Sleep is my secret weapon

Sleep is my secret weapon

作者: _浅墨_ | 来源:发表于2020-09-30 07:46 被阅读0次

Now I want to talk about the importance of sleep.

Who doesn't known how to sleep? But actually there's a lot of things I have tried over the past few years that have really helped me.

Like just you know like people would like show off how likem,"I only slept for like 2 hours yesterday."

At first, I think,"Wow! they work really really hard and they don't sleep and they have more hours."

But now, I have realized that sleep is so important!

I only selpt 2 hours last night, and I did not have an ounce of energy this afternoon, I almost can not open my eyes, so I can not work at all.

So don't try to be hardcore, try to get enough sleep and try to keep a regular rhythm so that next day you are actually fresh.

2020.09.29 night



      本文标题:Sleep is my secret weapon
