killport bat脚本 强制杀死占用端口的进程

killport bat脚本 强制杀死占用端口的进程

作者: ambition_timid | 来源:发表于2021-11-09 20:31 被阅读0次


    @echo off
    rem open var delay
    setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
    rem recev var
    set port=%1%
    if "%port%" == "" (
    echo Please enter port
    goto end
    echo ---------------start find who is using port %port%-----------------------
    rem Add colon before port and space after port to ensure no mistake
    for /f "tokens=1-5" %%a in ('netstat -ano ^| find ":%port% "') do (
    rem a is protocol,b is local ip:port, c is remote ip:port,d is state or pid,e is pid or null
    echo %%a %%b %%c %%d %%e
    rem Cut the %%b with the : to get the port
    for /f "delims=:, tokens=1-2" %%j in ("%%b") do (set destport=%%k)
    rem Delay variable in for loop must use! Symbol instead of% symbol
    echo The port found here is !destport!. What we need is %port%
    rem If %%b cuts the same port as the target port
    if "!destport!" equ "%port%" (
    if "%%e" == "" (
    rem sometimes e is empty pid in d
    if not "%%d" == "0" (
    echo get d col pid %%d
    set pid=%%d
    ) else (
    if not "%%e" == "0" (
    echo get e col pid %%e
    set pid=%%e
    ) else (
    echo this row local not use port %port%
    echo ---------------end find who is using port %port%-----------------------
    if "%pid%"=="" (
    echo Port %port% is not in use
    ) else (
    echo used port %port% the process %pid%
    taskkill /f /pid %pid%

    echo ---------------end----------------------------------------------------



          本文标题:killport bat脚本 强制杀死占用端口的进程
