

作者: xinhui9056 | 来源:发表于2019-07-13 14:49 被阅读0次
<h1>A fake article about spaceships</h1>
<p>This is a fake article about spaceships. Remember when you did presentations in
 middle school, and you told the class about what your assignment was about, then 
read aloud from the paper you had written, including the title?
  ”My assignment is about spaceships. Spaceships. Spaceships are very large, 
and fly in space...”.
<aside class="comment" id="comment-1">
    I’ve never done this. Is that really true?
<p>You may think that spaceships are fake, like this article, but they’re not. 
There are actual spaceships,  flying in space right now, probably. For example,
 there’s the International Space Station, which is a spaceship of sorts. Well, 
actually it’s a space station, which is even cooler!
  <img src="images/spaceship.jpg" alt="The Dragon spaceship in orbit around Earth.">
  <figcaption>The ”Dragon” spaceship, created by SpaceX. Image from 
    <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/spacexphotos/16787988882/">Flickr.com</a>
<p>There’s various government organizations and companies that are building
 spaceships. One of them is SpaceX. An image of one of their spaceships appears 
on this very page.
<aside class="comment" id="comment-1">
    It’s only a mockup, actually.
<p>I can't be bothered to write any more about spaceships so the rest of the 
text will just be nonsense. This isn’t a school assignment after all.
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Sequi saepe harum, 
excepturi dolorum voluptatem hic amet nemo. Incidunt tenetur dignissimos laborum 
molestiae reiciendis ipsum quas temporibus nisi dolor, ea libero!</p>
<p>A assumenda, et eius odit, rerum delectus placeat dolores eveniet quis. 
Iure neque deserunt mollitia impedit illo corporis odio quod, velit ducimus!</p>
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容器A、B、C、D都是绝对定位,其中C是B的子元素。容器C和D设置了z-index,但由于容器B的opacity值 小于1,所以它又创建了一个新独立的堆叠上下文,于是,就算C的z-index值 再大,它也不会跑到D的上方


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