词为我用 - frugal

词为我用 - frugal

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2021-07-09 22:57 被阅读0次


    frugal  TEM8  TEM4  GRE

    UK  /ˈfruː.ɡəl/ US  /ˈfruː.ɡəl/

    1. adj, People who are frugal or who live frugal lives do not eat much or spend much money on themselves. 节俭的,俭省的

    2. adj, A frugal meal is small and not expensive. (饮食)简单的,省钱的



    1. It combines a hybrid powertrain with a small but spacious hatchback body to create a car that’s both practical and frugal at the gas pump.(Seattle Times)

    2. Italy, Spain and Poland are set to gain the most after leaders compromised over the proportions of the fund which would be grants and or loans to please the frugal four.(The Guardian)

    3. Americans typically become more frugal and favor used cars in uncertain times.(Reuters)

    4. Money is manageable, but Mr. Mitchell remains frugal — when he eats a $3 cheesesteak for lunch, he carefully wraps half of it for later.(New York Times)

    5. Of less concern but still an issue is the lack of perks the famously frugal company offers.(New York Times)

    6. The Warren proposal hits the frugal executive hard but leaves the spendthrift without a scratch.(New York Times)

    7. It is about to get a massive infusion of cash after years of frugal, deliberate growth.(Washington Post)

    8. While some companies are moving to hike prices in low inflation Japan due to rising labor and shipping costs, they risk being shunned by frugal consumers.(Reuters)

    9. He is notoriously frugal, insisting that employees fly coach and eschewing the free meals common at other tech companies and instead giving away bananas from little kiosks around the campus.(Seattle Times)

    10. More frugal families buy cheaper Chinese and Japanese cars and are increasingly buying used.(New York Times)

    11. Yes, Jack was frugal, but keeping fees down and spending responsibly weren’t about being cheap, they were living proof that “You get what you don’t pay for,” one of Bogle’s favorite sayings.(Seattle Times)

    12. Here’s what it takes to be a millionaire: Work hard, be frugal, save, avoid excessive debt and be a consistent investor.(Washington Post)


    frugal people, meal


    frugality, frugalist, frugally


    "economical in use," 1590s, from French frugal, from Latin frugalis, from undeclined adjective frugi "useful, proper, worthy, honest; temperate, economical," originally dative of frux (plural fruges) "fruit, produce," figuratively "value, result, success," from PIE root *bhrug- "to enjoy," with derivatives referring to agricultural products. Sense evolved in Latin from "useful" to "profitable" to "economical."


    economical, economizing, pconserving, preserving, saving,mean, parsimonious, penurious, pinching, spare, stingy, stinting, tight, tightfisted, sparing, thrifty


    spendthrift, squandering, thriftless, unthrifty, wasteful,prodigal, profligate



          本文标题:词为我用 - frugal
