all looking for——what we want to see pop out of your papers——is individuality.

    pop out 突出、凸显

    2. When he turned 65 I began to pester him.

    pester  v. annoy persistently    synonymous: tease, badger, bug, beleaguer

    3. What they often mean is that they don't have anything to say——so meager is their after-school existence.

    meager deficient in amount or quality or extent    synonymous: stingy, scrimpy

    4.Memoir isn't the summary of a life; it's a window into a life, very much like  a photograph in its selective composition.

    "memoir is a window into a life" window用在这里十分形象,“回忆录是窥探生活的一扇窗”。

    5. For Alfred Kazin, smell is a thread that he followes back to his boyhood in the Brownsville section of Brooklyn,

    thread the connections that link the various part of an event or argument together.

    synonymous: train of thought

    6.Virginia Woolf was an avid user of highly personal forms.

    avid 1.(often followed by 'for') ardently or excessively desirous; 2.marked by active interest and enthusiasm

    synonymous: eager, zealous, greedy

    II. Summary

    Every writer should give themselves permission to tell who they are. That means, they should write about themselves, with confidence and pleasure. However, in a memoir, the writer need not  tell reader everything in their life. Autobiography spans an entire life, but memoir only shows the writer's some certain corner of his or her life. So the writer should select material carefully, then make sure each of them do useful work.

    Just like Zinsser said, "Memoir is the art of inventing the truth." Actually, the details make the art truthful. The detail contains the life they experienced, the people or neighbors around them, which make people unique. Also, among those people under different culture background. Memoir can pop out their differences. The most interesting character in a memoir is that, it will turn out to be the person who wrote it.

    III. Thoughts





          本文标题:On Writing Well CH14
