
作者: Harry哈利 | 来源:发表于2019-08-22 17:00 被阅读0次

I’m not sure if  i’ve already written about this but I want to reiterate my experience on Wednesday night . At 6 pm me and my friends went to the stadium in the city to participate in the annual 2019 mathematics competition. Mathex is a competition where a team of four students solve 20 questions in 30 minutes.  Each question is worth five points making a total of 100 points. After solving one question one team member which is allocated the runner must run 30 m to the judge to receive the next question. This competition run in New Zealand requires not only brainpower but also physical strength. On Wednesday night my team consisting of Brian Daniel and Nelson we were able to complete the entire 20 questions within 30 minutes. That meant we won right? No. We were able to solve all the questions in 25 minutes. On Wednesday night my team consisting of Brian, Daniel and Nelson we were able to complete the entire 20 questions within 30 minutes. That meant we won right? No. We were able to solve all the questions in 25 minutes, But the winning team was able to solve it In only 15 minutes.  The event was extremely fun and I have learnt a couple things from it that I would like to share with you today.

Firstly, I’ve learnt that in order to maximise accuracy, you must read the question properly. In under very stressful conditions were over 50 teams are in one room and there is lots of noise, it is very hard to concentrate on the question and read it properly to achieve a correct answer. One example of the night was on question 20, where they asked for the dimensions of a cube, instead we did not give the dimensions we gave  The surface area of the entire cube. Which was wrong.

Secondly. I’ve learnt that team work is extremely important. If the entire group is not as smart but has great teamwork, they will do better than the group with all smart people that has no teamwork.

Mathex was a great experience,  And I encourage readers from other countries to encourage their schools to start competitions like this. It builds healthy sportsmanship and teaches students that studying and knowledge, isn’t the answer to everything. 

我不确定我是否已经写过这个,但我想重申一下我周三晚上的经历。 下午6点,我和我的朋友们去了该市的体育场参加2019年的数学竞赛。  Mathex是一个由四名学生组成的团队在30分钟内解决20个问题的比赛。 每个问题值得五分,总共得到100分。 在解决了一个问题之后,一个被分配给跑步者的队员必须跑30米到法官接收下一个问题。 这场在新西兰举行的比赛不仅需要智力,还需要体力。 周三晚上,我的团队由Brian Daniel和Nelson组成,我们能够在30分钟内完成整个20个问题。 那意味着我们赢了吧? 不,我们能够在25分钟内解决所有问题。 在周三晚上,我的团队由Brian,Daniel和Nelson组成,我们能够在30分钟内完成整个20个问题。 那意味着我们赢了吧? 不。我们能够在25分钟内解决所有问题,但获胜团队能够在15分钟内完成解决。 这个活动非常有趣,我从中学到了很多东西,今天我想与大家分享。

  首先,我了解到为了最大限度地提高准确性,您必须正确地阅读问题。 在非常紧张的情况下,超过50个团队在一个房间里,并且有很多噪音,很难专注于问题并正确阅读以获得正确的答案。 夜晚的一个例子是问题20,他们询问立方体的尺寸,而不是给出我们给出的尺寸整个立方体的表面积。 这是错的。

  其次。 我了解到团队合作非常重要。 如果整个团队不是那么聪明但团队合作很好,他们会比没有团队精神的所有聪明人做得更好。

  Mathex是一次很棒的经历,我鼓励其他国家的读者鼓励他们的学校开始这样的比赛。 它建立健康的体育精神,并教导学生学习和知识,不是一切的答案。


  • Mathex

    I’m not sure if i’ve already written about this but I wan...


