My son's painting 2

My son's painting 2

作者: f2ee2af204b1 | 来源:发表于2017-10-02 11:27 被阅读0次

    When I knew that Kele loves painting, I bought a gouache of paint, paper and pens for him as apresent, where he could get it. For a four year old, we really don't expect himto draw well, give him tools, just hope he can express himself, and he always surprises us.

    One day, when I came home, Kele showed me a picture with pride. He showed me with fat little fingers and said, "these are two robots. The big robot connects the tiny robot with a wire, so it can control the small robot.". They can fit and become super.

    A few days later, Kele's second paintings came out. He told me proudly that it was a dinosaur. Of course, I can see that too. Our Kele is really great. I give him a big hug,give him some praise and stick up the picture.

    Kele every painting,he got a small cat, clothes, face and hands, even the floor is full of dirty.We never stop him, nor interfere with him, let him free play. No matter what he paints, it doesn't matter what technique, what color is more important. As long as he expresses himself from the heart. It is such inaction, but always surprises, always better than our expectations.



          本文标题:My son's painting 2
