Day 2 召唤linux
2、还是想说下学习的感受,这次在登录服务器那一步浪费太多时间了,主要是自己意会错了登陆方式,应该是ssh root@IP地址,我一直用的是ssh “ID名称”@IP,还好后来的一瞬间反应过来了,所以改了很多次密码以及重启,耽误时间。以下是命令,中间有些是打错字的。
Last login: Tue Aug 28 23:03:01 on ttys000
liuludeMacBook-Pro:~ liulu ssh root@
root@'s password:
Welcome to Alibaba Cloud Elastic Compute Service !
[root@liulu8887 ~]# pwd
[root@liulu8887 ~]# mkdir rm_test
[root@liulu8887 ~]# cd rm_test
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# touch doodle.txt
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# mkdie huahua
-bash: mkdie: 未找到命令
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# cd huahua
-bash: cd: huahua: 没有那个文件或目录
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# mkdir huahua
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# cd huahua
[root@liulu8887 huahua]# touch haha.txt
[root@liulu8887 huahua]# which doodle.txt
/usr/bin/which: no doodle.txt in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin)
[root@liulu8887 huahua]# pwd
[root@liulu8887 huahua]# cd ../
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# cd ../
[root@liulu8887 ~]# pwd
[root@liulu8887 ~]# cd rm_test
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# rm doodle.txt
rm:是否删除普通空文件 "doodle.txt"?y
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# ls
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# rm -rf huahu
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# ls
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# rm -rf huahua
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# ls
[root@liulu8887 rm_test]# cd ../
[root@liulu8887 ~]# rm rm_test
rm: 无法删除"rm_test": 是一个目录
[root@liulu8887 ~]# rm -rf rm_tesr
[root@liulu8887 ~]# ls
[root@liulu8887 ~]# rm -rf rm_test
[root@liulu8887 ~]# ls
[root@liulu8887 ~]# mkdir test
[root@liulu8887 ~]# cd test
[root@liulu8887 test]# cd ../
[root@liulu8887 ~]# mkdir tmp
[root@liulu8887 ~]# cd tmp
[root@liulu8887 tmp]# cd ../
[root@liulu8887 ~]# rm -rf tmp
[root@liulu8887 ~]# ls
[root@liulu8887 ~]# rm -rf test
[root@liulu8887 ~]# ls
[root@liulu8887 ~]# touch me.txt
[root@liulu8887 ~]# ls
[root@liulu8887 ~]# rm me.txt
rm:是否删除普通空文件 "me.txt"?y
[root@liulu8887 ~]# ls
[root@liulu8887 ~]# mkdir tmp
[root@liulu8887 ~]# cd tmp
[root@liulu8887 tmp]# vi hello_world.txt
[root@liulu8887 tmp]# cat hello_world.txt
I think practice is very important.
The 10 lines are too much.
[root@liulu8887 tmp]# head
[root@liulu8887 tmp]# head hello_world.txt
I think practice is very important.
The 10 lines are too much.
[root@liulu8887 tmp]# head -1 hello_world.txt
I think practice is very important.
[root@liulu8887 tmp]# tail hello_world.txt
I think practice is very important.
The 10 lines are too much.
[root@liulu8887 tmp]# tail -1 hello_world.txt
The 10 lines are too much.
[root@liulu8887 tmp]# cp hello_world.txt new_file.txt
[root@liulu8887 tmp]# ls
hello_world.txt new_file.txt
[root@liulu8887 tmp]# mv new_file.txt ~
[root@liulu8887 tmp]# ls
[root@liulu8887 tmp]#