

作者: 不是猫 | 来源:发表于2017-07-29 14:52 被阅读0次

So I haven't been really sweating it all that much.

Sweat it 担心

例句:“The car won't start—what are we going to do?” “Don't sweat it. I know all about fixing cars.”

造句:Don't sweat it!  We'll  take care of it.

I was counting on school being canceled tomorrow.

Count on指望

例句: I was counting on getting a raise when I made the decision to purchase a house.

造句:You will be disappointed if you count on him to get the work done.

3. That meant I had to get cracking on my History paper.

get cracking on 抓紧动手…

例句:There's a lot to be done, so let's get cracking.

造句: Get cracking! We're leaving in 5 minutes.

At around 10:00, I peeked out the window to see how many inches of snow has were on the ground so far. But I couldn't believe my eyes when I pulled back the curtain.

At around 10:00, I peeked out the window to see how many inches of snow has were on the ground so far. But I couldn't believe my eyes when I pulled back the curtain.

And member to member he was in one of those clear plastic binders that teachers go crazy for.


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