

作者: Skylarch | 来源:发表于2017-12-05 08:24 被阅读0次



    我进不去QQ,因为之前很久没登录,又一次登陆的时候被封锁了。再解锁需要提供身份证信息,可我不想要提供。不过其实我的信息早就在网络中了,唯一能让我安全一点的是藏在信息洪流之中,如果没有人针对,也就不会被singled out。这都是心理安慰,其实一点用也没有,只是一个人死和与大家一起死的分别。

    今天一定要离开Lofter,没有什么特别的原因。可能就单单是厌倦了。在那里呆了两年,到现在写了148篇日记,不是像150那样特别的数字。今天一定要离开Lofter,可能仅仅是因为有了这个小小的念头,然后就没办法回头了。可能我addicted to离开的感觉。一旦这种离开的感觉向我袭来,我就没办法摆脱。有些时候我在悬崖的边缘,真的就快要纵身一跃了。这不是leap of faith,因为没有什么特别的faith。这种痛苦是没有必要、毫无意义的,可是它缠上我一次,就再没有从我的精神里连根去除。

    也许我已经对emotional breakdown上瘾了。其实我有办法约束自己,只是我没有用。因为体会过一次四肢无力,在床上看太阳东升西落,就再也没能从床上起来。我已经死了。

    我的文学课老师大都很懒散,有拖延症,和我如出一辙。可是我是学计算机的,所以这其实是悲剧。后天又有project due,下周又有project due,然后就期末考试了。可是我连课都还没补,心中想的都是加拿大的雪原,天上的极光。


    下学期我没有选文学课,而是选了哲学史。这会是我第一次上文科大课。其实我本来选的是1693-1900的文学,但是fall semester不讲现代哲学,而我不太想学古代哲学,所以就先上哲学了。这其实也会是我上的第一门哲学课。当然,暑假上了美学课,but really it was a joke.

    我写文章更像是哲学学生 (I know, stereotypes. But u get what I mean here)。我很想写得更有文学性一些,但是我不擅长英语。而写creative writing就是另一回事了。写好creative writing不是英语有多好,而是语文好。如果我的英语更好,我的creative writing就可以写得更好了。我不喜欢我大一写的creative piece。开头还好,从某个地方开始就越写越尴尬。到底是我真的写得不好,还是我其实更像是哲学学生呢?比如,我就不太喜欢尼采写的一些文章,并不是因为他的看法,而是因为他的行文。

    It is just that that piece was not about something I terribly care about. I don't really care about feminism, or politics, or economics. I think about the issues, find pleasure in thinking, and that's it. I don't care. It does sounds weird saying politics touches souls. Geez.

    It was just me being lazy, picking an easy topic with which to develop a dramatic plot. The downside of that was me embarrassing myself. The prof liked it (actually he was not a prof but a lecturer; just found out), but I think he liked it as a freshman's work. Really, there never is excuse to crappy composing. Age, experience, language, whatever, doesn't matter. It was just me being mediocre inside out. 

    I should really think about what to write. I should also learn how to write. Senior year high school when I read Faulkner I was shocked. It is impossible for me to ever write like that, isn't it? Or maybe, maybe when I actually finish something, it would also seem complex and intricate, just like how I am stunned every time I finish debugging my program. 

    To know what to write about, I'll need philosophy. I don't know. I cannot tell which I like more, literature or philosophy. I am weird in either group: too emotional for philosophy, too rigid for literature. And I'm just down right not for engineering. I am really not among anything.

    The above is all my complaints, need not to be taken seriously.





