Sister Carrie and Camel Xiangzi

Sister Carrie and Camel Xiangzi

作者: 哈特花园Paul | 来源:发表于2018-06-08 23:13 被阅读0次
Sister Carrie and Camel Xiangzi

Sister Carrie and Camel Xiangzi

8th June 2018

Sister Carrie and Camel Xiangzi both tell the story of bottom people. But the endings are totally different. These encourage me to think more about Chinese culture and western culture. The hero and the heroine’s backgrounds, gifts and hard-working are so much alike. I am wondering is Chinese culture leaves no chance for people to fulfill their humble dreams.

Sister Carrie is a masterpiece by Theodore Dreiser. It depicts a country girl’s adventure in metropolitan and final achievement of becoming a superstar. Camel Xiangzi describes the story of rickshaw boy’s hard work and repeated failure of even making a dignified living.

Carrie is a beautiful lady, and Xiangzi is a handsome man. Carrie had no choice but to work at factory when she became a new comer of Chicago. Xiangzi had no deposit and no rickshaw, he started his career by renting rickshaw from landlord. Both Carrie and Xiangzi were not so well-educated. Both some rich people fall in love with them. A film agent fell in love with Carrie and the daughter of landlord fell in love with Xiangzi.

Their fates differ after they both endeavor. Carrie luckily found her gift in acting. She tried best to strongthen her talent as a actress. And finally Carrie made a big achievement. Xiangzi bought a rickshaw with his savings. But then his rickshaw was robbed and again he was destituted. Xiangzi had to take a start from the head as tenant.

Why? The hard-workers in western and eastern countries have totally different endings? The cause I confecture is the protection for private property. My idea might be unpersuasive, but I still want a shoot.

When Carrie earned some money, she used the money to dress up her. Having better appearances rewarded her more confidence. All her properties are well protected. They elevate Carrie’s material living standards as well as her mental dignity.

How about Xiangzi? Xiangzi dreamed of buying a rickshaw first, which would bestow him a much higher income in future and in turn help him buy the second rickshaw easier. But his dream was crashed by reality. His lose on his rickshaw robbed his property along with his hope for the future.

This is my idea. Mr Lu Xun says, a culture can be killing if it doesn’t value human beings. In comparison with western culture, sometimes, I do think eastern culture still lacks the care for people and the sense of protection for people’s property.


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