

作者: 英语学习社 | 来源:发表于2018-11-29 21:36 被阅读10次

今天不吃瓜,改聊吃饭,首先得从热搜里一个奇怪的话题 #约会对象相貌平平 吃得更多# 说起。



《泰晤士报(The Times)》是这么介绍的:

If your date is a feast for the eyes, you don't need a feast for the stomach. Scientists have found that single people order healthier food if they are paired with an attractive partner. However, if their meal is with someone seen as plainer, they are more likely to pig out.



作名词可以表示“盛宴;宴会,大餐”,英文解释为“a special meal with very good food or a large meal for many people”,如:婚宴a wedding feast;也可以指“(感官)享受,特别的享受”(something that is very enjoyable to see, hear, experience, etc.)或者是“令人喜爱的事物”(a collection of something to be enjoyed),举个🌰:

His food is a feast for the eyes as well as the palate.


a feast for the eyes 大饱眼福;一饱眼福,令人赏心悦目,视觉盛宴(a visual feast)

此外,feast有时也可以指“(宗教)节日”,英文解释为:a day on which a religious event or person is remembered and celebrated. 如:

a Muslim feast day 一个穆斯林节日。

所以,此处的“If your date is a feast for the eyes, you don't need a feast for the stomach.”视觉盛宴/赏心悦目?大饱口福/胃口大开?你觉得怎么翻译好呢?


文中的plain(er)和attractive相对应,plain作为形容词时常见含义是“无装饰的,简单的,朴素的,单纯的”,英文解释为“without anything added or without decoration”,如:一件朴素的白衬衫 a plain white blouse;以及表示“清楚的,明白的,显而易见的,明显的”,英文解释为“very clear, and easy to understand or recognize”,举个🌰:

It was plain that he was not going to agree.


此处是一种委婉的说法,表示“不好看的,不漂亮的,相貌平平的”,英文解释为“not beautiful or attractive – often used because you want to avoid saying this directly”,举个🌰:

She had been a very plain child.



· in plain-clothes 表示“(警察)穿便衣的”,

· plain Jane 表示“没有姿色的女人,外表平凡的女子”(=used to talk about a woman who is not beautiful/attractive)

· be plain sailing表示“一帆风顺,非常顺利”(to be easy and without problems),举个🌰:

If you can answer the first question, the rest of the test should be plain sailing.


The roads were busy as we drove out of town, but after that it was plain sailing.



That's just plain stupid.


pig out

看到pig,猜也知道意思...pig out表示“大吃大喝,狼吞虎咽,暴饮暴食”,英文解释为“to eat a lot or too much at one meal or over a short period of time”,举个🌰:

We pigged out on all the delicious cakes and pastries.


类似的还可以把pig作为名词,说“make a pig of oneself”,如:

They made complete pigs of themselves at the dinner.


顺便提下另一个和pig有关的有意思的口语表达“pigs might fly”或者“when pigs fly”通常用来表示不相信某事会发生,“根本不可能的事情;无稽之谈,等到猴年马月,太阳从西边出来”(said when you think that there is no chance at all of something happening),举个🌰:

"I'll have finished it by tomorrow." "And pigs might fly!"


When would they be hired again? Perhaps, as the saying goes, when pigs fly.


The research, involving more than 600 American undergraduates, suggests that both sexes now worry about how romantic interests view their diet.


romantic interests

什么是romantic interests?

Urban Dictionary里有人给出了“定义”:A person that you're not quite sure about, but it's definetly more than sex.


It's when they're the last thing you think about before you go to sleep and when they're the first thing you think of when you wake up...


Urban Dictionary中还给出了个🌰:

Mother: So, are you dating anyone?

Daughter: Well, I have a romantic interests....he's so great, I can't stop thinking about him...but I don't know if I want to have a "boyfriend" .

In the study, each of the participants were told to pick an item from a restaurant menu after being shown a photo of who they would be eating with.Unknown to the participants, the photographs had previously been rated as either attractive, unattractive or average.


The scientists found the most attractive people inspired their partners to eat healthily. On the other hand people in relationships, those with unattractive dates, or straight people with someone of the same sex did not change their meal choice.


'Perhaps because society portrays thinner women as more desirable,' the authors wrote, 'women may be especially motivated to appear thin or at least to engage in behaviors that promote thinness when in the presence of others.'

They added: 'Smaller meals are generally considered to be more neat and feminine ... and women tend to be rated as more attractive when their meals contain lower fat content.'


But their theory about men was wrong – they thought men would eat more calories in a bid to seem more muscular and strong. This theory appears to have been based on past research claiming men eat bigger portions in the presence of women in an attempt to seem more powerful. However, if that was ever true it doesn't apply to 21st century young men, who are more likely to want to be seen as health-conscious.




表示“肌肉发达的;强壮的”,英文解释为“having large strong muscles”,如:肌肉损伤muscular injuries

昨天的molecular还记得吗?/məʊˈlɛkjʊlə/ 表示“分子的”,英文解释为“Molecular means relating to or involving molecules.”,如:the molecular structure of fuel 燃料的分子结构。

'Individuals who consume healthier foods tend to be rated as more fit, attractive, and likeable,' the scientists said to explain the men's behaviour. 'This research showed that women rate men who eat “good” (i.e., healthy) foods to be especially attractive.(悄悄划重点)

'It could be said that people generally adhere to the mantra of “you are what you eat”.'


1)表示“准则”,英文解释为“You can use mantra to refer to a statement or a principle that people repeat very often because they think it is true, especially when you think that it not true or is only part of the truth.”,举个🌰:

Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services.


2)表示“老话,口头禅,口号”,英文解释为“a word or phrase representing a rule or principle which someone often uses, but which other people often find annoying or boring”。

On the flipside, looking at attractive women doesn't change how healthy a man wants to be, but makes him likely to spend more money on food and drink.

来源:The Times

& DailyMail

& 参考消息网

- END -


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