今日短语总结 伊索寓言 Chapter11-17

今日短语总结 伊索寓言 Chapter11-17

作者: Mint_Owen | 来源:发表于2018-03-31 17:17 被阅读0次

    - chapter11 -

    market-place 市场

    break into 闯进

    be anxious to 急于......

    in a moment 立刻、马上

    rush off 冲出去,奔出去

    call down curses on... (向上天)祈求降罪于......

    claim to 声称

    happen to sb. 发生在某人身上

    be ready to do something 已经准备好做某事.

    pick up 捡起来

    be equalled by 和......等同、相等

    no longer 不再

    invite sb. to dinner 邀请某人来吃晚餐

    in one's turn 轮到某人

    in peace 和平地

    have a friendly talk with sb. 和某人来一次友好的交谈

    - chapter12 -

    get rid of 摆脱,除去

    at first 一开始

    at last 最后

    by the side of 在...附近

    get together 聚在一起

    be chased by 被...追

    chat with somebody 和某人闲聊

    a little bit 一点

    blow … out 使...充气,给...充气

    take a deep breath 深呼吸

    at this moment 现在,此刻

    lead to 导致

    treat illness 治疗疾病

    dry up 干枯,干涸

    set out 出发,启程

    jump down into 跳进去(指向下跳进去)

    live in 居住在

    get bored with 对...产生厌倦

    provide sb. with sth.给某人提供某物

    first of all 首先

    - chapter13 -

    a part of 一部分,一段

    get stuck 被卡住

    kneel down 下跪

    appear to sb. 出现在某人面前

    call on 请求某人

    anyone else其他人

    be about to 刚要做某事

    be afraid of 害怕某人/某事

    challenge sb. to a fight 通过搏斗的方式挑战某人

    celebrate one's victory 庆祝某人的胜利

    turn round 转身

    ask sb. one favor 请求某人帮忙

    - chapter14 -

    make money 赚钱

    laugh at 嘲笑

    be satisfied with 对...感到满意

    sweep over 扫过

    thousands of 成千上万的

    care nothing for 毫不关心…

    human life 人命 (life可指“生活”或者“生命”,需要根据上下文理解)

    crawl up… 爬上...

    bite sb. on… 咬某人的…(某个部位)

    tens of thousands (of)  成千上万(的)

    be anxious to 渴望

    a number of 大量、许多

    wait for 等待,等候

    - chapter15 -

    go under the water 到水下

    with … in his hand 手上拿着......

    be pleased with 对......感到满意

    decide to 决定做…...

    be disappointed by sth. 对某事感到失望

    take away 拿走

    refuse to 拒绝做某事

    throw into 扔进…...

    laugh at 嘲笑

    care little about 毫不在意…...

    lie(过去式:lay) down 躺下

    fall asleep 沉睡

    wake up 醒来

    at the finish line 在终点线

    be fed up 被饲养/ 对...厌恶(文章是第二个意思)

    be in danger 在危险之中

    end one's life 结束生命 (life作“生命”时复数是lives)

    be worse off than 比...情况更糟

    - chapter16 -

    look for 寻找

    pick up 捡起来

    be no use to somebody 对某人来说没用

    piece of 片,块

    look after 照顾

    walk off 走开

    get lost 走丢了,迷路

    not long after 不久以后

    see somebody doing 看见某人正在做某事

    just now 刚才

    wish for 希望得到

    spend time doing something 花时间做某事

    close to 几乎要…...,接近......

    refuse to do 拒绝做某事

    fall down 倒下

    be consistent in 在......上一致

    agree to 同意

    allow somebody to do 允许某人做某事

    get rid of 处理掉,摆脱

    from then on 从那时起

    become a slave to somebody 成为某人的奴隶

    come with somebody 和.....一起去

    at a distance 在远处

    - chapter17 -

    be able/unable to do 能/不能够做某事

    pretend to do 假装做某事

    give favors to somebody 帮助某人

    fail to do 未能做成某事

    at once 立刻,立即

    fight with somebody 和某人打架

    owe … to … 把…...归功于…...

    be worth doing something 值得做某事

    according to 根据

    become jealous of somebody 开始嫉妒某人

    be woken by 被...弄醒

    laugh at 嘲笑

    come up 走上前来

    set somebody free 让某人获得自由

    so long as 只要



          本文标题:今日短语总结 伊索寓言 Chapter11-17
