STL GP 思维 & 6大部件 & Iterator Trai

STL GP 思维 & 6大部件 & Iterator Trai

作者: my_passion | 来源:发表于2020-08-19 00:05 被阅读0次

    1 深入理解 STL GP 思维: Algorithm 利用 Iterator 操作 Container & iterator_traits

        1   两种 Iterator
            [1] native pointer
                `无需 单独定义 Iterator class/type`
                    // vector iterator: T*
                    template <class T, class Alloc = alloc>
                    class vector
                        typedef T           value_type;
                        typedef value_type* iterator;
            [2] smart ptr
                has internal native ptr to specified type
                    // list Iterator
                    template <class T>
                    struct _list_iterator
                        typedef _list_node<T>* link_type;
                        link_type              pnode;
                    // list
                    template <class T, class Alloc = alloc>
                    class list
                        typedef _list_iterator<T> iterator;
        2   STL 设计  `2 大 目标, 4 种 方法`
                `关联 type` 用于 
                    [1] declare obj 
                    [2] 作 return type`
            4 种方法
            [1] 函数模板 实参推导
                    限制: 无法解决 关联类型 作 return type
            [2-4] class 型 Iterator (关联类型) + 
                    `no-traits / iterator_traits 泛化 / iterator_traits 偏特化`
            [2/3] 效果相同
                限制: Iterator 不能为 native pointer
                [3] dif with [2]
                    `为 Iterator class 声明 iterator_traits`
                    => Iter::value_type 变为 iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type`
                `Iterator 可为 native pointer`
                    dif with [3]
                    加 2个 iterator_traits 偏特化版本:T* 和 const T*
                1)  simple Iterator + 单元素容器
                    阐述 Algorithm 如何利用 Iterator 操作 Container 中 element`
                2)  typename: `告诉 compiler 其所修饰的 name 是 type`
                    用途: declare obj 或 作 return type
                3)  `偏特化`
                        对 模板参数 `进一步限制`
                4)  const int* 通过 
                    iterator_traits<T*>         取出 const int 
                    iterator_traits<const T*>   取出 int
        3   例子 
            // 方法 1
            #include <iostream>
            template <class Iter, class T>
            void f_impl(Iter iter, T t) // => para Iter/T: int*/int
                *iter = 2; // t 是 *iter 旧值 的 copy => t 不变
                T tmp;
                tmp = 2 * t;
                std::cout << *iter << ' ' << tmp << std::endl; // 2 2
            template<class Iter>
            inline void f(Iter iter) // => para Iter: int*
                f_impl(iter, *iter);
            int main()
                int val = 1;
                f(&val); // arg: int*
            //  方法 2 
            //--- 1. Complex.h
            // elem_type of container(of single elem)
            #include <iostream>
            class Complex
                int x;
                int y;
                Complex(): x(0), y(0) {}
                Complex(int x1, int y1): x(x1), y(y1) { }
                int getReal() const { return x; }
                int getImag() const { return y; }
            operator << (std::ostream& os, const Complex& c){
                return os << c.getReal() << ',' << c.getImag();
            //--- 2. Iter.h
            template<class T>
            struct Iter
                // 1) associated type
                typedef T value_type;
                // 2) mem data: internal ptr
                // note: associated type declare obj
                value_type* ptr;
                // 3) ctor
                Iter(value_type* p = 0) 
                    : ptr(p) { }
                // 4) behavior
                operator* () const { return *ptr; }
            //--- 3. Alog.h
            template <class Iter>
            typename Iter::value_type //note: associated type as return type of func
            getElem(Iter iter)
                return *iter;
            //--- 4. client.cpp
            #include "Complex.h"
            #include "Iter.h"
            #include "Algo.h"
            int main ()
                //(1) iterator point to elem of container(of single elem)
                Iter<Complex> iter( new Complex(1,2) );
                //(2) algorithm + iter -> operate container
                std::cout << getElem(iter)<< std::endl; // 1, 2
            // 方法 3
            //--- 2. Iter.h
            template<class T>
            struct Iter
                // 1) associated type
                typedef T value_type;
                // 2) mem data: internal ptr
                // associated type declare obj
                value_type* ptr;
                // 3) ctor
                Iter(value_type* p = 0) 
                    : ptr(p) { }
                // 4) behavior
                operator* () const { return *ptr; }
            // dif with 2: 为 Iterator class 声明 iterator_traits
            template <class Iter>
            struct iterator_traits
                typedef typename Iter::value_type value_type;
            //--- 3. Alog.h
            // difference2: Iter::value_type 变为 iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type
            template <class Iter>
            typename iterator_traits<Iter>::value_type //note: associated type as return type of func
            getElem(Iter iter)
                return *iter;
            // 方法 4
            //--- 2. Iter.h
            template<class T>
            struct Iter
                // 1) associated type
                typedef T value_type;
                // 2) mem data: internal ptr
                // associated type declare obj
                value_type* ptr;
                // 3) ctor
                Iter(value_type* p = 0) 
                    : ptr(p) { }
                // 4) behavior
                operator* () const { return *ptr; }
            template <class Iter>
            struct iterator_traits
                typedef typename Iter::value_type value_type;
            // dif with 3: 2个 traits 偏特化版本: T* 和 const T*
            template <class T>
            struct iterator_traits<T*>
                typedef T value_type;
            template <class T>
            struct iterator_traits<const T*>
                typedef T value_type;
            //--- 4. client.cpp
            #include "Complex.h"
            #include "Iter.h"
            #include "Algo.h"
            int main ()
                //(1)Iterator 为 smart pointer -> iterator_traits 泛化
                Iter<Complex> iter( new Complex(1,2) );
                std::cout << getElem(iter)<< std::endl;
                //(2)Iterator 为 native pointer -> iterator_traits 偏特化
                Complex* pComplex = new Complex(1,2);
                std::cout << getElem(pComplex)<< std::endl;

    2 STL 6大部件 & Iterator Traits & OOP 与 GP & 容器 分类 和 关系

    STL 6大部件.png STL 6大部件: 例子.png image.png image.png Iterator Traits.png Iterator Traits.png Iterator Traits.png
        0   概述
            Alexander Stepanov 发现 
                `算法 不依赖` 于 `数据结构 的 特定实现`, 
                    而 仅仅依赖于 数据结构 的一些 `基本语义属性`,
                        在此基础上 `构建出 STL`
                            C++ 标准库  75%左右是 STL, 
                                标准库以 header files 形式呈现
            GNU : GNU's Not Unix    
                类 Unix 设计
            GPL: General Public License 广泛开放授权
        1   STL 体系结构 基础:    STL 6大部件 (Components)
                容器   Container : 即 数据结构
                分配器 Allocator
                算法   Algorithm
                迭代器 Iterator
                适配器 Adapter
                仿函数 Functors / Function object
                Data structures + Algorithms = Programs
                    (1) `容器` 放 data, data 要占 memory
                    (2) 容器 借助 `分配器` 解决掉 memory 问题
                        使 `client 不用 care memory`, 只需 往/从 容器中 放/取 东西即可
                    (3) 容器 是 `template class`
                        操作 data 的 `func 一些放 容器 里`; 
                            `一些 以 telmplate function 独立出来`, 就是 `算法`
                    (4) 算法 处理 容器 中 的 data, 要借助 
                            这个 `泛化的 pointer`
                    (5) `适配器` : 适配 容器 / 迭代器 / 仿函数
                    (6) `仿函数` : 作用像 函数, 可保存 state
                        // eg
                        #include <iostream>
                        #include <vector>
                        #include <algorithm>
                        #include <functional>
                        using namespace std;
                        int main()
                            int array[5] = {3, 1, 5, 10, 8};
                            vector<int, allocator<int> > vec(array, array + 6);
                              cout << cout_if(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 
                                    not1( bind2nd( less<int>() , 6 ) ) ); // 大于等于: not1( less<T> )
                            return 0;
                    选哪种容器 取决于 data 的 分布特性
                    前闭后开 区间
                        标准库 中用于表现 容器 的 头和尾
                        begin() : 头
                        end()   : 尾 下一个位置
        2   Iterator Traits
                Traits: 从丢给它的东西中 提取出 想要的特征
                Iterator 让算法知道要处理的 data scope
            (1) 算法 问 Iterator: 你的 特征 是什么 ?`
                1) class 型 Iterator 自己可以 回答
                2) non-class / native pointer 型 Iterator 自己无法回答
                        借助 `中间层 ( 银弹 silver bullet )` Traits ( `偏特化` ) `替自己回答`
                    为 统一接口 -> class 型 Iterator 也 借助 Traits ( 泛化 ) 替自己回答
            (2) Iterator Traits + 泛化 / 偏特化` 作用 
                1) 区分 Iterator 是 class 还是 native pointer, 
                    区分 native ptr 指向 non-const 还是 const ( 是 T* / const T* )
                2) 提取 class Iterator 5 种 关联类型
                3) 提取 native pointer 的 value type
        3   OOP vs. GP
            data / 操作 data 的 func
                均放 容器        -  OO
                放   容器 / 算法 -   GP
                    => OO 和 GP 思路不同
        (1) OP 企图 把 data 和 method 关联起来
            list 里有 sort
        (2) GP 企图 把 data 和 methods 分开
            sort 独立出来放在 Algorithms 中, 作 global func
            ::sort( c.begin(), c.end() );
                Containers 和 Algorithms 团队可各自闭门造车, 
                    其间以 Iterators 沟通 即可:
                        Algorithm 通过 Iterators 确定操作范围,  
                            存/取 Container element
            template <typename T>
            inline const T& 
            min(const T& a, const T& b)
                return b < a ? b : a;
            Container: T 类型 怎么规定 < ?
                由 T 自己决定 
                    => T 要 重载 `operator <`
            Algorithm: min 不用关注 < 怎么实现
            `STL Algorithm 中 sort 所用 Iterator` 要求 `随机存取 Iterator,  list::iterator 不满足`
                `所有 algrothms`, 其内 `最终涉及 元素本身` 的操作, 无非就是 `比大小`
        4   容器 分类 和 关系
            Gnu2.9.1 中很少有继承
            class A 要用到 class B 功能: B 复合 / 继承 A
            缩排容器间: 复合关系
                set 中 has a rb_tree

    3.1 vector

    image.png insert.png insert.png insert.png
        序列式 容器
        几乎任何 特定 data structure 都是为了 
            实现某种 特定 algorithm
        STL容器 就是实现出 运用最广的一些 data structure
            G4.9版 实现用了很多继承, 很复杂, 但不见得好
        1   概述
            (1) vector 是 动态 array, 当 满载 & 继续放元素 时, vector 会 
                另寻空间, 并 自动 2 倍 增长
                    每次扩充, 有大量的 copy ctor(旧 vector copy 到新 vector)
                        和 dtor ( 旧vector 元素)
            (2) memory 中 不能在原地扩充
                因为 vector 在 memory 某处产生后, 
                    其后 memory 是否使用, 及 有多大 space 并不知道
                    所以, vector 自动扩充 时,
                (1) 另寻一块 2 倍 的空间 
                (2) 把 旧空间元素 拷过去,新元素 紧随 旧元素 后面放 
                (3) 释放原空间
                    `重新配置, 移动数据, 释放原空间`
            (3) 用 3 根 pointer 就可控制整个 vector: strat, finish, end_of_storage`**
                sizeof( vector_obj ) = 3 * 4 = 12
        2   source code
            `任意容器, 若 空间(vector) / 逻辑(deque) 连续,就必须提供 operator []`**
            vector 初始容量为 0 时, new_size 设为 1; 
                否则, 无法扩充
            #include <iostream>
            #include <algorithm> // std::copy_backward / std::max
            #include <memory> // std::allocator / std::uninitialized_copy 等 3个func / std::destroy
            #include <new.h>  // placement new
            //------ 1. construct + destory
            template <class T>
            construct(T* p, const T& value)
                // placement new: 调 copy ctor / T::T(value)
                new(p) T(value); 
            // destory 2 个 版本: 
            //      destory an elem / 
            //      elems of a scope(mot std version)
            template <class T>
            destory(T* p)
                p->~T();  // call dtor
            template <class ForwardIterator>
            destory(ForwardIterator first,
                    ForwardIterator last)
                for (; first != last; ++first)
            //------ 2. simple_alloc
            template<class T, class Alloc>
            class simple_alloc
                static T*
                allocate(size_t elem_num)
                    return 0 == elem_num ? 0 :
                        (T *) Alloc().allocate(elem_num * sizeof(T));
                static void
                deallocate(T* p, size_t elem_num)
                    if (elem_num != 0)
                        Alloc().deallocate(p, elem_num * sizeof(T));
            //------ 3. vector
            template<class T, class Alloc = std::allocator<T> >
            class vector
                //(1) 5 associated type
                typedef T           value_type;
                typedef value_type* pointer;
                typedef value_type& reference;
                typedef size_t      size_type;
                typedef ptrdiff_t   difference_type;
                //(2) typedef iterator type: T* 
                typedef value_type* iterator;
                //(3) typedef allocator type
                typedef simple_alloc<value_type, Alloc> data_allocator;
                //(4) mem data: three pointers to manage vector
                iterator start;
                iterator finish;
                iterator end_of_storage;
                //------protected func
                //(1) set three pointer to vector
                void allocate_fill_init(size_type elem_num, const T& value)
                    start = allocate_fill(elem_num, value);
                    finish = start + elem_num;
                    end_of_storage = finish;
                iterator allocate_fill(size_type elem_num, const T& x) 
                    iterator iter = data_allocator::allocate(elem_num);
                    std::uninitialized_fill_n(iter, elem_num, x);
                    return iter;
                //(2) free/释放 vector memory space 
                void deallocate()
                    if (start)
                        data_allocator::deallocate(start, size() );
                //(3) for push_back to use
                void insert_aux(iterator position, const T& x);
            public: //--- interface
                //(1) ctor
                //1) default
                vector() : start(0), finish(0), end_of_storage(0) { }
                //2) elem_num + initialized_value
                vector(size_type elem_num, const T& value)
                    allocate_fill_init(elem_num, value);
                //3) elem_num
                explicit vector(size_type elem_num)
                    allocate_fill_init(elem_num, T() );
                //(2) dtor
                    ::destory(start, finish);
                //(3) size/capacity/is_empty
                // size() 直接调 begin() end() 实现, 
                // 好处: 无论 begin() end() 如何定义, size() 实现不变
                { return size_type( end() - begin() ); }
                { return size_type( end_of_storage - begin() ); }
                { return begin() == end(); }
                //(4) get head/tail iterator
                begin() { return start; }
                end() { return finish; }
                //(5) get reference to head/tail/n_th elem
                front() { return *begin(); }
                back() { return *( end() - 1); }
                operator[](size_type index) 
                { return *( begin() + index ); }
                //(6) push_back(insert into tail + call insert_aux)
                push_back(const T& x)
                    if (finish != end_of_storage)
                        ::construct(finish, x); 
                    else // fuul load + insert
                        insert_aux(end(), x);
                // pop_back
                // remove tail elem + ,并调整大小
                //(7) erase elem in position
                erase(iterator position)
                    if (position + 1 != end() )
                        // move forward(前移) the latter(后面的) elems 
                        std::copy(position + 1, finish, position); 
                    return position;
                // erase elems in [first, last)
                erase(iterator first, iterator last);
                insert(iterator position, size_type elem_num, const T& x);
            template <class T, class Alloc>
            void vector<T, Alloc>::
            insert_aux(iterator position, const T& x)
                // not full load
                if (finish != end_of_storage) 
                    //(1) construct tail elem with the front elem
                    ::construct(finish, *(finish - 1) );
                    //(2) finish updated
                    //(3) move elem: finish - 3, ..., pos -> finish - 2, ..., pos + 1
                    // copy_back: [pos, finish - 2) -> [ , finish - 1)
                    std::copy_backward(position, finish - 2, finish - 1);
                    //(4) fill position_th elem
                    T x_copy = x;
                    *position = x_copy;
                else // full load
                    const size_type 
                    old_size = size();
                    const size_type 
                    new_size = old_size != 0 ? 2 * old_size : 1;
                    // (1) allocate new_size elems
                    iterator new_start = data_allocator::allocate(new_size);
                    iterator new_finish = new_start;
                        //(2) move old elem + insert_elem to new space
                        // 1) fill before position , [start, position) -> [new_start, new_start + position - start = new_finish)
                        new_finish = std::uninitialized_copy(start, position, new_start);
                        // 2) fill position, position -> new_finish
                        ::construct(new_finish, x);
                        // 3) fill after position , [position, finish) -> [..., ...]
                        new_finish = std::uninitialized_copy(position, finish, new_finish);
                    catch (...)
                        ::destory(new_start, new_finish);
                        data_allocator::deallocate(new_start, new_size);
                    // (3) destory & free old vec space
                    ::destory(begin(), end() );
                    // (4) modify three pointers to manage new vector space
                    start = new_start;
                    finish = new_finish;
                    end_of_storage = new_start + new_size;
            template <class T, class Alloc>
            void vector<T, Alloc>::
            insert(iterator position, size_type insert_num, const T& x)
                if (insert_num != 0)
                    //(1) left_space_size >= insert_bun
                    if ( size_type(end_of_storage - finish) > insert_num) 
                        T x_copy = x;
                        const size_type elem_num_after_pos = finish - position;
                        iterator old_finish = finish;
                        // 利用 9 大 memory func: move elems of scope
                        // note: std::copy_backward is flexible
                        if (elem_num_after_pos > insert_num)
                            std::uninitialized_copy(finish - insert_num, finish, finish);
                            finish += insert_num;
                            std::copy_backward(position, old_finish - insert_num, old_finish);
                            std::fill(position, position + insert_num, x_copy);
                        else // <
                            std::uninitialized_fill_n(finish, insert_num - elem_num_after_pos, x_copy);
                            finish += (insert_num - elem_num_after_pos);
                            std::uninitialized_copy(position, old_finish, finish);
                            finish += elem_num_after_pos;
                            std::fill(position, old_finish, x_copy);
                    else //(2) left_space_size < insert_bun => space not enough
                        // size of new scope has different strategy
                        const size_type old_size = size();
                        const size_type new_size = old_size + std::max(old_size, insert_num);
                        iterator new_start = data_allocator::allocate(new_size);
                        iterator new_finish = new_start;
                        new_finish = std::uninitialized_copy(start, position, new_start);
                        new_finish = std::uninitialized_fill_n(new_finish, insert_num, x);
                        new_finish = std::uninitialized_copy(position, finish, new_finish);
                        ::destory(start, finish);
                        start = new_start;
                        finish = new_finish;
                        end_of_storage = new_start + new_size;
            int main()
                vector<int> vec;
                // iter -> 3
                vector<int>::iterator iter = vec.begin() + 2; 
                vector<int>::iterator iter1;
                for (iter1 = vec.begin(); iter1 != vec.end(); ++iter1)
                    std::cout << *iter1 << ' ';
                    std::cout << std::endl;
                vec.insert(iter, 2, 6);
                for (iter1 = vec.begin(); iter1 != vec.end(); ++iter1)
                    std::cout << *iter1 << ' ';
                    std::cout << std::endl;
        3   vector 的 iterator
            vector 是 线性连续空间 
                => 其 iterator 为 native ptr = T*

    3.2 list

    image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png
        list 最具代表性
        list 优势
            (1) 插入/删除 1个 元素, 就 配置/释放 1个 元素空间 
                - 空间效率高
            (2) 在指定 position 插入/删除, 通常是常数时间 - 时间效率高
        1   G2.9 版本 可改进 处
            标准库团队也不见得都是神, 可能也有设计不合理的地方, 
            所以 才会一直演进.
            同样, 新版本 也不见得一定比 旧版本好
                G4.9 里 不合理的继承 就显得乱七八糟
            (1) list node pointer 域 必然指向 另一 list node 
                => prev/next pointer 没必要用 void*, 使用时 还要转型
                // G2.9
                template <class T>
                struct _list_node
                    typedef void* void_pointer;
                    void_pointer prev; 
                    void_pointer next;
                    T data;
                // 改进后
                template <typename T>
                struct _list_node
                    _list_node<T>* prev;
                    _list_node<T>* next;
                    T data;
            (2) iterator template para 只用1个 elem type T 即可
                第 2/3 template para: Ref / Ptr == T& / T*
                template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr>
                struct _list_iterator
                    //(1) 5 associated type
                    typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag  iterator_category;
                    typedef T                           value_type;       
                    typedef ptrdiff_t                   difference_type;  
                    typedef Ptr                         pointer;          
                    typedef Ref                         reference;        
                    //(2) typedef self alias(别名)
                    typedef _list_iterator<T, T&, T*> iterator;
                    typedef _list_iterator<T, Ref, Ptr> self;
                    //(3) typedef list_node pointer type
                    typedef _list_node<T>* link_type;
                    //(4) 只 1 个 mem data: a native pointer to list_node
                    link_type pnode; 
                // 改进 version
                template <class T>
                struct _list_iterator
                    //(1) 5 associated type
                    typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag  iterator_category;
                    typedef T                           value_type;       
                    typedef ptrdiff_t                   difference_type;  
                    typedef T*                          pointer;          
                    typedef T&                          reference;        
                    //(2) typedef self alias
                    typedef _list_iterator<T> iterator;
                    typedef _list_iterator<T> self;
                    //(3) typedef list_node pointer type
                    typedef _list_node<T>* link_type;
                    //(4) only one mem data: a native pointer to list_node
                    link_type pnode;  
                    `实际上 G4.9 中就做了上述改进`
        2   list node 的 data structure -> 构成 双向链表
            template <typename T>
            struct _list_node
                _list_node<T>* prev;
                _list_node<T>* next;
                T data;
        3   list iterator 的 data structure
            `manage list iterator: 只需要 1 根 node pointer` 
            // 改进 version
            template <class T>
            struct _list_iterator
                //(1) 5 associated type
                typedef bidirectional_iterator_tag  iterator_category;
                typedef T                           value_type;       
                typedef ptrdiff_t                   difference_type;  
                typedef T*                          pointer;          
                typedef T&                          reference;        
                //(2) typedef self alias
                typedef _list_iterator<T> iterator;
                typedef _list_iterator<T> self;
                //(3) typedef list_node pointer type
                typedef _list_node<T>* link_type;
                //(4) only one mem data: a native pointer to list_node
                link_type pnode; 
                //--- mem func
                // (1) ctor
                // 1) default
                _list_iterator() { }
                // 2) para type: pointer to list_node
                _list_iterator(link_type p) : pnode(p) { }
                // (2)copy ctor, para: iterator
                _list_iterator(const iterator& iter) 
                    : pnode(iter.pnode) { }
                // (3) == !=
                bool operator==(const self& iter) const
                { retrun pnode == iter.pnode; }
                bool operator!=(const self& iter) const
                { retrun pnode != iter.pnode; }
                // (4) * ->
                reference operator* () const 
                { return (*pnode).data; } 
                // pnode is pointer => 可用 *p == p_obj
                // 再用 mem operator .
                // operator-> call operator*
                pointer operator-> ()  const 
                { return &( operator*() ); }
                // (5) prefix ++
                self& operator++()
                    pnode = (link_type)( (*pnode).next );
                    return *this;
                // postfix ++
                self operator++(int)
                    self tmp = *this;
                    ++*this; // call prefix ++
                    return tmp;
        Note:   `prefix/postfix ++ 中 *this 不会唤起 operator* 的 3 种 情形`
            (1) return *this;
                return by reference => 不 唤起 什么
            (2) self tmp = *this;
            *this 作 arg of 作 copy ctor
            (3) ++*this;
            *this 作 arg of operator++
        2   `operator-> 特性`
            -> 作用下去( 即 调 operator->() ) 的 result, 
                继续用 -> 作用下去, 直到触及 a pointer to a build-in type
                    // construct list
                    std::list<Foo>::iterator iter 
                        = list.begin(); 
                    iter->method();         // <=>        
                    ( &(*iter) )->method(); // <=>
                    (*iter).method(); // (*iter) is a Foo_obj
        4   list 的 data structure
            manage list: 只需要 1 根 node pointer` 
                _list_iterator / list 的 mem data 都只有 1个 node pointer
                => sizeof( list对象 ) = 4
            为 符合 STL `前开后闭区间 ( 处理时带来很多方便 )` 要求, 
            让 `list 内部的 node pointer` 指向 `list 尾部 list.end() - 1` 后的 `空白结点 list.end()`
            // list source
            // ------ allocator.h
            #ifndef _ALLOCATOR_H
            #define _ALLOCATOR_H
            #include <new>  // placement new
            #include <iostream>
            //------ 1. 第 1 级 allocator
            class __malloc_alloc
                // note: func name 本身就是 func address:
                //  即 func <=> &func
                //(1) new_handler :    为 func pointer type 
                // new_handler pf : pf 为 func pointer
                // void (* pf)()  : pf 为 func pointer
                typedef void (*new_handler)();
                //(2) global handler : record the current func pointer
                static new_handler global_handler;
                static void* allocate(size_t n)
                    set_new_handler(handler); //<=> set_new_handler(&handler);
                    void* chunk = malloc(n);
                    // malloc 失败时, 调 oom_malloc()
                    if (0 == chunk)
                        chunk = oom_malloc(n);
                    return chunk;
                //(4) set_new_handler: 仿 std::set_new_handler
                static new_handler set_new_handler(new_handler pf)
                    new_handler previous_handler = global_handler;
                    // update global handler to be specified func's pointer
                    global_handler = pf;
                    return previous_handler;
                //(5) handler func
                static void handler()
                {       // 企图 释放 memory
                    std::cout << "make more memory available\n";
                static void* oom_malloc(size_t n)
                    new_handler local_handler = 0;
                    void* mem;
                    // 不断尝试(这里限制次数) 释放, 配置, 释放, 配置
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        // 1) 取 the recorded handler func pointer from global_handler
                        local_handler = global_handler;
                        if (0 == local_handler)
                        // 2) 调 specified handler func
                        // 3) malloc again
                        mem = malloc(n);
                        if (mem)
                            return mem;
                static void deallocate(void* p, size_t)
            typedef __malloc_alloc malloc_alloc;
            //------ 2. 第 2 级 allocator
            //--- 3个 enum
                ALIGN = 8 // 最小 memory block
            enum { MAX_BYTES = 128 };
            enum { FREE_LIST_NUM = MAX_BYTES / ALIGN }; // 16 条 free_list 
            class __default_alloc
                // union 一物二用: 实现 节省 list node 的 pointer 域 空间
                union obj
                    union obj* next;
                    char client_data[1];
                // --- 4 static mem
                // free_list[16] array: 16 free-list
                static obj* volatile
                // memory pool management: 2 pointer 
                static char* start_free;
                static char* end_free;
                // accumulate var: request memory from OS 时, 
                // 用于 下次再 request from OS 时, 附加 request 的量
                static size_t heap_size;
                // request_mem_blk_bytes -> which free_list: free_list[i]
                static size_t freelist_index(size_t request_mem_blk_bytes)
                    return (request_mem_blk_bytes + ALIGN - 1) / ALIGN - 1;
                // request_mem_blk_bytes 上调至 8(= b1000) 的倍数:
                // & 1111 1000 = & ~(ALIGN - 1)
                static size_t ROUND_UP(size_t request_mem_blk_bytes)
                    return (request_mem_blk_bytes + ALIGN - 1) & ~(ALIGN - 1);
                static void* refill(size_t n);
                static char* chunk_alloc(size_t n, int& req_blk_num);
            public: // 2 interface func
                static void* allocate(size_t req_blk_size);
                static void deallocate(void* p, size_t n);
            typedef __default_alloc alloc;
            //------ 3. simple_alloc
            //------ 3. wrapper class template: simple_alloc
            template<class T, class Alloc>
            class simple_alloc
                static T*
                    allocate(size_t elem_num)
                    return 0 == elem_num ? 0 :
                        (T *) Alloc::allocate(elem_num * sizeof(T));
                static void
                    deallocate(T* p, size_t elem_num)
                    if (elem_num != 0)
                        Alloc::deallocate(p, elem_num * sizeof(T));
            // ------ allocator.cpp
            #include "allocator.h"
            malloc_alloc::new_handler malloc_alloc::global_handler = 0;
            //--- 4 static mem data initialize
            alloc::obj* volatile
            alloc::free_list[FREE_LIST_NUM] = { 0 };
            char* alloc::start_free = 0;
            char* alloc::end_free = 0;
            size_t alloc::heap_size = 0;
            void* alloc::allocate(size_t req_blk_size)
            {   // client 请求: req_blk_size, 只 请求 1 个 memory blk
                obj* volatile* my_free_list;
                obj* target_free_list_pobj;
                if (req_blk_size > (size_t)MAX_BYTES)
                    // 转向 调 第 1 级 allocator
                    return (malloc_alloc::allocate(req_blk_size));
                my_free_list = free_list + freelist_index(req_blk_size);
                target_free_list_pobj = *my_free_list;
                if (target_free_list_pobj == 0) // list empty
                    // request mem-blk from memory pool
                    void* res = refill(ROUND_UP(req_blk_size));
                    return res;
                // seperate the first mem_blk from target_free_list
                *my_free_list = target_free_list_pobj->next;
                // void* p = pobj => pobj implicitly converted to void*
                return target_free_list_pobj;
            void* __default_alloc::refill(size_t req_blk_size_align)
                int req_blk_num = 20;
                //(1) allocator 内部 尝试 / 实际 request 
                // req_blk_num < / = 20 个 区块 from memory pool
                // req_blk_num pass by reference to be modified
                char* chunk = chunk_alloc(req_blk_size_align, req_blk_num);
                obj* volatile* my_free_list;
                obj* return_pobj, * current_pobj, * next_pobj;
                //(2) 只请求到 1 个 mem_blk
                if (0 == req_blk_num || 1 == req_blk_num) // else >= 2
                    return chunk;
                //(3) the first mem_blk to be returned to client
                return_pobj = (obj*)chunk;
                //(4) other req_blk_num -1 个 mem_blks linked to free_list
                my_free_list = free_list
                    + freelist_index(req_blk_size_align);
                    = next_pobj
                    = (obj*)(chunk + req_blk_size_align);
                // 第 2th ~ req_blk_num th mem_blk linked to list
                // the requested req_blk_num 个 mem_blk 是 连续 memory
                // loop every mem_blk: 
                // 1) initialize next_head point to the start 
                // 2) current_head point to next_head
                // 3) next_head updated to point to the real next blk
                //    => [current_head, next_head) 为 the current blk
                // 4) link
                for (int i = 0; ; i++)
                    current_pobj = next_pobj;
                    next_pobj = (obj*)((char*)next_pobj
                        + req_blk_size_align);
                    // 第 2 ~ req_blk_num - 1 个 blk         
                    if (i < req_blk_num - 2)
                        current_pobj->next = next_pobj;
                    else // 第 req_blk_num 个 blk
                        current_pobj->next = 0;
                return return_pobj;
            char* __default_alloc::
            chunk_alloc(size_t req_blk_size_align, int& req_blk_num)
                char* chunk;
                size_t half_blks_bytes_to_get = req_blk_num * req_blk_size_align;
                size_t mem_pool_left = end_free - start_free;
                //(1) mem_pool_left 够 req_blk_num 个 blk -> 分配 req_blk_num 个
                if (mem_pool_left >= half_blks_bytes_to_get)
                    chunk = start_free;
                    start_free += half_blks_bytes_to_get;
                    return chunk; // 递归出口            
                else if (mem_pool_left > req_blk_size_align)
                { //(2) 够 n >=1 个 blk => 分配 n 个 
                    req_blk_num = mem_pool_left / req_blk_size_align;
                    half_blks_bytes_to_get = req_blk_num * req_blk_size_align;
                    chunk = start_free;
                    start_free += half_blks_bytes_to_get;
                    return chunk; // 递归出口
                else // (3) 不够 1 个 blk: request from OS, molloc will allocate
                    //(4) mem_pool 余量 全 配给 适当 free_list[i]
                    if (mem_pool_left > 0)
                        // mem_pool 不足 1 个 req_blk:
                        // 必然有 刚好能 store 该 req_blk 的 某个 free_list
                        // 头插法 insert into 该 free_list
                        obj* volatile* my_free_list
                            = free_list + freelist_index(mem_pool_left);
                        ((obj*)start_free)->next = *my_free_list;
                        *my_free_list = (obj*)start_free;
                    //(5) 向 OS 请求
                    size_t bytes_to_get = 2 * half_blks_bytes_to_get
                        + ROUND_UP(heap_size >> 4);
                    start_free = (char*)malloc(bytes_to_get);
                    if (start_free == 0)
                    {   // heap memory 不足 -> malloc 失败
                        // (6) 从 req_blk_size_align 相应 free_list[i] 下一 free_list 开始,
                        // 循环遍历 后面 free_list[ j > i ]: 可能含 `unused larger 区块`
                        //      larger_blk 必为 req_blk_size_align 整数倍大小
                        // 若 有 
                        //    (7) 拨 1 个 mem_blk 放 mem_pool
                        //    (8) 再 调 自身 chunk_alloc, 向 mem_pool 申请
                        obj* volatile* my_free_list, * p;
                        for (size_t size = req_blk_size_align;
                            size <= MAX_BYTES;
                            size += ALIGN)
                                = free_list + freelist_index(mem_pool_left);
                            p = *my_free_list;
                            if (p)
                                *my_free_list = p->next;
                                start_free = (char*)p;
                                end_free = start_free + size;
                                return (chunk_alloc(size, req_blk_num));
                        end_free = 0; // execute here => there are no memory anywhere
                        // 看 第 1级 allocator 的 out_of_memory 是否 有作用
                        start_free = (char*)malloc_alloc::allocate(bytes_to_get);
                    //(10) update heap_size
                    heap_size += bytes_to_get;
                    //(11) update mem_pool tail
                    //     head 在 前面已 modify
                    end_free = start_free + bytes_to_get;
                    //(12) 递归调自己, 以修正 req_blk_num 
                    return chunk_alloc(req_blk_size_align, req_blk_num);
            void __default_alloc::deallocate(void* p, size_t req_blk_size)
                if (req_blk_size > (size_t)MAX_BYTES)
                    //(1) 调 第1级 allocator
                    malloc_alloc::deallocate(p, req_blk_size);
                obj* q = (obj*)p;
                obj* volatile* my_free_list;
                my_free_list = free_list
                    + freelist_index(req_blk_size);
                //(2) recycle the freed mem_blk to free-list
                q->next = *my_free_list;
                *my_free_list = q;
        //------ list.cpp
        #include <memory> // std::data_allocator
        #include <new>  // placement new
        #include <iterator> // std::iterator / std::distance( InputIt first, InputIt last );
        #include <iostream>
        #include "allocator.h"
        //------ construct + destory
        template <class T>
        construct(T* p, const T& value)
            // placement new: 调 copy ctor / T::T(value)
            new(p) T(value); 
        // destory 2 个 版本: an elem/elems_collection
        template <class T>
        destory(T* p)
            p->~T();  // call dtor
        template <class ForwardIterator>
        destory(ForwardIterator first,
                ForwardIterator last)
            for (; first != last; ++first)
        //------ 1. _list_node
        template <typename T>
        struct _list_node
            _list_node<T>* prev;
            _list_node<T>* next;
            T data;
        //------ 2. _list_iterator
        template <class T>
        struct _list_iterator
            //: std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, T>
            //(1) 5 associated type
            typedef std::bidirectional_iterator_tag  iterator_category;
            typedef T                           value_type;
            typedef ptrdiff_t                   difference_type;
            typedef T* pointer;
            typedef T& reference;
            //(2) typedef self alias
            typedef _list_iterator<T> iterator;
            typedef _list_iterator<T> self;
            //(3) typedef list_node pointer type
            typedef _list_node<T>* link_type;
            //(4) only one mem data: a native pointer to list_node
            link_type pnode;
            //--- mem func
            // (1) ctor
            // 1) default
            _list_iterator() { }
            // 2) para type: pointer to list_node
            _list_iterator(link_type p) : pnode(p) { }
            // (2)copy ctor, para: iterator
            _list_iterator(const iterator& iter)
                : pnode(iter.pnode) { }
            // (3) == !=
            bool operator==(const self& iter) const
                return pnode == iter.pnode;
            bool operator!=(const self& iter) const
                return pnode != iter.pnode;
            // (4) * ->
            reference operator* () const
                return (*pnode).data;
            // pnode is pointer => 可用 *p == p_obj
            // 再用 mem operator .
            // operator-> call operator*
            pointer operator-> ()  const
                return &(operator*());
            // (5) prefix ++
            self& operator++()
                pnode = (link_type)((*pnode).next);
                return *this;
            // postfix ++
            self operator++(int)
                self tmp = *this;
                ++* this; // call prefix ++
                return tmp;
        //------ 3. list
        template<class T, class Alloc = alloc >
        class list
            // 4 typedef
            typedef _list_node<T>* link_type;
            typedef _list_iterator<T> iterator;
            typedef T* pointer;
            typedef T& reference;
            typedef std::size_t size_type;
            typedef _list_node<T> list_node;
            typedef simple_alloc<list_node, Alloc> data_allocator;
            // only one mem data: list_node_pointer
            link_type pnode;
        protected: //--- internal func
            //(1) allocate/deallocate/construt/destory a node
            link_type construct_node()
                return data_allocator::allocate(1);
            void free_node(link_type const p)
                data_allocator::deallocate(p, 1);
            link_type create_node(const T& x)
                link_type p = construct_node();
                ::construct(&p->data, x);
                return p;
            void destory_node(link_type const p)
            //(2) only one blank_node: 
            // 1) only allocate, but not construct
            // 2) prev/next both point to itself
            void creat_empty_list()
                pnode = construct_node();  
                pnode->next = pnode; 
                pnode->prev = pnode;
            void clear_empty_list()
        public: // --- interface func
            //(1) ctor / dtor
            list() { creat_empty_list(); }
            ~list() { clear_empty_list(); }
            //(2) 4 kinds simple funcs 
            // 1) head/tail
            iterator begin()
                return iterator( (*pnode).next );
            iterator end()
                return iterator(pnode);
            // 2) reference to head/tail
            reference front() { return *begin(); }
            reference back() { return *( --begin() ); }
            // 3) is_empty
            bool empty() const
                return pnode->next == pnode;
            // 4) size
            size_type size() const
                return std::distance(begin(), end() );
            //(3) 3 fundamental func => other func
            // 1) insert a node before position
            iterator insert(iterator position, const T& x)
                link_type tmp = create_node(x);
                // 4 steps
                tmp->next = position.pnode;
                tmp->prev = position.pnode->prev;
                (position.pnode->prev)->next = tmp;
                position.pnode->prev = tmp;
                return iterator(tmp);
            // 2) destory_deallocate positioned node
            iterator erase(iterator position) 
                link_type next_node = link_type(position.pnode->next);
                link_type prev_node = link_type(position.pnode->prev);
                prev_node->next = next_node;
                next_node->prev = prev_node;
                return iterator(next_node);
            // 3) move elems in [first, last) to position_front
            void transfer(iterator position, iterator first, iterator last);
            //(4) push_back/front to tail_back/head_front
            void push_back(const T& x)
                insert(end(), x);
            void push_front(const T& x)
                insert(begin(), x);
            //(5) pop_back/front: remoce head/tail, but not free space
            void pop_back()
                iterator tmp = end();
            void pop_front()
                erase( begin() );
            //(6) destory_deallocate list: only left blank_node
            void clear();
            //(7) remove consecutive nodes with the same value,
            //  only left the first
            void unique();
            //(8) 接合
            void splice(iterator position, iterator first, iterator last);
            void splice(iterator position, iterator iter);
            void splice(iterator position, list& list2);
            //(9) 合并 2个递增 list 为 1个 新递增 list
            void merge(list<T, Alloc>& list2);
            //(10) 逆向重置 list
            void reverse();
            //(11) sort: 内部用 快排
            void sort();
        //------ clear / splice : easy
        template <class T, class Alloc>
        void list<T, Alloc>::
            link_type cur_pnode = pnode->next; 
            while (cur_pnode != pnode)          
                link_type tmp = cur_pnode;
                cur_pnode = cur_pnode->next;          
            pnode->next = pnode;
            pnode->prev = pnode;
        // 接合 splice = transfer + 适当区间 
        // 把 iter_scope [first, last) elem(s) 接合于 position 之前
        // 其他 2 种重载 只要 转化为 区间形式即可
        //      对 [iter, ++iter) / [list2.begin(), list2.end()) 用 transfer 
        template <class T, class Alloc>
        void list<T, Alloc>::
        splice(iterator position, iterator first, iterator last)
            if(first != last)
                transfer(position, first, last);
        template <class T, class Alloc>
        void list<T, Alloc>::
        splice(iterator position, iterator iter)
            // iter/next == position 时, do nothing
            iterator next = ++iter;
            if( iter == position || next == position)
            transfer(position, iter, next);
        template <class T, class Alloc>
        void list<T, Alloc>::
        splice(iterator position, list& list2)
            if( ! list2.empty() )
                transfer(position, list2.begin(), list2.end());
        //------ unique: 双指针
        template <class T, class Alloc>
        void list<T, Alloc>::
            iterator current = begin();
            iterator tail_off_one = end();
            if (current == tail_off_one)
            iterator next = current;
            while (++next != tail_off_one)   
                if (*next == *current) 
                    current = next;   
                next = current;       
        //------ 3 merge list2 to list1: 5 iterator
        // (1) 2对 [current, last) 形成 动态处理区间 
        // (2) list2 的 two iterator: next / current2 联动
        template<class T, class Alloc>
        void list<T, Alloc>::
        merge(list<T, Alloc>& list2)
            iterator current1 = begin();
            iterator last1 = end();
            iterator current2 = list2.begin();
            iterator last2 = list2.end();
            //(1) case1: list1/list2 都没 遍历完
            while(current1 != last1 && current2 != last2)
                if(*current2 < *current1) 
                {   // 3 steps
                    iterator next = current2;            
                    transfer(current1, current2, ++next); 
                    current2 = next;                    
                else //=> list1 traverse_iter ++ : ready for the next loop to judge
            //(2) case2: list2/list1 遍历完/没遍历完(irst2 == last2 / first1 != last1),
            //    则 merge 已完成
            //(3) case3: list1/list2 遍历完/没遍历完,
            //    则 transfer list2 剩余部分 到 list1.end() 之前 
            if(current2 != last2) 
                transfer(last1, current2, last2);
        // reverse: 逐个 transfer [2th, end() ) elem to begin() 前
        template<class T, class Alloc>
        void list<T, Alloc>::
            //---1. list 有 0/1 个 node, do_nothing
            if( pnode->next == pnode || (pnode->next)->next == pnode ) 
            iterator current = begin();
            while(current != end() )
                iterator current_old = current;
                transfer(begin(), current_old, current);
        // --- the most important func: not hard
        template<class T, class Alloc>
        void list<T, Alloc>::
        transfer(iterator pos, iterator first, iterator last)
            if(pos != last) // else do_nothing
            {   // 7 steps
                ( *(*last.pnode).prev ).next = pos.pnode;
                ( *(*pos.pnode).prev ).next = first.pnode;
                link_type tmp = (*first.pnode).prev;
                (*first.pnode).prev = (*pos.pnode).prev;
                (*pos.pnode).prev = (*last.pnode).prev;
                tmp->next = last.pnode;
                (*last.pnode).prev = tmp;       
        int main()
            list<int> list1;
            list<int> list2;
            list<int>::iterator ite1_beg = list1.begin();
            list<int>::iterator ite1_end = list1.end();
            list<int>::iterator ite2_beg = list2.begin();
            list<int>::iterator ite2_end = list2.begin();
            for(ite1_beg = list1.begin(); 
                ite1_beg != list1.end();
                std::cout << *ite1_beg << std::endl;
            for(ite1_beg = list1.begin(); 
                ite1_beg != list1.end();
                std::cout << *ite1_beg << std::endl;
        5   重要算法图示
            `transfer 思维 很重要`
            transfer: other 算法 的 基础, 实现不难
            position 与 [first, last) 可 属于 同一 list`
            取成员 . 优先级 高于 解引用 *

    3.3 deque 概述

    image.png image.png image.png image.png image.png
            (1) array vector deque 比较
                    不能 动态增长
                    `向 尾端 动态增长`
                        `尾`部 插入/删除 常数时间
                    `线性 分段连续空间, 对外呈现 整体连续 的假象`
                    可 向两端 动态增长, 随时可增加 1个分段连续空间 并串接起来
                    双向开口: `头 和 尾` 插入/移除 常数时间
                    都可在 任意位置 插/删
            (2) deque (vs. vector)
                1) 头尾 插/删 均常数时间
                2) 没 capacity 概念, 
                    随时可增加一个 分段连续空间
                3) iterator 为 随机型
                    iterator 复杂度高, 非必要, 尽量用 vector, 而非 deque
                4) sort deque
                    copy 到 vector -> STL sort() -> 再 copy 回来 
        2   中控器 / map: 在 `分段连续 基础上, 维持 整体连续 的 假象`
            (1) 中控器 memory blocks/nodes
                1) node/map type 为 T*/T** 
                期望 指向 deque 某 buf / 中控器 memory 首 node T*
                note: 这里的 node 是指 map blk_mem 的 elem
                而不是 deque_iterator 的 mem data node(map_pointer/T**)
                2) map memory 要增长时, map memory 据 deque 向左还是向右 增长,
                另找一块 更大空间, map 随之指向 新空间 首 node
            (2) 中控器 表示
                template<class T, class Alloc = alloc, size_t Bufsiz = 0>
                class deque
                    typedef T           value_type;
                    typedef value_type* pointer;
                    typedef pointer*    map_pointer;
                    // 2 mem data: pointer to map memory / map_size
                    map_pointer map;    // map : T**
                    size_type map_size;
            (3) map 一侧 满载, 且要向 该侧增长时, 另找一块空间 作新 map
            (4) 中控器 / buf / iterator 图`
                deque<int, alloc, 8> deq; // 经一系列操作后有20个元素
        3   iterator
            deque 的 分段连续空间 / buf: deque 元素 的 存储空间
            deque 有若干 大小相同的 分段连续空间 / buf
            buf 大小 : 1个 buf 中 deque elem num
            (1) iterator structure: 4 mem data`
                1) 要能 `指向 current elem`
                    T* cur;
                    `start / finish iterator: cur 指向 deque 第 1 有效元素 / last_off_by_one`
                2) 要能 `指向` 所指 buf `边缘`
                    T* first
                    T* last
                3) 要能 `判断` 自己`是否指向` 所指 buf `边缘`
                    cur == first  cur == last
                4) 指向 右 / 左边缘 (last / first) 时, 若 前进/后退,
                    要能 `跳到` the next / previous buf
                    map_pointer node; // node : T**
            (2) iterator key behavior`
                1) get buf_size
                    static size_t buffer_size()
                        deque_buf_size(BufSiz, sizeof(T));
                    若 iterator 指定 BufSiz, 则 取指定值;
                    否则, // 即 BufSiz = 0
                        若 deque 元素大小 sizeof(T) < 512, 取 512 / sizeof(T);
                        否则, 取 1
                2) 跳到 new_node 指定 buf
                    void set_node(map_pointer new_node)
                3) ++ --
                    self& operator++();  self& operator--()
                    `cur :`
                    `+1/-1 后/前 在 buf 右/左 边界, 则 跳到 next / previous buf 左/右边界 -> 更新 cur / 更新 cur 再 -1`
                    `记 每个 buf 为 [first, last)`
                    `cur ++ 前 必然没在 last, 否则, 遇 last 就跳已到 next buf`
                        1] ++cur
                        2] judge whether last
                            跳到 next buf 
                            update cur = first
                    // cur -- 前 可能在 first
                        1] 先判 whether first
                            跳到 previous buf
                            update cur = last
                        2] --cur
                4) += n
                    iterator 跳 n (= > < 0) 个 elem
                    self& operator+=(difference_type n)
            (3) iterator source code
                #include <iterator>
                #include < memory > // std::allocator
                template <class T, class Ref, class Ptr, size_t BufSiz>
                struct deque_iterator // 未继承 std::iterator
                    typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
                    typedef T           value;
                    typedef Ptr         ptr;        // T*
                    typedef Ref         reference;  // T&
                    typedef size_t      size_type;
                    typedef ptrdiff_t   difference_type;
                    // iterator self
                    typedef deque_iterator<T, T&, T*, BufSiz> iterator;
                    typedef deque_iterator<T, const T&, const T*, BufSiz> const_iterator;
                    typedef deque_iterator self;
                    // map_pointer type
                    typedef T** map_pointer;
                    //------ 4 mem data
                    T* cur;
                    T* first;
                    T* last;
                    map_pointer node; //T**: pointer to map node 
                    //------ mem func
                    //(1) buffer_size()
                    static size_t 
                        deque_buf_size(BufSiz, sizeof(T) );
                    deque_buf_size(size_t bufSize, size_t elemSize)
                        return  n != 0 ? n : (elemSize < 512 ? 
                            size_t(512 / elemSize) : size_t(1) );
                    //(2) 据 specified pointer to map node, 
                    //    跳到 specified buf, don't update cur
                    //    note: cur 单独 update
                    void set_node(map_pointer new_node)
                        node = new_node;
                        first = *new_node; // every new_node != NULL
                        last = first + difference_type( buffer_size() );
                    //(3) * -> : 针对 cur
                    reference operator*() const 
                    { return *cur; }
                    pointer operator->() const
                    { return &( operator*() ); }
                    //(4) iter1 - iter2: 与 另一 iterator 相距 elem num, maybe negative
                    operator-(const self& iter) const
                        return difference_type( buffer_size() ) 
                               * (node - iter.node - 1) 
                               + (cur - first) + (iter.last - iter.cur);
                    //(5) ++ --
                    self& operator++()
                        if (cur == last)
                            set_node(node + 1);
                            cur = first;
                        return *this;
                    self& operator++(int) 
                    {   // postfix : std style
                        self tmp = *this;
                        return tmp;
                    self& operator--()
                        if (cur == first)
                            set_node(node - 1);
                            cur = last;
                        return *this;
                    self& operator--(int) 
                        self tmp = *this;
                        return tmp;
                    //(6) iter+= n( = > < 0 )
                    //    =>  -= + - 
                    self& operator+=(difference_type n)
                        // 1) 求 与 左边界 的 偏移 offset_to_first(> = < 0)
                        // equivalent to/but can't write to 
                        // (cur + n) - first: 因 cur + n 实际调 oprator+= 实现
                            offset_to_first = (cur - first) + n; 
                        // 2_1) 偏移后 仍在 同一 buf
                        if (offset_to_first >= 0 && 
                            offset_to_first < difference_type( buffer_size() ) ) 
                            cur += n;
                        else // (>= 0 && >= buffer_size) || ( < 0)
                        {   // 2_2) 偏移后 不在 同一 buf
                            // 1> 偏移的 buf/node num
                            //    >= 0 && >= buffer_size 时, easy
                            //    < 0 时, 用 3个边界值 即可 归纳出 通式
                            //      buf = [0, 8)
                            //      offset_to_first
                            //      == -1 应落在 prev buf 7 => -1 / 8 =  0 => 需   再 -1
                            //      == -8 应落在 prev buf 0 => -8 / 8 = -1 => 无需 再 -1
                            //      == -9 应落在 prev prev buf 7 => -9 / 8 => 需   再 -1
                            //  由 上述 3式 归纳 得
                            //  -(-offset_to_first - 1)/8 - 1 刚好
                            difference_type offset_node_num =
                                offset_to_first > 0 ? offset_to_first / difference_type(buffer_size() )
                                : -difference_type( (-offset_to_first - 1) / buffer_size() ) - 1;
                            // 2> 跳到 new buf
                            set_node(node + offset_node_num);
                            // 3> 跳到 new elem : 
                            // 变形 为 含 带 物理含义的 式子
                            // 新 cur = 新 first + [ ( 新 cur - 旧 first ) - (新 first - 旧 first) ]
                            cur = first + (offset_to_first - 
                                           offset_node_num * difference_type( buffer_size() ) );
                        return *this;
                    self& operator+(difference_type n)
                        seld tmp = *this;
                        return tmp += n;
                    self& operator-=(difference_type n)
                        return *this += -n;
                    self& operator-(difference_type n)
                        seld tmp = *this;
                        return tmp -= n;
                    //(7) operator[]
                    operator[](difference_type n) const
                        return *(*this + n);
                    //(8) == != <
                    bool operator==(const self & iter) const
                        return cur == iter.cur;
                    bool operator!=(const self & iter) const
                        return !(*this == x);
                    // 同 buf, 比较 cur; 不同 buf, 比较 map_pointer
                    bool operator<(const self & iter) const
                        return (node == iter.node) ? 
                               (cur < iter.cur) : (node < iter.node);
        4   deque data structure
            (1) mem data
                1) 要能 跳到指定 buf: 
                    map_pointer map
                2) 要能 向两侧 扩充 map
                    map_size 记住 current map size
                3) 要能定位 第1 buf / tail_buf 的 第 1 elem / last_off_by_one
                    start / finish: 4 pointer
            (2) source code`
                `不要对 class 的 temp obj 用 操作符重载, 要借助于1个 named obj:`
                `不要用 *(finish - 1), 而是用 1 个 tmp 记录 之, 再 *tmp`
                template <class T, class Alloc = std::allocator<T>, size_t BufSiz = 0 >
                class deque
                    typedef deque_iterator<T, T&, T*, BufSiz> iterator;
                    typedef T           value_type;
                    typedef value_type* poniter;
                    typedef value_type& reference;
                    typedef size_t      size_type;
                    typedef poniter* map_pointer;
                    // 4 mem data: head/tail iterator + map/map_size
                    iterator    start;
                    iterator    finish; // 其 node mem 所指 buf 可能 valid
                    map_pointer map;
                    size_type   map_size;
                    // 2 allocator:  map / data
                    typedef simple_alloc<poniter, Alloc> map_allocator;
                    typedef simple_alloc<value_type, Alloc> data_allocator;
                    //(1) ctor
                    deque(int n, const value_type& value)
                        : start(), finish(), map(0), map_size(0)
                        // allocate map/buf memory -> node/elem 赋值
                        initialize(n, value);
                    initialize(size_type n, const value_type& value)
                        //1) & 4 mem data assignmet 
                        //2) [first, last) buf fill value
                        map_pointer node;
                        for (node = start.node; node < finish.node; ++node)
                            std::uninitialized_fill(*node, *node + buffer_size(), value);
                        //3) last buf's unused emem
                        std::uninitialized_fill(finish.first, finish.cur, value);
                    create_map_and_nodes_mem(size_type elemNum)
                        //1) allocate map memory
                        nodes_num = elemNum / buffer_size() + 1; 
                        //2) map_size / map assignmet
                        map_size = nodes_num + 6; // different strategy
                        map = map_allocator::allocate(map_size);
                        //3) valid node put middle
                        map_poniter node_start 
                            = map + (map_size - nodes_num) / 2;
                        map_poniter node_finish 
                            = node_start + nodes_num;
                        //4) every node's value *node assignmemt: 
                        //   point to its allocated buf
                        //   allocate nodes_num buf(uninitialized) & pointed to
                        map_poniter node;
                        for (node = node_start; node < node_finish; ++node)
                            *node = data_allocator::allocate( buffer_size() ); 
                        //5) start finish assignmet
                        start.cur = start.first;
                        finish.cur = finish.first + elemNum % buffer_size();
                    //(2) head/tail_off_by_one/size
                    iterator begin() { return start; }
                    iterator end() { return finish; }
                    // 调 iterator 的 operator-
                    size_type size() { return finish - start; }
                    //(3) *head/*tail
                    reference front() { return *start; }
                    reference back()
                        iterator tmp = finish;
                        return *tmp;
                    //(4) push_back
                    // pass by reference: construct need
                    // note: 实际 push 的 是 copy of elem
                    void push_back(const value_type& value)
                        // last buf 有 >=2 个 elem space 
                        // => push_back 前, 不用 先分 1 buf
                        if (finish.cur != finish.last - 1)
                            ::construct(finish.cur, value);
                            // last buf 仅 1 个 elem space: 
                            // 扩 map memory + alocate buf memory
                    push_back_aux(const value_type& value)
                        value_type value_copy = value; 
                        //1) 扩 map memory: 与 扩 vector 思路相近, bufs memory 不变
                        // 实现略, 头脑中有这个扩 map 的映像, 用时自然能写出
                        //2) last buf 后, 再分 1 buf
                        *(finish.node + 1) = data_allocator::allocate( buffer_size();
                        //3) construct cur
                        ::construct(finish.cur, value_copy); 
                        //4) update finish = set_node + update cur
                        finish.set_node(finish.node + 1);  
                        finish.cur = finish.first;         
                    //(5) push_front
                    void push_front(const value_type& value
                        // first buf 有 >=1 个 elem space => 不用 先分配一块 buf
                        if (start.cur != start.first)
                            construct(start.cur - 1, value);
                        else // 无 elem space => 先分 1 buf
                    push_front_aux(const value_type& value); // 略, 类 push_back_aux
                    //(6) 去 tail/head : 必要时, 还要 free the last/first buf
                    // 否则, 只 destory 相应 elem 而 不 free 它
                    void pop_back()
                        if (finish.cur != finish.first)
                        {   // last buf >= 1 elem
                            //1) move cur pointer forward 
                            // <=> exclude tail elem
                            // <=> deque valid elem no longer include it
                            //2) destory it but not free it:
                            // only free whole buf memory
                            // free last buf 
                            // finish iterator move forward
                            // exclude tail elem
                            // destory it
                    void pop_front(); // omit
                    //(7) clear() 清除 deque
                    //(8) erase
                    iterator erase(iterator pos)
                        iterator next = pos;
                        difference_type elem_num_before_pos = pos - start;
                        // pos 前/后 elem 少: 移动 pos 前/后 elem, 覆盖 pos
                        if (elem_num_before_pos < (size() >> 1) ) 
                            std::copy_backward(start, pos, next);
                            std::copy(next, finish, pos);
                        // return 原 pos iterator
                        return start + elem_num_before_pos; 
                    iterator erase(iterator first, iterator last)
                        if (first == start && last == finish) 
                            return finish;
                            difference_type n = last - first;
                            difference_type elems_before = first - start;
                            // 若 clearr 区间 前/后 elen 元少
                            if (elems_before < (size() - n) / 2)
                                //1) copy 实现 移动 + 覆盖
                                std::copy_backward(start, first, last);
                                //2) destory
                                iterator new_start = start + n;
                                destory(start, new_start);
                                //3) free mid bufs memory
                                for (map_pointer node = start.node; node < new_start.node; ++node)
                                    data_allocator::deallocate(*node, buffer_size());
                                std::copy(last, finish, first);
                    //(9) insert specified value to position_front
                    // return iterator to positioned elem
                    insert(iterator position, const value_type& x)
                        // head / tail / middle insert
                        if (position.cur == start.cur)
                            return start;
                        else if (position.cur == finish.cur)
                            iterator tmp = finish;
                            return tmp;
                            // omit, 见过程图
                            return insert_aux(position, x);

    3.4 stack: LIFO

        从 形象 角度看, deque 左 / 右 侧 为 front() / back(), 
            封掉 左侧 / 左进 +  右出, 
                且 只留    push  pop  top / push pop front back 3/4 种 operations 
                    及 empty size 2个 simple func 即为 stack / queue`
        1   stack 无 iterator
        2   stack 定义
            (1) 缺省情况下, stack 底层 data structure 为 deque
            (2) stack 利用其 `底层容器` ( deque / list)  完成其 所有功能`, 
                因具有 `修改某物接口, 形成另一种风貌` 的性质
                    称 `adapter`
            (3) stack obj non-const 时, 
                取出的 顶部元素是 reference, 可直接修改 之
    template <class T, class Sequence = deque<T> >
    class stack
        friend bool operator== <> (const stack& const stack&); // 调 Sequence 的 operator==, 实现 略
        friend bool operator< <> (const stack& const stack&);  
        Sequence c; // 底层容器 c
        typedef typename Sequence::value_type value_type;
        typedef typename Sequence::size_type size_type;
        typedef typename Sequence::reference reference;
        typedef typename Sequence::const_reference const_reference;
        void push(const value_type& x)
            { c.push_back(x); }
        void pop() { c.pop_back(); }
        //  取顶部 reference
        top() { return c.back(); }
        top() const { return c.back(); }
        // size() / empty 
        bool empty() const { return c.empty(); }
        size_type size() const { return c.size(); }
    #include <stack>
    #include <list>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <algorithm>
    int main()
        std::stack<int, std::list<int> > stk; // 以 list 作底层容器 的 stack
        std::cout << stk.size() << std::endl; //3
        std::cout << stk.top()  << std::endl; //10
        std::cout << stk.size() << std::endl; //2
        std::cout << stk.top()  << std::endl; //5
        stk.top() = 6;
        std::cout << stk.top() << std::endl;  //6

    3.5 queue: FIFO

        #include <queue>
        #include <list>
        #include <iostream>
        #include <algorithm>
        int main()
            std::queue<int, std::list<int> > que; // 以 list 作 底层容器 的 queue
            std::cout << que.size()  << std::endl; //4
            std::cout << que.front() << std::endl; //1
            std::cout << que.back()  << std::endl; //15
            std::cout << que.size()  << std::endl; //3
            std::cout << que.front() << std::endl; //5

    3.6 set

        1   2 点 与 map 相同
            [1] key 各不相同
            [2] 元素 据 key 自动排序
        2   source code
            set 函数 基本都是 转调 RB-tree 函数
            pair<iterator, bool> 
            set<Key, Compare, Alloc>::insert(const value_type& x)
                pair<typename rep_type::iterator, bool> p 
                = t.insert_unique(x);
                return pair<iterator, bool>(p.first, p.second);

    3.7 map

        1   元素是 pair, pair.first/second 为 key / value
            typedef pair<const Key, T> value_type;
            用 map 迭代器 不可 / 可 修改 map 的 key / value
                map 的 iterator 既非 const iterator 也非 mutable iterator`
        2   source code
                // <stl_pair.h> 中 pair 的定义
                template <class T1, class T2>
                struct pair
                    typedef T1 first_type;
                    typedef T2 second_type;
                    T1 first; // note: public
                    T2 second;
                    pair() : first(T1()), second(T2()) { }
                    pair(const T1& a, const T2& b) : first(a), second(b) { }
        下标操作符 operator[]
            引用传递, 先据 key 找 value, 再 插
                key 不存在/存在, 插入成功/失败, 
                    `返回 pair.first = iterator` 指向 `目标 key` 的 `新/旧 elem`
                [] 作左值 -> 写: 插入成功/失败 + 改写 vaule
                [] 作右值 -> 读: 插入成功/失败 + 读 新 unknow_value / 旧 key 的 value`

    4 适配器

    image.png image.png image.png image.png
        1   容器 适配器
            stack queue 都是 adapter
        2   函数对象 adapter
            (1) member
                1) `mem data` 为 `要配接的 Operation 的 copy`
                2) 重载 operator() 
                    调用 Operation copy 的 operator() 
                        在 para 和 return value 上 动手脚
                    [1] 最灵活, 可 配接、配接、再配接
                    [2] 价值: `通过 它们之间的 `绑定、否定、组合 等`
                        几乎可 `无限制地` 创造出各种可能的 `表达式`, 搭配 `STL algorithms`
                    [3] `期望获得 配接能力 的 component,  本身必须 可配接`
                        1] `1 / 2 元 Functor`    必须继承自  `unary_function / binary_function`
                        2] `non-mem func`       必须以         `ptr_fun` 处理
                        3] `mem func`           必须以         `mem_fun 等` 处理
            2.1 bind2nd()
                                    函数调用运算符: operator() (...& arg1 ) { return op_copy(arg1, op_arg2_copy); }
                第 1 参数: Operation               |
                                |           binder2nd: 用 2 个 mem data 保存
                                |           |\
                                |           |   值传递 copy
                                |           |
                                |   +   =>  2 个实参 构造 binder2nd<OP> 并 return  
                            强转为 Operation 第 2 形参类型  
                第 2 参数: 要绑定的参数 
            2.2 用于 `non-mem 函数指针: ptr_fun`
                ptr_fun 是 模板函数
                    para 是 函数指针 类型 
                    return 函数对象 pointer_to_unary_function<Arg, Result>
                                1]  `wrap 函数指针`
                                    mem data 用于存 函数指针 的 copy 
                                2]  函数调用运算符 operator() 
                                        `转调` 函数指针 copy 的 函数调用运算符 operator() 
                                    print(int value)
                                        std::cout << value << ' ';
                                    int main()
                                        int a[3] = { 1,3,5 };
                                        std::vector<int> vec(a, a + 3);
                                        // interface
                                        for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), 
                                                 ptr_fun(&print) );
            2.3 适配 `成员函数 指针` : `mem_fun / mem_fun_ref / mem_fun1 / mem_fun_ref`
                结果是 作 `函数对象` 用, 以 搭配 GP algorithm
                (1) 4 种函数
                    1) 带/不带 1: 有1个参数 / 无参
                    2) 带/不带 ref: ref/ptr 调 operator()
                (2) 思想
                    wrap + 转调 operator()
                (3) 应用: 用 `GP algorithm 实现 多态调用` 
                        `GP 与 多态` 间 重要接轨
                    1]  容器 元素 A* 或  A&
                    2]  适配 `vf 指针`
                        std::vector<Shape*> vec;
                        // ...
                        for_each(vec.begin(), vec.end(), std::mem_fun( &Shape::display ) );



          本文标题:STL GP 思维 & 6大部件 & Iterator Trai
