Gone with the wind

Gone with the wind

作者: EvenIsak | 来源:发表于2017-02-14 00:54 被阅读0次

I have spent four hours watching the movie, and now I know why this work becomes the classic.

1.Sometimes, one should learn to give up and to find what he really wants. People should not trust the words that the thing that they can't get is always the best, they should live in the moment. What people real need is not the charming appearance and the feeling that they do something out of control, all of these will confuse them and  make them go astray.

2.I do believe that people should have their own believes. As far as I am concerned, the only way of making a live for the heroine is her belief, at the beginning, Ashley is her spiritual pillar,she'd like to do anything for him. Then the Tara is her spiritual pillar, she would like to anything to protect her home and her people.

3. Whatever happens, it's always right for people to be kind-hearted and generous. That is a crucial key for people to get along well with others.  The virtues of people will make bring aureole by themselves, and everyone will respect and admire them even the most unimpressive people.

4.It is important for everyone to cherish what they have and find out who is the soul mate, because no one knows what will happen in the future, just like the American Civil War. As for lovers, they should not say each other again words that it seems we have been at cross purposes.


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