今日短语总结 伊索寓言 Chapter5-10

今日短语总结 伊索寓言 Chapter5-10

作者: Mint_Owen | 来源:发表于2018-03-24 14:13 被阅读0次

    - chapter5 -

    hide away 藏起来

    pretend to do 假装做…

    be pleased with 对...感到满足

    get close to somebody 靠近某人

    even though 即使

    turn … into 变成

    come near… 靠近……

    lie on sth. 躺在...

    the wedding meal 婚宴

    try to do 尝试做…

    decide to do 决定做…

    prepare to do 准备做

    walk sideways 横向走

    walk straight forward 直着向前走

    one by one 一个接一个

    be (high) enough for 足够(高)

    - chapter6 -

    be used to doing 习惯做...

    a handful of 一把...

    at the sight of 一看见...就...

    tear off 扯下...

    come to an end 结束

    close to death 接近死亡

    a piece of meat 一片肉

    drop into the river 掉进河里

    float away 漂走

    be scared of 害怕...

    prevent sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事

    agree to 同意

    at sunset 日落时

    as usual 照常

    tear... apart 把...撕碎

    - chapter7 -

    before long 不久,很快

    last for 持续了

    persuade somebody to do 劝说某人去做

    give up doing 放弃做某事

    even if 即使

    think to oneself  盘算,自思自忖

    religious statue 宗教的雕像

    show respect for 对...表示尊敬

    take the credit 接受荣誉

    run away 逃跑

    do something too far 做某事过火了

    find out 发现,查明,找出

    be satisfied with 对...满意、满足

    go about 四处走

    be about to 正打算

    - chapter8 -

    carry something/somebody away 把某事/某人带走

    be close to dying 濒临死亡,面临死亡的威胁

    shortly afterward 一会儿之后

    bird catcher 捕鸟人

    make a trap 设陷阱

    show thanks 表示感谢

    lock … in a cage 把…关进一个笼子里

    a large sum of 一大笔 (sum本身是金额的意思)

    have the pleasure of doing …感到开心于做某事

    compare … with 和...对比

    be envious of 嫉妒

    land on 着落在

    the key to …的关键

    - chapter9 -

    all of a sudden 突然

    as ill-luck would have it 不幸的是

    catch sight of 看见

    moving towards ... 朝着...移动

    in a moment 在一瞬间

    make straight for 直奔…

    do something as fast as he could 他尽快地做...

    shall do something 应该做某事

    be worse off 恶化

    get revenge upon/on somebody 报复某人

    tie A to B 把A绑在B上

    keep A from B 让A远离B

    burn up 烧光

    - chapter10 -

    set free 释放

    a piece of advice 一个建议

    decide to do 决定做

    come out of 从…出来

    be attracted to 被…吸引

    break free 冲破束缚

    lead to 导致

    cut off 切掉;切除

    pick up 捡起;啄食;拾起(一门技艺)

    judge somebody by ... 依靠某事来评判某人



          本文标题:今日短语总结 伊索寓言 Chapter5-10
