Keep introspecting

Keep introspecting

作者: 白慕瀾 | 来源:发表于2018-08-16 15:35 被阅读0次
Lao Zi

We all encountered the situation is that we believed we were the only person who could judge everything and ever people. When we were caught in the situation, we lost the truth,we believed ourself were the God. It’s the tragedy. It was the most important situation we played the role who we hated bitterly in the past, which we didn’t react immediately.
So, we may lost our mind when came into the important situation. How to save ourselves? How to react as soon as possible?How to know it’s the bad habit to judge others?It’s the self-centeredness, we believed we were the truth, we judged everything on the basis of we were right. Yes,because we all got the habit, It had brought about disaster. There would be no truth again in the world. If other people’s ideas were different from ourselves,it caused disagreements,query,hated,even break off relationships. And maybe you may lead other people to the wrong ways.
As the world’s value is to getting the money as much as you can. We judged everything of a person by knowing if the person was rich or not, instead of the person’s words and deeds. We were captivated by his or her dressing,judging him or her to be the person who was the sage so superficially. And made the habit’s name “Individuality”. Forgetting our ancestors’s words “If you don’t want it, please don’t bring it to others,that’s the benevolence”.
I think if you help others out of kindness, you should introspect yourself if your mind is the right. If you were really happy and understood the meaning of happiness with your minds dealing with things. I know you may be the very kindness people, but maybe you were guiding others to the hopeless situation. That’s also the situation you don’t want him or her to come in. So, because everyone has their own minds to feel happiness, pain, sad, and so on, everyone has different environment, we should be tolerant with others, instead of to be the one who wants to control everything, and wants others must to share the same minds. That’s too cruelty.
We should improve ourself constantly. Knowing the truth is that maybe we should be wrong, either. So, the real kindness is not to control everything, but to try to understand someone else’s difficulty, try to help them. I really appreciate the one who was out of kindness to help others to improve, but if you were not meet of minds, more than the faults of others. We should introspect ourself frequently, including how to think the world, and maybe we were not the truth.
Be kind-hearted, be goodness, be the one to be the sage as closer as possible.


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