On the bund

On the bund

作者: 夏威一一 | 来源:发表于2018-07-22 13:07 被阅读59次

    He talked about his dad, he doesn’t willing to speak English because of his strong accent. Very strong Spanish, he doesn’t like people jokes about that. But on the other side, it means he can speaks one more language he said. Did you told him this?

    You want to tell him this?

    I mean you.

    Yeah I did, but it doesn’t help, he doesn’t like Amanicas and British people, French as well, because French  used to conquer Spanish. This is sth cannot ignore.

    Ha, the montherland Love, same to every country around the world.

    Also, my dad is a person who will not really provide helpful advice. We all knew that, as the oldest brother in the family, I figured out my way, so I can give advice to my brother.

    His mom, speaks Spanish, French, Italia and English, she is awesome.

    His younger brother, much smarter than him as he said, I think part of truth, part of his is not that prode. but he is kind of so lazy. Though he still strongly believes that hai younger brother will make a huge success on the career he loves. He just went to States to work there 2 months ago, everything going well so far. Because his dad said he has to, 24, just graduated from school seems like.

    About himself, he said he is kind, caring, mature, slow to angry, and I think he is gentle and so positive.

    I asked him why is China, he said he got tired with Mexico, broke up with her ex girlfriend 3 months ago, she is in Mexico, he doesn’t want to stay there anymore, the further, the better, he thought he will be assigned to Europe, but his boss replied, you want to be far away, right? Then China, is far enough. He was speechless, alright, so what, go to China.

    That’s how is here now.

    There is a guy from Mexico but works in Sanya as a politer, he earns a lot, a lot money, I asked, that’s why you want to come to work in China? It’s one of that he said, we both laughed.

    What kind of personality you think you are,

    Ennn, extrovert, he said.

    He majored in industrial engineering, they learned everything but everything know in general, just like economics in China, interesting.

    What’s your favorite amoing all of these?



    physics, biology, ..

    We are totally different.

    He guessed I might majored in Marketing


    Why is that? I’m so confused and can’t help laughing.

    Because you are so smart he said.

    Comeon, no flatter, you man!

    ( Really? How I wish I could be. I thought but didn’t speak out)

    He enjoyed the dance and music a lot, On the bond 18th, his cousin works in Hangzhou as an piotler as well, but he went to holiday before he came to Shanghai. He told him must come to check this bar. Haha, it does has amazing view, across is East oriental pearl, Huangpu river, DJ, pool dance, the bartenders were so excited and followed the rhythm as well. It’s my third time, first time Im alone, because my cousin said I much have to check, second time with colleagues, the third, with you here. Haha, he just can’t help dancing, he nature, lost but it found himself, that’s great he enjoyed it lot.

    A lot lot of people, young and old man, they moving their bodies, drink and talk.

    On this roof, bachlony, people come from all around the world, a lot they don’t know each other, I asked him tell me where they come from, the guy with no hair, he is Russia,


    Becaus looks like,

    Hahahaah, be serious,

    You see his stiff face, so serious seems like always ready to have a fight.


    The guys face to face with us, I said.


    They might be British.

    Ok no question.

    How about the Black T-shirt guy,

    Ha, he is European, some country of east Europe,

    He is so handsome, isn’t he?


    All of these crazy people, party together, can you imagine that?

    Yes, as it is.



          本文标题:On the bund
