以太坊源码研读0xa1 p2p实现(上)

作者: WallisW | 来源:发表于2018-11-04 18:33 被阅读45次








    // Server manages all peer connections.
    // 点对点连接的服务器管理者
    type Server struct {
        // Config fields may not be modified while the server is running.
        // 服务器配置
        // Hooks for testing. These are useful because we can inhibit
        // the whole protocol stack.
        // 测试hook
        newTransport func(net.Conn) transport
        newPeerHook  func(*Peer)
        // 同步锁
        lock    sync.Mutex // protects running
        running bool
        ntab         discoverTable
        listener     net.Listener
        ourHandshake *protoHandshake
        lastLookup   time.Time
        DiscV5       *discv5.Network
        // These are for Peers, PeerCount (and nothing else).
        peerOp     chan peerOpFunc
        peerOpDone chan struct{}
        quit          chan struct{}
        addstatic     chan *discover.Node
        removestatic  chan *discover.Node
        posthandshake chan *conn
        addpeer       chan *conn
        delpeer       chan peerDrop
        loopWG        sync.WaitGroup // loop, listenLoop
        peerFeed      event.Feed
        log           log.Logger
    // Config holds Server options.
    type Config struct {
        // This field must be set to a valid secp256k1 private key.
        // 节点私钥
        PrivateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey `toml:"-"`
        // MaxPeers is the maximum number of peers that can be
        // connected. It must be greater than zero.
        // 允许连接的最大节点数
        MaxPeers int
        // MaxPendingPeers is the maximum number of peers that can be pending in the
        // handshake phase, counted separately for inbound and outbound connections.
        // Zero defaults to preset values.
        // 握手阶段可以建立的最大连接数
        MaxPendingPeers int `toml:",omitempty"`
        // DialRatio controls the ratio of inbound to dialed connections.
        // Example: a DialRatio of 2 allows 1/2 of connections to be dialed.
        // Setting DialRatio to zero defaults it to 3.
        // 控制拨号比例 eg:DialRatio = 2 允许拨打1/2连接
        DialRatio int `toml:",omitempty"`
        // NoDiscovery can be used to disable the peer discovery mechanism.
        // Disabling is useful for protocol debugging (manual topology).
        // 禁用发现
        NoDiscovery bool
        // DiscoveryV5 specifies whether the the new topic-discovery based V5 discovery
        // protocol should be started or not.
        // 是否启用新的发现协议
        DiscoveryV5 bool `toml:",omitempty"`
        // Name sets the node name of this server.
        // Use common.MakeName to create a name that follows existing conventions.
        // 节点名称
        Name string `toml:"-"`
        // BootstrapNodes are used to establish connectivity
        // with the rest of the network.
        // 用于和网络其余部分建立连接
        BootstrapNodes []*discover.Node
        // BootstrapNodesV5 are used to establish connectivity
        // with the rest of the network using the V5 discovery
        // protocol.
        // 新的发现协议使用
        BootstrapNodesV5 []*discv5.Node `toml:",omitempty"`
        // Static nodes are used as pre-configured connections which are always
        // maintained and re-connected on disconnects.
        // 静态节点
        StaticNodes []*discover.Node
        // Trusted nodes are used as pre-configured connections which are always
        // allowed to connect, even above the peer limit.
        // 可信节点,始终允许连接
        TrustedNodes []*discover.Node
        // Connectivity can be restricted to certain IP networks.
        // If this option is set to a non-nil value, only hosts which match one of the
        // IP networks contained in the list are considered.
        // 限制连接设置
        // NetRestrict != 0 则只考虑与列表中包含的IP进行连接
        NetRestrict *netutil.Netlist `toml:",omitempty"`
        // NodeDatabase is the path to the database containing the previously seen
        // live nodes in the network.
        // 节点数据库路径
        NodeDatabase string `toml:",omitempty"`
        // Protocols should contain the protocols supported
        // by the server. Matching protocols are launched for
        // each peer.
        // 协议集
        Protocols []Protocol `toml:"-"`
        // If ListenAddr is set to a non-nil address, the server
        // will listen for incoming connections.
        // If the port is zero, the operating system will pick a port. The
        // ListenAddr field will be updated with the actual address when
        // the server is started.
        // 监听地址
        // 如果ListenAddr设置为非零地址,则服务器将侦听传入连接
        // ListenAddr = 0 则系统选择一个端口
        ListenAddr string
        // If set to a non-nil value, the given NAT port mapper
        // is used to make the listening port available to the
        // Internet.
        // NAT端口
        NAT nat.Interface `toml:",omitempty"`
        // If Dialer is set to a non-nil value, the given Dialer
        // is used to dial outbound peer connections.
        // 拨号方
        Dialer NodeDialer `toml:"-"`
        // If NoDial is true, the server will not dial any peers.
        // 不与任何节点发起连接的标志
        NoDial bool `toml:",omitempty"`
        // If EnableMsgEvents is set then the server will emit PeerEvents
        // whenever a message is sent to or received from a peer
        // EnableMsgEvents = yes 则只要发起对等连接或接收消息,服务器就会发出PeerEvent
        EnableMsgEvents bool
        // Logger is a custom logger to use with the p2p.Server.
        // 客户端日志
        Logger log.Logger `toml:",omitempty"`
    const (
        // 默认的连接超时时间
        defaultDialTimeout = 15 * time.Second
        // Connectivity defaults.
        // 默认连接属性
        maxActiveDialTasks     = 16
        defaultMaxPendingPeers = 50
        defaultDialRatio       = 3
        // Maximum time allowed for reading a complete message.
        // This is effectively the amount of time a connection can be idle.
        // 读取一个完整消息需要的最长时间(连接空闲时间)
        frameReadTimeout = 30 * time.Second
        // Maximum amount of time allowed for writing a complete message.
        // 构造一个完整消息徐亚的最长时间
        frameWriteTimeout = 20 * time.Second


    // Start starts running the server.
    // Servers can not be re-used after stopping.
    // 启动p2p
    func (srv *Server) Start() (err error) {
        // 避免重复多次启动
        defer srv.lock.Unlock()
        if srv.running {
            return errors.New("server already running")
        srv.running = true
        srv.log = srv.Config.Logger
        if srv.log == nil {
            srv.log = log.New()
        srv.log.Info("Starting P2P networking")
        // static fields
        if srv.PrivateKey == nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("Server.PrivateKey must be set to a non-nil key")
        if srv.newTransport == nil {
            // 加密链路使用RLPX协议
            srv.newTransport = newRLPX
        if srv.Dialer == nil {
            // 使用TCPDialer
            srv.Dialer = TCPDialer{&net.Dialer{Timeout: defaultDialTimeout}}
        // 各种channel通道
        srv.quit = make(chan struct{})
        srv.addpeer = make(chan *conn)
        srv.delpeer = make(chan peerDrop)
        srv.posthandshake = make(chan *conn)
        srv.addstatic = make(chan *discover.Node)
        srv.removestatic = make(chan *discover.Node)
        srv.peerOp = make(chan peerOpFunc)
        srv.peerOpDone = make(chan struct{})
        var (
            conn      *net.UDPConn
            sconn     *sharedUDPConn
            realaddr  *net.UDPAddr
            unhandled chan discover.ReadPacket
        if !srv.NoDiscovery || srv.DiscoveryV5 {
            // 启动discover网络
            addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr("udp", srv.ListenAddr)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            // 开启UDP监听
            conn, err = net.ListenUDP("udp", addr)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            realaddr = conn.LocalAddr().(*net.UDPAddr)
            if srv.NAT != nil {
                if !realaddr.IP.IsLoopback() {
                    go nat.Map(srv.NAT, srv.quit, "udp", realaddr.Port, realaddr.Port, "ethereum discovery")
                // TODO: react to external IP changes over time.
                if ext, err := srv.NAT.ExternalIP(); err == nil {
                    realaddr = &net.UDPAddr{IP: ext, Port: realaddr.Port}
        if !srv.NoDiscovery && srv.DiscoveryV5 {
            // 新的节点发现协议
            unhandled = make(chan discover.ReadPacket, 100)
            sconn = &sharedUDPConn{conn, unhandled}
        // node table
        if !srv.NoDiscovery {
            cfg := discover.Config{
                PrivateKey:   srv.PrivateKey,
                AnnounceAddr: realaddr,
                NodeDBPath:   srv.NodeDatabase,
                NetRestrict:  srv.NetRestrict,
                Bootnodes:    srv.BootstrapNodes,
                Unhandled:    unhandled,
            ntab, err := discover.ListenUDP(conn, cfg)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            srv.ntab = ntab
        if srv.DiscoveryV5 {
            var (
                ntab *discv5.Network
                err  error
            if sconn != nil {
                ntab, err = discv5.ListenUDP(srv.PrivateKey, sconn, realaddr, "", srv.NetRestrict) //srv.NodeDatabase)
            } else {
                ntab, err = discv5.ListenUDP(srv.PrivateKey, conn, realaddr, "", srv.NetRestrict) //srv.NodeDatabase)
            if err != nil {
                return err
            if err := ntab.SetFallbackNodes(srv.BootstrapNodesV5); err != nil {
                return err
            srv.DiscV5 = ntab
        dynPeers := srv.maxDialedConns()
        // 新建dialerstate用来处理与节点的连接
        dialer := newDialState(srv.StaticNodes, srv.BootstrapNodes, srv.ntab, dynPeers, srv.NetRestrict)
        // handshake
        // 握手协议
        srv.ourHandshake = &protoHandshake{Version: baseProtocolVersion, Name: srv.Name, ID: discover.PubkeyID(&srv.PrivateKey.PublicKey)}
        for _, p := range srv.Protocols {
            srv.ourHandshake.Caps = append(srv.ourHandshake.Caps, p.cap())
        // listen/dial
        if srv.ListenAddr != "" {
            // 开始监听TCP端口
            if err := srv.startListening(); err != nil {
                return err
        if srv.NoDial && srv.ListenAddr == "" {
            srv.log.Warn("P2P server will be useless, neither dialing nor listening")
        // 开启协程来处理
        go srv.run(dialer)
        srv.running = true
        return nil



    func (srv *Server) startListening() error {
        // Launch the TCP listener.
        listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", srv.ListenAddr)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        laddr := listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
        srv.ListenAddr = laddr.String()
        srv.listener = listener
        go srv.listenLoop()
        // Map the TCP listening port if NAT is configured.
        // 匹配TCP端口
        if !laddr.IP.IsLoopback() && srv.NAT != nil {
            go func() {
                nat.Map(srv.NAT, srv.quit, "tcp", laddr.Port, laddr.Port, "ethereum p2p")
        return nil
    // listenLoop runs in its own goroutine and accepts
    // inbound connections.
    // 循环监听的一个协程
    func (srv *Server) listenLoop() {
        defer srv.loopWG.Done()
        srv.log.Info("RLPx listener up", "self", srv.makeSelf(srv.listener, srv.ntab))
        // 连接处理数
        tokens := defaultMaxPendingPeers
        if srv.MaxPendingPeers > 0 {
            tokens = srv.MaxPendingPeers
        slots := make(chan struct{}, tokens)
        for i := 0; i < tokens; i++ {
            slots <- struct{}{}
        for {
            // Wait for a handshake slot before accepting.
            // 等待握手信号槽
            var (
                fd  net.Conn
                err error
            for {
                fd, err = srv.listener.Accept()
                if tempErr, ok := err.(tempError); ok && tempErr.Temporary() {
                    srv.log.Debug("Temporary read error", "err", err)
                } else if err != nil {
                    srv.log.Debug("Read error", "err", err)
            // Reject connections that do not match NetRestrict.
            // 拒绝不在白名单NetRestrict里的连接
            if srv.NetRestrict != nil {
                if tcp, ok := fd.RemoteAddr().(*net.TCPAddr); ok && !srv.NetRestrict.Contains(tcp.IP) {
                    srv.log.Debug("Rejected conn (not whitelisted in NetRestrict)", "addr", fd.RemoteAddr())
                    slots <- struct{}{}
            fd = newMeteredConn(fd, true)
            srv.log.Trace("Accepted connection", "addr", fd.RemoteAddr())
            go func() {
                // 执行连接
                srv.SetupConn(fd, inboundConn, nil)
                slots <- struct{}{}
    // SetupConn runs the handshakes and attempts to add the connection
    // as a peer. It returns when the connection has been added as a peer
    // or the handshakes have failed.
    // 执行握手并尝试将连接方作为一个peer
    func (srv *Server) SetupConn(fd net.Conn, flags connFlag, dialDest *discover.Node) error {
        self := srv.Self()
        if self == nil {
            return errors.New("shutdown")
        // 创建conn对象
        c := &conn{fd: fd, transport: srv.newTransport(fd), flags: flags, cont: make(chan error)}
        err := srv.setupConn(c, flags, dialDest)
        if err != nil {
            srv.log.Trace("Setting up connection failed", "id", c.id, "err", err)
        return err
    func (srv *Server) setupConn(c *conn, flags connFlag, dialDest *discover.Node) error {
        // Prevent leftover pending conns from entering the handshake.
        running := srv.running
        if !running {
            return errServerStopped
        // Run the encryption handshake.
        var err error
        // 握手协议的RLPX编码
        if c.id, err = c.doEncHandshake(srv.PrivateKey, dialDest); err != nil {
            srv.log.Trace("Failed RLPx handshake", "addr", c.fd.RemoteAddr(), "conn", c.flags, "err", err)
            return err
        clog := srv.log.New("id", c.id, "addr", c.fd.RemoteAddr(), "conn", c.flags)
        // For dialed connections, check that the remote public key matches.
        // 连接握手的ID和对应的ID不匹配
        if dialDest != nil && c.id != dialDest.ID {
            clog.Trace("Dialed identity mismatch", "want", c, dialDest.ID)
            return DiscUnexpectedIdentity
        // 将c发送给srv.posthandshake
        err = srv.checkpoint(c, srv.posthandshake)
        if err != nil {
            clog.Trace("Rejected peer before protocol handshake", "err", err)
            return err
        // Run the protocol handshake
        // 运行握手协议
        phs, err := c.doProtoHandshake(srv.ourHandshake)
        if err != nil {
            clog.Trace("Failed proto handshake", "err", err)
            return err
        if phs.ID != c.id {
            clog.Trace("Wrong devp2p handshake identity", "err", phs.ID)
            return DiscUnexpectedIdentity
        c.caps, c.name = phs.Caps, phs.Name
        // 将c发送给addpeer队列
        err = srv.checkpoint(c, srv.addpeer)
        if err != nil {
            clog.Trace("Rejected peer", "err", err)
            return err
        // If the checks completed successfully, runPeer has now been
        // launched by run.
        clog.Trace("connection set up", "inbound", dialDest == nil)
        return nil


    func (srv *Server) run(dialstate dialer) {
        defer srv.loopWG.Done()
        var (
            peers        = make(map[discover.NodeID]*Peer)
            inboundCount = 0
            trusted      = make(map[discover.NodeID]bool, len(srv.TrustedNodes))
            taskdone     = make(chan task, maxActiveDialTasks)
            runningTasks []task
            queuedTasks  []task // tasks that can't run yet
        // Put trusted nodes into a map to speed up checks.
        // Trusted peers are loaded on startup and cannot be
        // modified while the server is running.
        // 将信任节点加入map以快速检错
        for _, n := range srv.TrustedNodes {
            trusted[n.ID] = true
        // removes t from runningTasks
        // delTask函数用来从runningTasks删除一个task
        delTask := func(t task) {
            for i := range runningTasks {
                if runningTasks[i] == t {
                    runningTasks = append(runningTasks[:i], runningTasks[i+1:]...)
        // starts until max number of active tasks is satisfied
        // 启动任务,直到任务数达到最大
        startTasks := func(ts []task) (rest []task) {
            i := 0
            for ; len(runningTasks) < maxActiveDialTasks && i < len(ts); i++ {
                t := ts[i]
                srv.log.Trace("New dial task", "task", t)
                go func() { t.Do(srv); taskdone <- t }()
                runningTasks = append(runningTasks, t)
            return ts[i:]
        scheduleTasks := func() {
            // Start from queue first.
            // 启动queuedTasks中的第一个
            queuedTasks = append(queuedTasks[:0], startTasks(queuedTasks)...)
            // Query dialer for new tasks and start as many as possible now.
            // 调用newTasks来生成任务,并尝试用startTasks启动
            // 把暂时无法启动的放入queuedTasks队列
            if len(runningTasks) < maxActiveDialTasks {
                nt := dialstate.newTasks(len(runningTasks)+len(queuedTasks), peers, time.Now())
                queuedTasks = append(queuedTasks, startTasks(nt)...)
        for {
            select {
            case <-srv.quit:
                // The server was stopped. Run the cleanup logic.
                // 服务器停止
                break running
            case n := <-srv.addstatic:
                // This channel is used by AddPeer to add to the
                // ephemeral static peer list. Add it to the dialer,
                // it will keep the node connected.
                // 添加静态节点
                srv.log.Trace("Adding static node", "node", n)
            case n := <-srv.removestatic:
                // This channel is used by RemovePeer to send a
                // disconnect request to a peer and begin the
                // stop keeping the node connected
                // 移除静态节点
                srv.log.Trace("Removing static node", "node", n)
                if p, ok := peers[n.ID]; ok {
            case op := <-srv.peerOp:
                // This channel is used by Peers and PeerCount.
                srv.peerOpDone <- struct{}{}
            case t := <-taskdone:
                // A task got done. Tell dialstate about it so it
                // can update its state and remove it from the active
                // tasks list.
                srv.log.Trace("Dial task done", "task", t)
                dialstate.taskDone(t, time.Now())
            case c := <-srv.posthandshake:
                // A connection has passed the encryption handshake so
                // the remote identity is known (but hasn't been verified yet).
                // 之前调用checkpoint()会把连接发送到这
                if trusted[c.id] {
                    // Ensure that the trusted flag is set before checking against MaxPeers.
                    // 确保在检查MaxPeers之前设置了可信标志。
                    c.flags |= trustedConn
                // TODO: track in-progress inbound node IDs (pre-Peer) to avoid dialing them.
                select {
                case c.cont <- srv.encHandshakeChecks(peers, inboundCount, c):
                case <-srv.quit:
                    break running
            case c := <-srv.addpeer:
                // At this point the connection is past the protocol handshake.
                // Its capabilities are known and the remote identity is verified.
                // 已经通过握手协议
                err := srv.protoHandshakeChecks(peers, inboundCount, c)
                if err == nil {
                    // The handshakes are done and it passed all checks.
                    // 节点通过验证
                    p := newPeer(c, srv.Protocols)
                    // If message events are enabled, pass the peerFeed
                    // to the peer
                    // 如果启用了消息事件,请将peerFeed传递给peer
                    if srv.EnableMsgEvents {
                        p.events = &srv.peerFeed
                    name := truncateName(c.name)
                    srv.log.Debug("Adding p2p peer", "name", name, "addr", c.fd.RemoteAddr(), "peers", len(peers)+1)
                    // 添加p2p节点
                    go srv.runPeer(p)
                    peers[c.id] = p
                    if p.Inbound() {
                // The dialer logic relies on the assumption that
                // dial tasks complete after the peer has been added or
                // discarded. Unblock the task last.
                select {
                case c.cont <- err:
                case <-srv.quit:
                    break running
            case pd := <-srv.delpeer:
                // A peer disconnected.
                // 删除peer
                d := common.PrettyDuration(mclock.Now() - pd.created)
                pd.log.Debug("Removing p2p peer", "duration", d, "peers", len(peers)-1, "req", pd.requested, "err", pd.err)
                delete(peers, pd.ID())
                if pd.Inbound() {
        srv.log.Trace("P2P networking is spinning down")
        // Terminate discovery. If there is a running lookup it will terminate soon.
        // 停止发现节点
        if srv.ntab != nil {
        if srv.DiscV5 != nil {
        // Disconnect all peers.
        // 断开与所有peer的连接
        for _, p := range peers {
        // Wait for peers to shut down. Pending connections and tasks are
        // not handled here and will terminate soon-ish because srv.quit
        // is closed.
        // 等待peer关闭
        for len(peers) > 0 {
            p := <-srv.delpeer
            p.log.Trace("<-delpeer (spindown)", "remainingTasks", len(runningTasks))
            delete(peers, p.ID())
    // runPeer runs in its own goroutine for each peer.
    // it waits until the Peer logic returns and removes
    // the peer.
    func (srv *Server) runPeer(p *Peer) {
        if srv.newPeerHook != nil {
        // broadcast peer add
        // 广播节点添加
            Type: PeerEventTypeAdd,
            Peer: p.ID(),
        // run the protocol
        // 运行协议
        remoteRequested, err := p.run()
        // broadcast peer drop
            Type:  PeerEventTypeDrop,
            Peer:  p.ID(),
            Error: err.Error(),
        // Note: run waits for existing peers to be sent on srv.delpeer
        // before returning, so this send should not select on srv.quit.
        srv.delpeer <- peerDrop{p, err, remoteRequested}




    // Node represents a host on the network.
    // The fields of Node may not be modified.
    // 节点表示网络上的主机
    type Node struct {
        IP       net.IP // len 4 for IPv4 or 16 for IPv6
        UDP, TCP uint16 // port numbers
        ID       NodeID // the node's public key
        // This is a cached copy of sha3(ID) which is used for node
        // distance calculations. This is part of Node in order to make it
        // possible to write tests that need a node at a certain distance.
        // In those tests, the content of sha will not actually correspond
        // with ID.
        sha common.Hash
        // Time when the node was added to the table.
        addedAt time.Time


    // Peer represents a connected remote node.
    // 连接的远程节点
    type Peer struct {
        rw      *conn
        running map[string]*protoRW
        log     log.Logger
        created mclock.AbsTime
        wg       sync.WaitGroup
        protoErr chan error
        closed   chan struct{}
        disc     chan DiscReason
        // events receives message send / receive events if set
        events *event.Feed




    对于分布式系统,怎么去高效地发现节点是一个至关重要的问题。一般的分布式系统都是使用DHT(Distributed Hash Table,分布式哈希表)原理来发现和管理节点。其中应用最广的又当属Kademlia算法。


    其中,《易懂分布式 | Kademlia算法》一文可以着重看看,它将是接下来看发现节点源码的基础,这也是我看过的关于Kademlia最通俗易懂的博文。


    table(k-bucket in Kademlia)


    const (
        // 并发因子
        alpha           = 3  // Kademlia concurrency factor
        // k桶容量
        bucketSize      = 16 // Kademlia bucket size
        // 每个k桶更换清单的大小
        maxReplacements = 10 // Size of per-bucket replacement list
        // We keep buckets for the upper 1/15 of distances because
        // it's very unlikely we'll ever encounter a node that's closer.
        hashBits          = len(common.Hash{}) * 8
        nBuckets          = hashBits / 15       // Number of buckets
        // 最近k桶的距离
        bucketMinDistance = hashBits - nBuckets // Log distance of closest bucket
        // IP address limits.
        bucketIPLimit, bucketSubnet = 2, 24 // at most 2 addresses from the same /24
        tableIPLimit, tableSubnet   = 10, 24
        // 节点丢弃的限制,超过这些限制的节点将被丢弃
        maxFindnodeFailures = 5 // Nodes exceeding this limit are dropped
        refreshInterval     = 30 * time.Minute
        revalidateInterval  = 10 * time.Second
        copyNodesInterval   = 30 * time.Second
        seedMinTableTime    = 5 * time.Minute
        seedCount           = 30
        seedMaxAge          = 5 * 24 * time.Hour
    type Table struct {
        mutex   sync.Mutex        // protects buckets, bucket content, nursery, rand
        // k桶数组
        buckets [nBuckets]*bucket // index of known nodes by distance
        // 引导节点
        nursery []*Node           // bootstrap nodes
        // 随机源头
        rand    *mrand.Rand       // source of randomness, periodically reseeded
        ips     netutil.DistinctNetSet
        // 节点数据库
        db         *nodeDB // database of known nodes
        refreshReq chan chan struct{}
        initDone   chan struct{}
        closeReq   chan struct{}
        closed     chan struct{}
        nodeAddedHook func(*Node) // for testing
        net  transport
        self *Node // metadata of the local node
    // bucket contains nodes, ordered by their last activity. the entry
    // that was most recently active is the first element in entries.
    // 按上一个活动排序的节点
    // 最近活动的条目是条目中的第一个元素
    type bucket struct {
        // 实时节点列表
        entries      []*Node // live entries, sorted by time of last contact
        // 候补节点,entries满了后之后的节点会存储到这
        replacements []*Node // recently seen nodes to be used if revalidation fails
        ips          netutil.DistinctNetSet


    func newTable(t transport, ourID NodeID, ourAddr *net.UDPAddr, nodeDBPath string, bootnodes []*Node) (*Table, error) {
        // If no node database was given, use an in-memory one
        // 1.新建节点数据库
        db, err := newNodeDB(nodeDBPath, nodeDBVersion, ourID)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        // 2.构造k桶表
        tab := &Table{
            net:        t,
            db:         db,
            self:       NewNode(ourID, ourAddr.IP, uint16(ourAddr.Port), uint16(ourAddr.Port)),
            refreshReq: make(chan chan struct{}),
            initDone:   make(chan struct{}),
            closeReq:   make(chan struct{}),
            closed:     make(chan struct{}),
            rand:       mrand.New(mrand.NewSource(0)),
            ips:        netutil.DistinctNetSet{Subnet: tableSubnet, Limit: tableIPLimit},
        // 3.设置初始连接点
        if err := tab.setFallbackNodes(bootnodes); err != nil {
            return nil, err
        // 4.填充k桶
        for i := range tab.buckets {
            tab.buckets[i] = &bucket{
                ips: netutil.DistinctNetSet{Subnet: bucketSubnet, Limit: bucketIPLimit},
        // 4.加载种子节点
        // Start the background expiration goroutine after loading seeds so that the search for
        // seed nodes also considers older nodes that would otherwise be removed by the
        // expiration.
        // 5.开启协程循环更新
        go tab.loop()
        return tab, nil
    // loop schedules refresh, revalidate runs and coordinates shutdown.
    func (tab *Table) loop() {
        var (
            revalidate     = time.NewTimer(tab.nextRevalidateTime())
            refresh        = time.NewTicker(refreshInterval)
            copyNodes      = time.NewTicker(copyNodesInterval)
            revalidateDone = make(chan struct{})
            refreshDone    = make(chan struct{})           // where doRefresh reports completion
            waiting        = []chan struct{}{tab.initDone} // holds waiting callers while doRefresh runs
        defer refresh.Stop()
        defer revalidate.Stop()
        defer copyNodes.Stop()
        // Start initial refresh.
        // 初始化刷新
        go tab.doRefresh(refreshDone)
        for {
            select {
            case <-refresh.C:
                if refreshDone == nil {
                    refreshDone = make(chan struct{})
                    go tab.doRefresh(refreshDone)
            case req := <-tab.refreshReq:
                // 将刷新请求加入通道数组
                waiting = append(waiting, req)
                if refreshDone == nil {
                    refreshDone = make(chan struct{})
                    go tab.doRefresh(refreshDone)
            case <-refreshDone:
                // 刷新完毕,关闭通道
                for _, ch := range waiting {
                waiting, refreshDone = nil, nil
            case <-revalidate.C:
                // 重新验证
                go tab.doRevalidate(revalidateDone)
            case <-revalidateDone:
            case <-copyNodes.C:
                // 拷贝活跃节点
                go tab.copyLiveNodes()
            case <-tab.closeReq:
                break loop
        if tab.net != nil {
        if refreshDone != nil {
        for _, ch := range waiting {


    // Lookup performs a network search for nodes close
    // to the given target. It approaches the target by querying
    // nodes that are closer to it on each iteration.
    // The given target does not need to be an actual node
    // identifier.
    // 搜索当前节点的附近节点
    func (tab *Table) Lookup(targetID NodeID) []*Node {
        return tab.lookup(targetID, true)
    func (tab *Table) lookup(targetID NodeID, refreshIfEmpty bool) []*Node {
        var (
            target         = crypto.Keccak256Hash(targetID[:])
            asked          = make(map[NodeID]bool)
            seen           = make(map[NodeID]bool)
            reply          = make(chan []*Node, alpha)
            pendingQueries = 0
            result         *nodesByDistance
        // don't query further if we hit ourself.
        // unlikely to happen often in practice.
        // 一般询问自己是没有意义的
        asked[tab.self.ID] = true
        for {
            // generate initial result set
            // 获取k桶表中给定节点id的n个节点
            result = tab.closest(target, bucketSize)
            if len(result.entries) > 0 || !refreshIfEmpty {
                // k桶表不为空
            // The result set is empty, all nodes were dropped, refresh.
            // We actually wait for the refresh to complete here. The very
            // first query will hit this case and run the bootstrapping
            // logic.
            // k桶表为空
            refreshIfEmpty = false
        for {
            // ask the alpha closest nodes that we haven't asked yet
            // 询问尚未询问的最接近的节点
            for i := 0; i < len(result.entries) && pendingQueries < alpha; i++ {
                n := result.entries[i]
                // 未被查询的节点
                if !asked[n.ID] {
                    asked[n.ID] = true
                    // 查找节点
                    go tab.findnode(n, targetID, reply)
            if pendingQueries == 0 {
                // we have asked all closest nodes, stop the search
                // 所有最近节点都询问过了
            // wait for the next reply
            for _, n := range <-reply {
                if n != nil && !seen[n.ID] {
                    seen[n.ID] = true
                    result.push(n, bucketSize)
        return result.entries
    func (tab *Table) findnode(n *Node, targetID NodeID, reply chan<- []*Node) {
        fails := tab.db.findFails(n.ID)
        r, err := tab.net.findnode(n.ID, n.addr(), targetID)
        if err != nil || len(r) == 0 {
            tab.db.updateFindFails(n.ID, fails)
            log.Trace("Findnode failed", "id", n.ID, "failcount", fails, "err", err)
            if fails >= maxFindnodeFailures {
                log.Trace("Too many findnode failures, dropping", "id", n.ID, "failcount", fails)
        } else if fails > 0 {
            tab.db.updateFindFails(n.ID, fails-1)
        // Grab as many nodes as possible. Some of them might not be alive anymore, but we'll
        // just remove those again during revalidation.
        // 将所有节点加入k桶表,尽管有些已经离线(我们会在重新验证时删除这些节点)
        for _, n := range r {
        reply <- r
    // nodesByDistance is a list of nodes, ordered by
    // distance to target.
    // 根据距离远近排序的邻居节点
    type nodesByDistance struct {
        entries []*Node
        target  common.Hash
    // push adds the given node to the list, keeping the total size below maxElems.
    // 将节点添加到给定列表并维持大小小于maxElems
    func (h *nodesByDistance) push(n *Node, maxElems int) {
        // 根据节点到target的距离排序
        ix := sort.Search(len(h.entries), func(i int) bool {
            return distcmp(h.target, h.entries[i].sha, n.sha) > 0
        // 大小未超出限制,将节点加入
        if len(h.entries) < maxElems {
            h.entries = append(h.entries, n)
        if ix == len(h.entries) {
            // farther away than all nodes we already have.
            // if there was room for it, the node is now the last element.
        } else {
            // slide existing entries down to make room
            // this will overwrite the entry we just appended.
            copy(h.entries[ix+1:], h.entries[ix:])
            h.entries[ix] = n


    // doRevalidate checks that the last node in a random bucket is still live
    // and replaces or deletes the node if it isn't.
    // 检查最后一个节点是否在线,不在线就更换或删除
    func (tab *Table) doRevalidate(done chan<- struct{}) {
        defer func() { done <- struct{}{} }()
        last, bi := tab.nodeToRevalidate()
        if last == nil {
            // No non-empty bucket found.
        // Ping the selected node and wait for a pong.
        // 发出ping指令,等待pong回复
        err := tab.net.ping(last.ID, last.addr())
        defer tab.mutex.Unlock()
        b := tab.buckets[bi]
        if err == nil {
            // The node responded, move it to the front.
            log.Trace("Revalidated node", "b", bi, "id", last.ID)
        // No reply received, pick a replacement or delete the node if there aren't
        // any replacements.
        // 没有事收到ping的回复,更换或删除节点
        if r := tab.replace(b, last); r != nil {
            log.Trace("Replaced dead node", "b", bi, "id", last.ID, "ip", last.IP, "r", r.ID, "rip", r.IP)
        } else {
            log.Trace("Removed dead node", "b", bi, "id", last.ID, "ip", last.IP)
    // nodeToRevalidate returns the last node in a random, non-empty bucket.
    // 获取随机非空k桶的最后一个节点
    func (tab *Table) nodeToRevalidate() (n *Node, bi int) {
        defer tab.mutex.Unlock()
        for _, bi = range tab.rand.Perm(len(tab.buckets)) {
            b := tab.buckets[bi]
            if len(b.entries) > 0 {
                last := b.entries[len(b.entries)-1]
                return last, bi
        return nil, 0
    // bump moves the given node to the front of the bucket entry list
    // if it is contained in that list.
    // 将节点node移动到最前
    func (b *bucket) bump(n *Node) bool {
        for i := range b.entries {
            if b.entries[i].ID == n.ID {
                // move it to the front
                copy(b.entries[1:], b.entries[:i])
                b.entries[0] = n
                return true
        return false
    // replace removes n from the replacement list and replaces 'last' with it if it is the
    // last entry in the bucket. If 'last' isn't the last entry, it has either been replaced
    // with someone else or became active.
    // 这里验证失败后会把前面buket结构里replacements里的节点候补到entries
    func (tab *Table) replace(b *bucket, last *Node) *Node {
        if len(b.entries) == 0 || b.entries[len(b.entries)-1].ID != last.ID {
            // Entry has moved, don't replace it.
            return nil
        // Still the last entry.
        if len(b.replacements) == 0 {
            tab.deleteInBucket(b, last)
            return nil
        r := b.replacements[tab.rand.Intn(len(b.replacements))]
        b.replacements = deleteNode(b.replacements, r)
        b.entries[len(b.entries)-1] = r
        tab.removeIP(b, last.IP)
        return r


    • 1.loadSeedNodes方法加载种子节点,通过这些节点来发现其他网络节点。

    • 2.loop循环当收到刷新请求时,会调lookup方法去发现当前节点的种子节点

    • 3.按照Kademlia核心思想,递归地调用findnode方法询问所有最近节点直到所有节点都被询问过

    • 4.当收到一个节点replay时调用push方法将节点加入到nodesByDistance结构的数组,并按照各邻居节点到当前节点的顺序排序

    • 5.然后还会通过doRevalidate方法发出ping指令对搜索到的bucket中的节点进行验证,以此来剔除不在线的但已添加到entries列表的节点


    // transport is implemented by the UDP transport.
    // it is an interface so we can test without opening lots of UDP
    // sockets and without generating a private key.
    // 真正寻找节点的接口
    type transport interface {
        ping(NodeID, *net.UDPAddr) error
        findnode(toid NodeID, addr *net.UDPAddr, target NodeID) ([]*Node, error)



    // RPC packet types
    const (
        // ping包  用于询问节点是否在线
        pingPacket = iota + 1 // zero is 'reserved'
        //pong包 是对ping的回复
        // 查找邻居节点
        // 返回另据节点  是对findnodePacket的回复
    // RPC request structures
    type (
        ping struct {
            Version    uint
            From, To   rpcEndpoint
            Expiration uint64
            // Ignore additional fields (for forward compatibility).
            Rest []rlp.RawValue `rlp:"tail"`
        // pong is the reply to ping.
        pong struct {
            // This field should mirror the UDP envelope address
            // of the ping packet, which provides a way to discover the
            // the external address (after NAT).
            To rpcEndpoint
            ReplyTok   []byte // This contains the hash of the ping packet.
            Expiration uint64 // Absolute timestamp at which the packet becomes invalid.
            // Ignore additional fields (for forward compatibility).
            Rest []rlp.RawValue `rlp:"tail"`
        // findnode is a query for nodes close to the given target.
        findnode struct {
            Target     NodeID // doesn't need to be an actual public key
            Expiration uint64
            // Ignore additional fields (for forward compatibility).
            Rest []rlp.RawValue `rlp:"tail"`
        // reply to findnode
        neighbors struct {
            Nodes      []rpcNode
            Expiration uint64
            // Ignore additional fields (for forward compatibility).
            Rest []rlp.RawValue `rlp:"tail"`
        rpcNode struct {
            IP  net.IP // len 4 for IPv4 or 16 for IPv6
            UDP uint16 // for discovery protocol
            TCP uint16 // for RLPx protocol
            ID  NodeID
        rpcEndpoint struct {
            IP  net.IP // len 4 for IPv4 or 16 for IPv6
            UDP uint16 // for discovery protocol
            TCP uint16 // for RLPx protocol


    // conn接口实现了udp通讯必要的方法
    type conn interface {
        ReadFromUDP(b []byte) (n int, addr *net.UDPAddr, err error)
        WriteToUDP(b []byte, addr *net.UDPAddr) (n int, err error)
        Close() error
        LocalAddr() net.Addr
    // udp implements the RPC protocol.
    type udp struct {
        // conn接口实现了udp通讯必要的方法
        conn        conn
        netrestrict *netutil.Netlist
        // 节点私钥
        priv        *ecdsa.PrivateKey
        ourEndpoint rpcEndpoint
        // 待处理的回应,存储发出一个消息后应当得到的回应
        addpending chan *pending
        // 处理回应,收到回复消息后会遍历pending列表查找匹配的回应
        gotreply   chan reply
        closing chan struct{}
        nat     nat.Interface
        // 匿名对象,可以直接调用Table的方法
    // pending represents a pending reply.
    // some implementations of the protocol wish to send more than one
    // reply packet to findnode. in general, any neighbors packet cannot
    // be matched up with a specific findnode packet.
    // our implementation handles this by storing a callback function for
    // each pending reply. incoming packets from a node are dispatched
    // to all the callback functions for that node.
    // 待处理的回复
    type pending struct {
        // these fields must match in the reply.
        from  NodeID
        ptype byte
        // time when the request must complete
        // 请求消息的截止时间
        deadline time.Time
        // callback is called when a matching reply arrives. if it returns
        // true, the callback is removed from the pending reply queue.
        // if it returns false, the reply is considered incomplete and
        // the callback will be invoked again for the next matching reply.
        // 匹配的回复消息到达时调用回调
        // true-从挂起的回复队列中删除回调
        // false-回复不完整,并且将再次调用回调以进行下一次匹配
        callback func(resp interface{}) (done bool)
        // errc receives nil when the callback indicates completion or an
        // error if no further reply is received within the timeout.
        errc chan<- error
    type reply struct {
        from  NodeID
        ptype byte
        data  interface{}
        // loop indicates whether there was
        // a matching request by sending on this channel.
        matched chan<- bool


    // ping sends a ping message to the given node and waits for a reply.
    // 发送ping消息并等待回复
    func (t *udp) ping(toid NodeID, toaddr *net.UDPAddr) error {
        return <-t.sendPing(toid, toaddr, nil)
    // sendPing sends a ping message to the given node and invokes the callback
    // when the reply arrives.
    // 向给定节点发送ping,并在收到pang回应时调用回调
    func (t *udp) sendPing(toid NodeID, toaddr *net.UDPAddr, callback func()) <-chan error {
        req := &ping{
            Version:    4,
            From:       t.ourEndpoint,
            To:         makeEndpoint(toaddr, 0), // TODO: maybe use known TCP port from DB
            Expiration: uint64(time.Now().Add(expiration).Unix()),
        packet, hash, err := encodePacket(t.priv, pingPacket, req)
        if err != nil {
            errc := make(chan error, 1)
            errc <- err
            return errc
        errc := t.pending(toid, pongPacket, func(p interface{}) bool {
            ok := bytes.Equal(p.(*pong).ReplyTok, hash)
            if ok && callback != nil {
            return ok
        t.write(toaddr, req.name(), packet)
        return errc


    // findnode sends a findnode request to the given node and waits until
    // the node has sent up to k neighbors.
    // 发起一个findnode请求并等待邻居节点的回应
    func (t *udp) findnode(toid NodeID, toaddr *net.UDPAddr, target NodeID) ([]*Node, error) {
        // If we haven't seen a ping from the destination node for a while, it won't remember
        // our endpoint proof and reject findnode. Solicit a ping first.
        // 如果没有收到目标节点的ping,先发起ping请求
        if time.Since(t.db.lastPingReceived(toid)) > nodeDBNodeExpiration {
            t.ping(toid, toaddr)
        nodes := make([]*Node, 0, bucketSize)
        nreceived := 0
        errc := t.pending(toid, neighborsPacket, func(r interface{}) bool {
            reply := r.(*neighbors)
            for _, rn := range reply.Nodes {
                n, err := t.nodeFromRPC(toaddr, rn)
                if err != nil {
                    log.Trace("Invalid neighbor node received", "ip", rn.IP, "addr", toaddr, "err", err)
                nodes = append(nodes, n)
            return nreceived >= bucketSize
        // 发送findnodePacket消息
        t.send(toaddr, findnodePacket, &findnode{
            Target:     target,
            Expiration: uint64(time.Now().Add(expiration).Unix()),
        return nodes, <-errc
    // pending adds a reply callback to the pending reply queue.
    // see the documentation of type pending for a detailed explanation.
    // 将回复回调添加到挂起的回复队列
    func (t *udp) pending(id NodeID, ptype byte, callback func(interface{}) bool) <-chan error {
        ch := make(chan error, 1)
        p := &pending{from: id, ptype: ptype, callback: callback, errc: ch}
        select {
        case t.addpending <- p:
            // loop will handle it
        case <-t.closing:
            ch <- errClosed
        return ch
    func (t *udp) send(toaddr *net.UDPAddr, ptype byte, req packet) ([]byte, error) {
        packet, hash, err := encodePacket(t.priv, ptype, req)
        if err != nil {
            return hash, err
        return hash, t.write(toaddr, req.name(), packet)


    type packet interface {
        handle(t *udp, from *net.UDPAddr, fromID NodeID, mac []byte) error
        name() string
    // handle ping
    func (req *ping) handle(t *udp, from *net.UDPAddr, fromID NodeID, mac []byte) error {
        if expired(req.Expiration) {
            return errExpired
        t.send(from, pongPacket, &pong{
            To:         makeEndpoint(from, req.From.TCP),
            ReplyTok:   mac,
            Expiration: uint64(time.Now().Add(expiration).Unix()),
        t.handleReply(fromID, pingPacket, req)
        // Add the node to the table. Before doing so, ensure that we have a recent enough pong
        // recorded in the database so their findnode requests will be accepted later.
        // 组装节点信息
        n := NewNode(fromID, from.IP, uint16(from.Port), req.From.TCP)
        // 判断上次收到pang消息的时间间隔是否超过限制
        if time.Since(t.db.lastPongReceived(fromID)) > nodeDBNodeExpiration {
            t.sendPing(fromID, from, func() { t.addThroughPing(n) })
        } else {
        t.db.updateLastPingReceived(fromID, time.Now())
        return nil
    func (req *ping) name() string { return "PING/v4" }
    // handle pong
    func (req *pong) handle(t *udp, from *net.UDPAddr, fromID NodeID, mac []byte) error {
        if expired(req.Expiration) {
            return errExpired
        // 没有找到匹配的ping请求
        if !t.handleReply(fromID, pongPacket, req) {
            return errUnsolicitedReply
        t.db.updateLastPongReceived(fromID, time.Now())
        return nil
    func (req *pong) name() string { return "PONG/v4" }
    // handle findnode
    func (req *findnode) handle(t *udp, from *net.UDPAddr, fromID NodeID, mac []byte) error {
        if expired(req.Expiration) {
            return errExpired
        // 请求节点是否绑定
        if !t.db.hasBond(fromID) {
            // No endpoint proof pong exists, we don't process the packet. This prevents an
            // attack vector where the discovery protocol could be used to amplify traffic in a
            // DDOS attack. A malicious actor would send a findnode request with the IP address
            // and UDP port of the target as the source address. The recipient of the findnode
            // packet would then send a neighbors packet (which is a much bigger packet than
            // findnode) to the victim.
            return errUnknownNode
        target := crypto.Keccak256Hash(req.Target[:])
        closest := t.closest(target, bucketSize).entries
        p := neighbors{Expiration: uint64(time.Now().Add(expiration).Unix())}
        var sent bool
        // Send neighbors in chunks with at most maxNeighbors per packet
        // to stay below the 1280 byte limit.
        // 以块为单位发送最多maxNeighbors个块,以保持1280bytes的传输限制
        for _, n := range closest {
            if netutil.CheckRelayIP(from.IP, n.IP) == nil {
                p.Nodes = append(p.Nodes, nodeToRPC(n))
            if len(p.Nodes) == maxNeighbors {
                t.send(from, neighborsPacket, &p)
                p.Nodes = p.Nodes[:0]
                sent = true
        if len(p.Nodes) > 0 || !sent {
            t.send(from, neighborsPacket, &p)
        return nil
    func (req *findnode) name() string { return "FINDNODE/v4" }
    // handle neighbors
    func (req *neighbors) handle(t *udp, from *net.UDPAddr, fromID NodeID, mac []byte) error {
        if expired(req.Expiration) {
            return errExpired
        if !t.handleReply(fromID, neighborsPacket, req) {
            return errUnsolicitedReply
        return nil


    func encodePacket(priv *ecdsa.PrivateKey, ptype byte, req interface{}) (packet, hash []byte, err error) {
        b := new(bytes.Buffer)
        if err := rlp.Encode(b, req); err != nil {
            log.Error("Can't encode discv4 packet", "err", err)
            return nil, nil, err
        packet = b.Bytes()
        sig, err := crypto.Sign(crypto.Keccak256(packet[headSize:]), priv)
        if err != nil {
            log.Error("Can't sign discv4 packet", "err", err)
            return nil, nil, err
        copy(packet[macSize:], sig)
        // add the hash to the front. Note: this doesn't protect the
        // packet in any way. Our public key will be part of this hash in
        // The future.
        hash = crypto.Keccak256(packet[macSize:])
        copy(packet, hash)
        return packet, hash, nil
    func decodePacket(buf []byte) (packet, NodeID, []byte, error) {
        if len(buf) < headSize+1 {
            return nil, NodeID{}, nil, errPacketTooSmall
        hash, sig, sigdata := buf[:macSize], buf[macSize:headSize], buf[headSize:]
        shouldhash := crypto.Keccak256(buf[macSize:])
        if !bytes.Equal(hash, shouldhash) {
            return nil, NodeID{}, nil, errBadHash
        fromID, err := recoverNodeID(crypto.Keccak256(buf[headSize:]), sig)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, NodeID{}, hash, err
        var req packet
        switch ptype := sigdata[0]; ptype {
        case pingPacket:
            req = new(ping)
        case pongPacket:
            req = new(pong)
        case findnodePacket:
            req = new(findnode)
        case neighborsPacket:
            req = new(neighbors)
            return nil, fromID, hash, fmt.Errorf("unknown type: %d", ptype)
        s := rlp.NewStream(bytes.NewReader(sigdata[1:]), 0)
        err = s.Decode(req)
        return req, fromID, hash, err





    --------------------------------------------------20181103 17:58



        本文标题:以太坊源码研读0xa1 p2p实现(上)
