2020-02-05-How do bats live with

2020-02-05-How do bats live with

作者: Mandy生活札记 | 来源:发表于2020-02-05 18:02 被阅读0次

If previous outbreaks of coronavirus are any indication, the Wuhan strain that is now spreading may eventually traceback to bats.


One bat can host different viruses withoutgetting sick, they are thought to be the natural reservoir for the Ebola andmany other viruses.


Learning how they can carry and survive somany viruses has been a deep question for science. In a 2018 paper, scientists reported their investigation of how bats handle something called DNA sensing.They energy demands of flight are so great that the cells in the body breakdown and release bits of DNA that are then floating around where they shouldnot be

研究蝙蝠如何能够携带病毒并生存的原因一直是科学界的深奥难题,2018年的报告中,科学家们报道了他们关于蝙蝠应对一种叫基因感知的调查。 飞行的能量消耗巨大,因此体内的细胞会分崩出一些DNA分段,这些DNA分段会在本不应该出现的地方游浮。



Mammals, including bats, have ways to identify and respond to such bits of DNA, which might indicate an invasion of adisease-causing organism. But in bags, they found, evolution has weakened thatsystem, which would normally cause inflammation as it fought the viruses.




Bats have lost some genes involved in that response,which makes sense because the inflammation is very damaging to the body. They have a weakened response but it is still there. Thus, researchers write, this weakened response may allow them to maintain a “balanced stat of ‘effective response’ but not ‘over response’ against viruses.

蝙蝠在回应这种系统时丢失了一部分基因,这说得通,因为炎症可以对身体造成严重损伤,蝙蝠有一种微弱的反应,但是反应依然在。 所以,研究者们写道,这种微弱的反应可以使它们在有效反应与过度反应中维持平衡。



New expressions:

Strain: 这里指种类(一般用来指某种有机体,某种生物)

Sth is being any indication/ if something tellsanything

Doing sth without sth

She can work long hours without gettingtired.

Natural reservoir: 这里指自然宿主,reservoir一般指水库

Sth is thought to be sth, 是这种比较客观的说法,可以借鉴

The energy demands of flight are so greatthat the cells in the body break down and release bits of DNA that are then floatingaround where they shouldn’t be.

Inflammation n.发炎

Disease-causing organism 疾病生物体

Bats have lost some genes involved in thatresponse, which make sense because the inflammation can be very damaging to thebody.

If previous outbreaks of coronavirus are anyindication, the wuhan xxxx.



      本文标题:2020-02-05-How do bats live with
