New idea

作者: hmisty | 来源:发表于2019-01-02 00:09 被阅读5次

Just got an new idea while watching Ray Dalio's videos.
1, rephrasing popular books.
2, in a video form.
3, with a hand-drawing animation and probably well-prepared paper cartoons :)
4, narration (Ms. Song? :) with prepared written texts.
5, introduction video for free, then leading to paid course videos.
6, each is cheap (5 rmb/class), but it needs to be extremely diligent to produce a lot.

start with two topics:
1, business innovation
2, mama-kids

how to be extreme diligent? clear quantitive production goals each day!

choose specific topic => plan (story) => prepare => (script) writing => narration, draw and record => post-production => publish

animation (
story => script => storyboard => animatic => PREVIEW/FEEDBACK => 3D modeling => rigging => previz (pre visualizaiton) => animation => texturing => lighting => rendering => editing => color correction / grading => music / sound design

thinking about multiple platform publishing?
stick to one, and let others distribute.

how's that?
re-positioning blockcoach.


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