GeekBand笔记: STL与泛型编程(算法)

GeekBand笔记: STL与泛型编程(算法)

作者: Royye | 来源:发表于2016-04-21 20:04 被阅读0次

    generic algorithm


    • in general, the algorithm do not work directly on a container. instead, they operate by traversing a range of elements bounded by two iterators.

      • algorithms never execute container operation themselves. they operate in terms of iterators and iterators operation. therefore, algorithms can not directly add/remove elements or any operation to change the size of container(cause the algorithms operate on iterators, not containers. you know only container can invoke erase/insert/... container operation). however, algorithms can read/write the container elements by iterators operation.
      • e.g. you want to delete a specific element. using algorithms find the iterators denoted to the element, then using container operation erase. vec.erase(find(beg, end, val));
      • e.g. you can use insert_iterator to add elements into a container.
      • Why do you think the algorithms don’t change the size of containers? because the design aim of iterator is to separate the algorithms and containers. if algorithms can directly operate containers, thus, the algorithms have to be compatible with all the containers.
    • so, iterators make the algorithms and container independent.

      • iterators not depend on the type of container
    • but, algorithms do depend on element-type operation

      • for example, find algorithm requires element-type's operator==, some algorithm require operator<

    customizing operations

    • by default, algorithm use the element-type's operator== or operator<

    • if the default operator not exist, or we want customizing algorithm, we need to overload the algorithm. for example:

      • default version: sort(begin, end)
      • overload version: sort(begin, end, predicate)


    • a predicate is an expression that can be called and that returns a value that can be used as a condition.

    • category

      • unary predicate
      • binary predicate
    • the parameter type of the predicate must be compatible with element type!

    Lambda expressions

    • callable object(可调用对象)

      • a object or expression is callable if we can apply the call operator to it
      • that is, if e is callable object. we can write e(args);
    • 4 kinds of callable object

      • function
      • function pointer
      • function object: class which overloaded operator()
      • lambda expression
    • Lambda 表达式简单说就是个匿名函数(译注:原文为in-place function,意思是“用来镶嵌的函数”,但是匿名函数能更精确表达这个含义)

    • lambda form:

      • capture list: an list of local variables defined in the enclosing function, often empty.
      • parameter list: same as ordinary function
      • return type: unlike ordinary function, a lambda must use a trailing return type(尾置返回类型) to specify its return type
      • function body: same as ordinary function
      [capture list](parameter list) -> return type { function body }
      // must always include [capture list] and function body
      // when omit parameter list is equivalent to a empty parameter list
      // when omit return type, than the return type is inferred from the type of expression
      auto f = [] { return 42; }; // return type is int
      cout << f() << endl; // output is 42

    structure of generic algorithms

    the 5 iterator category

    • iterators separate the container and algorithm
    • the iterator operations required by the algorithms are group into 5 iterator category
      • input iterator
        • ==, !=, ++, *, ->
      • output iterator
        • ++, *
      • forward iterator
        • ==, !=, ++, *, ->
        • e.g. forward_list
      • bidirectional iterator
        • ==, !=, ++, --, *, ->
        • support operator ++ and --, algorithm reverse required bidirectional iterator.
        • e.g. list
      • random access iterator
        • ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, ++, --, +, +=, -, -=, -(two iterators), *, ->, iter[n] == * (iter + n)
        • e.g. contiguous-memory container: array, deque, string, vector

    algorithm parameter patterns

    • most of algorithms have one of the following four forms
      • alg(beg, end, args);
      • alg(beg, end, dest, args);
        • dest iterator can be: output_iterator, insert_iterator, ostream_iterator
      • alg(beg, end, beg2, args);
      • alg(beg, end, beg2, end2, args);

    algorithm naming conventions

    • _if version

    • _copy version

    container-specific algorithm

    • unlike the other containers, list and forward_list define several algorithms as members

    • list and forward_list should use member version algorithm in preference to generic algorithm

      • list can use generic version algorithm, but at a cost in performance
    • member version algorithm of list data structure

      lsg.merge(lst2, comp)
    • splice member: this algorithm is particular to list data structure

      lst.splice(p, lst2)
      lst.splice(p, lst2, p2)
      lst.splice(p, lst2, b, e)



          本文标题:GeekBand笔记: STL与泛型编程(算法)
