Company Bankrupt

Company Bankrupt

作者: b5438e0615f9 | 来源:发表于2020-03-24 23:55 被阅读0次

    A court has approved Pacific Gas & Electric´s (PG&E) $23 billion dollar bankruptcy financing package. The company´s plan to raise the money to get out of bankruptcy was approved on Monday.

    PG&E filed for bankruptcy protections last year, after its equipment was linked to multiple destructive wildfires in California in 2017 and 2018. The California governor rejected the plan at first; however, he changed his mind when the company attracted investors to buy up billions of dollars in company stock.

    PG&E needs the money to help it pay off settlements with wildfire victimsinsurers and government agencies.


      1  重点词汇表达

    1. approve, vt, officially agree to or accept as satisfactory, 批准, 同意, 认可;名词是approval, 批准eg. disapprove/ disapproval,不批准

    2.bankruptcy,noun,the state of being bankrupt,破产

    3.raise, vt,collect, levy, or bring together money or resources,筹集, 募集(钱款, 资源)

    4.equipment, noun,the necessary items for a particular purpose设备,器材,用具 

    5.multiple,adj,numerous and often varied许多的, 多种多样的

    6.destructive,adj,causing great and irreparable harm or damage,破坏(性)的, 毁灭(性)的;名词是destruction,摧毁

    7.reject,vt,refuse to agree to a request,拒绝接受(请求), 不同意;名词是rejection,拒绝

    8.investor,noun,someone who gives money to a company, business, or bank in order to get a profit,投资者;动词是invest,投资;名词是investment,投资

    9.victim,noun,a person harmed, injured, or killed as a result of a crime, accident, or other event or action,受害者, 遭难者, 罹难者;动词是victimize,使受害

    10.insurer,noun,a person or company that underwrites an insurance risk; the party in an insurance contract undertaking to pay compensation承保人, 承保公司, 承保方;动词是insure,给…..投保, 给…...保险

     2    固定搭配

    1.financing package, 融资方案/ 计划

    2. get out of,摆脱,逃避

    3. file for,申请

    4. (be) linked to,联系

    eg. be connected/ linked/ associated with,和......有联系

    5. buy up,大量买进

    6.pay off,偿清,还清债务

      3 术语表达

    1.Pacific Gas & Electric´s (PG&E),太平洋瓦斯与电力公司,是美国一家提供加州北部,由加州-俄勒冈州边界至中南部贝克斯菲尔德、约全州三分之二的区域,天然瓦斯和电力服务等的公用事业公司。








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