

作者: 汉语故事 | 来源:发表于2018-12-24 15:18 被阅读0次


    A Wild Growth


    Reading Axe novel "First Marriage of Mr. Fortune"

    原创:魏剑美          中译英:斧子的二当家



    To be honest, I don't know much about online literature.


    In this way, there is not the slightest underestimation or slight. On the contrary, it is out of awe.


    I am awed by the possibilities in its chaos.

    看惯了作家们正儿八经的庙堂文学,尤其是获国家大奖、被写进文学史的所谓主流之作,我总忍不住自问:到底是生活在按作家的指引延续,还是作品只配也只能做为生活的影像 ?

    Accustomed to the formal canon of imperial court literature, especially the so called mainstream works that have won national prizes and been written into literary history, I can not help but ask myself: whether life is leading forward according to the writer's guidelines or does the work only deserve and can only be seen as the image of life?

    或许正是基于这样一种思考,韩少功在《马桥词典》才采用词典这样一种看上去冰冷的方式,力图避免作者对人物和事件的主观选择——事实上无论小说还是新闻所反应的常常都 不是世界本身而是作者所希望呈现的世界。

    Perhaps it was on this basis that Han Shaogong adopted the seemingly cold form of the dictionary in Maqiao Dictionary,attempting to avoid the author's subjective choice of characters and events ---in fact, both novels and news often reflect not the world itself but the world the authors wishe to present.

    据说斧子的小说首先是在网络中引起关注的。“高手在民间”这个说法我是非常赞同的,在我对网络文学有限的涉猎中,也多次被一些网络小说残酷逼真的世相状摹、栩栩如生的 人物刻画、大胆出位的艺术手法所震撼。《财哥的第一次婚姻》同样具有这样一种野性的力量。在其营造的熟悉而又新奇的小说语境中,你不知不觉被诱惑、被吸引、被套牢,从 而欲罢不能地一气读完,然而读完后又不禁有些怅然:怎么就结尾了?接下去财哥会怎样呢?霞婆呢?吕风呢?谁也回答不上来,他们任何一个人都曾经在我们的身边出现过,闪 耀过,擦肩而过过。可以说,正是斧子小说在提示着我们熟悉而又陌生的时代记忆,事的记忆,人的记忆,还有,一种情怀、情绪和情感的记忆。

    It is said that Axe's novels first caught attention on the Internet. I can't agree more with the old saying "master in the folk" . In my limited network literature dabble, also shocked many times by some network novels' cruel and realistic description of the world, vivid characters and bold artistic techniques. "First Marriage of Mr. Fortune" also has such a wild power. In the familiar and newfangled context the novel creates, you are unknowingly tempted, attracted, and trapped, and you can't stop reading it, but then you can't help but wonder: How did it end? What's gonna happen to the Mr. Fortune? Where's Madam Xia? Where's Lv Feng? No one can answer, every one of them have appeared among us, shining, and passed by. It can be said that it is the Axe novel that reminds us of the memories of the times, the memory of events, the memory of people, and the memory of emotions and feelings, that are both familiar and unfamiliar.


    "Hengyang Bosses" , "The days of traveling around the country" , "I make money in Guangzhou" are all doing this kind of times records and world phase tips. If we agree that the novel is the secret history of a nation's soul, we can not but admit that it is the Axe from the folk using a nearly original writing style provides a raw and vivid first-hand historical materials for our nation.

    以财哥为例,生长在闭塞村庄的他实在不过是亿万中国农民中最普通的一个。一个偶然的机会,让他怀揣梦想(这梦想实在也并不高远,不过是想让日子过得稍微好一点点而已) 跟着舅舅蒋老板来到城里搞基建,没想到没日没夜的卖命加贴钱,等来的却是刘大刚精心设计的一场骗局。人生是如此的残酷,现实中多少财哥被骗了又能如何?城市的诱惑从来 都为憨厚朴实的乡下人准备着一个又一个圈套和陷阱。但作为小说人物的财哥幸运就幸运在他不仅有着骨子深处的韧性与勇毅,还有着一个更为大胆野性的婆娘霞婆。你不按规则 出牌我也不按规则出牌,棋出险招的霞婆不仅帮助财哥起死回生,还成功制服了奸猾耍赖的刘大刚。然而,正是在这一博弈过程中,无论霞婆还是财哥,都不知不觉中走向了当初 那个朴实诚恳的自己的对立面,慢慢成为了新的对农民和弱势高人一等的“城里人”。于是,人性中的另一面开始膨胀,与此同时,心灵的寄托却日益虚幻。完成原始积累的第一 代富人、老板们,其财富品质和精神追求成为一个新的话题。

    Take Mr. Fortune, who grew up in a rural backwater, as an example, he was simply the most common one of China's hundreds of millions of peasants. By chance, let him have a dream (this dream is really not high, but just to make a little bit better life) , follow his uncle, Boss Jiang, to the city to serve for the infrastructure construction. He worked hard all day and night and added money himself for the career, but it turned out to be an elaborate hoax perpetrated by Liu Dagang. Life is so cruel, and how many Mr. Fortune are cheated in reality and what they can do? The temptation of the city has always prepared a trap and another for the simple and honest country people. But for Mr. Fortune,the novel character, the luck is not only the tenacity and courage deep in his bone, but also a more daring wild woman Madam Xia. You don't play by the rules, I don't play by the rules either. Madam Xia who played dangerous move in Chess not only helped Mr Fortune back from the dead, but also successfully defeated the cunning Liu Dagang. However, it was in this course of game, both Madam Xia and Mr Fortune unconsciously moved towards the opposite of the original simple and sincere self, and gradually became the new "city people" who are superior to the peasants and the weak. Thus, the other side of human nature began to expand, at the same time, the sustenance of the soul was increasingly illusory. For the first generation of rich people and bosses who have completed primitive accumulation, their wealth quality and spiritual pursuit have become a new topic.

    斧子小说的语言和人物都是野性的,鲜活的,沾带着浓郁的生活气息,而且融入了大量地方文化色彩。这一点与风格独标的知名作家何顿不谋而合。但何顿更多是将目光盯在本身 置身大都市的市井小民,斧子的笔下人物则更多是由村庄冒然闯入城市的年轻人。与前者随世浮游的状态不同,这些闯入都市的农村人因为一开始就有着明确而强烈的目的性,所 以展示出更为执拗的个性,更为敏感的内心,更为直接的物质诉求,也因而呈现更为诡谲多变的命运可能。与何顿一样,斧子是个编排故事和讲述故事的好手,其笔下情节不仅精 彩传神,而且非常细腻,既有强烈的生活质感,又有精巧的艺术提炼。“民族的就是世界的”,正是从这一意义出发,我对斧子有着更高的期待。我相信,以他的生活底蕴、艺术 感觉以及对文学和自我内心的忠实,他完全可以展示出更为野性也更为强势的拔节之姿,尤其是在我们这样一个思想贫瘠而只有花朵分外招摇的时代。

    The language and characters in Axe's novels are wild, fresh and full of life, and a lot of local culture have been melted in. This feature coincides with He Dun, the famous writer with a unique style. But He Dun's eyes are more focused on the civilians who live in big cities, and Axe's characters are more likely to be young men venturing into the city from villages. In contrast to civilians' floating state, these urban migrants have a clear and strong purpose to begin with, so they exhibit a more stubborn personality, a more sensitive heart, and a more direct desire for material goods, and thus present the possibility of a more capricious fate. Like He Dun, Axe is a good storyteller, whose plot is not only wonderful and vivid, but also very delicate, with a strong sense of life, but also exquisite artistic refinement. "The nation is the world" , it is from this point of view, I have higher expectations for Axe. I believe that with his life culture, his art feelings, and his loyalty to literature and to himself, he can display a more wild and forceful raising posture. Especially in an age when minds are barren and only flowers are particularly conspicuous.

    如果说对斧子有什么建议的话,我个人以为那些关于民俗和传统文化的介绍文字不必用单独的篇幅列出,不妨有机地融入到小说中去。终究这不是雨果写《悲惨世界》的年代了。 我相信,随着境界的不断拓展,技法的不断娴熟,斧子先生一定会写出融思辨理性、地域文化和民俗色彩于一体的艺术精品。

    If there is any advice for Axe, I personally think that those introductions to folklore and traditional culture do not need to be listed in a separate page, but might as well be incorporated into the novel. After all, it wasn't Hugo's time to write Les Misérables. I believe that with the continuous expansion of the realm, and constantly advance of the skills, Mr. Axe will creates some fine art works that combines rational thinking, regional culture and folk colors together.


    I'm willing to wait and see with many more readers.


    February 25,2012


    魏剑美,当代作家。湖南永州人。1971年11月出生。著有杂文集《下跪的舌头》、《非常魏道》,长篇小说《步步为局》、《空城》等10余部。多家报刊专栏作家,其作 品以辛辣的讽刺和深刻的剖析见长,是国内最具代表性的批评家。现为湖南师范大学新闻学院副教授,硕士生导师。

    Wei Jianmei, contemporary writer, native from Yongzhou Hunan, born in November 1971. She has essay sets such as "Kneeling tongue", "Very Wei Dao",  and novels such as "Step by step", "Empty city". More than 10 literature works have been published in total. She also serve as columnist for many newspapers. As the most representative critic in China, her works are known for the satirical satire and profound analysis. Now she is an associate professor and master tutor in the School of Journalism, at Hunan Normal University.



