本翻译原文出自《Beyond Feelings:A Guide to Critical Thinking》.
之所以翻译the role of mass culture(主流文化的影响)一段,是因为现在这个时代,离开各类媒体生活是不可能的,而各类媒体对我们的潜移默化地影响真是太大,大到可怕。拿hao123网址 来说(流氓网站,绑架我浏览器)下图是16年12月22日19点时的页面,红色框中的部分哪一个不是以标题吸引注意力,然后引诱你点进去,收割你宝贵的时间?这些内容是否真的与你的生活相关我不知道,可以确定的是看多了这些一惊一乍内容的人肯定理性不了,继而也无法有较完整的逻辑。

In centuries past, the influence of familyand teachers was the dominant, and sometimes the only, influence on children.Today, however, the influence exerted by mass culture (but broadcast media,newspapers, magazines and popular music) is often greater.
By age eighteen the average teenager hasspent 11,000 hours in the classroom and 22,000 hours in front of the televisionset. He or she has done perhaps 13,000 school lessons, yet has watched morethan 750,000 commercials.
What effects does mass culture have onyoung people (and many adults, as well)? To answer, we need only consider theformats and devices commonly used. Modern advertising typically bombards thepublic with slogans and testimonials by celebrities. This approach is designedto appeal to emotions and create artificial needs for products and services. Asa result, many people develop the habit of responding emotionally, impulsively,and gullibly to such appeals.
Television programmers use frequent sceneshifts and sensory appeals such as car crashes, violence, and sexual encountersto keep audience interest from diminishing. Then they add frequent commercialinterruptions. As a result, many people find it difficult to concentrate inschool or at work. They may think the teacher or the job is boring when, infact, mass culture has made them impatient with the normal rhythms of life.
Finally, mass culture promotes values thatoppose those held by most parents. Play is presented as more fulfilling thanwork, self-gratification more desirable than self-control, and materialism moremeaningful than idealism. People who adopt these values without questioningthem may end up sacrificing worthy goals to their pursuit of "a goodtime" and lots of money.