s03e03 敢于梦想 - 诺曼.文森特.皮尔

s03e03 敢于梦想 - 诺曼.文森特.皮尔

作者: cb0913edb841 | 来源:发表于2018-10-25 15:55 被阅读40次

    Dare to Dream --- Norman Vincent Peale

    s03e03 敢于梦想 - 诺曼.文森特.皮尔 s03e03 敢于梦想 - 诺曼.文森特.皮尔

    As a boy:

    He was born in a rural Ohio town in 1898, then son of a Methodist pastor who was also a physician.

    Norman was painfully shy as a young boy and would run and hide in the attic whenever he saw visitors coming to the house so that he wouldn't have to recite poetry for them.

    He was also thin for his age and lacked his younger brother's more rugged and athletic build, which made Norman somewhat self-consicious about his physical appearance.

    He admired his father a great deal, but being the son of a pastor was not always easy. Sometimes the other kids teased him because he was a "p.k." (preacher's kids), and because he was a "p.k.", his teachers always expected exemplary behavior from him.

    It was during his adolescence that he really began to develop a terrible inferiority complex, and he began telling himself that he would never amount to anything.

    When he realized that everybody was beginning to agree with his negative self-appraisal, he began to feel even worse. He was tired of being so shy, so filled with self-doubt, and living like a scared rabbit, but he didn't know what to do about the inferiority complex that was making his life so miserable.

    During high school he tried to earn some extra money by selling pots and pans and drove to another part of town where attempt to sell something that he got right back into his car and drove back home.

    Both his parents were strong, extroverted people who had made so many of his decisions for him that he had difficulty making even small decisions for himself.

    His first semester of college he didn't earn a single A or B, and his second semester he did miserably in Greek, got an F in gym, and his only bright spot was an A in oratory.

    He left college during his freshman year and returned home to enlist in the army, but his parents refused to let him enlist and sent him right back to college.

    At the end of his freshman year, his mother also told him that he would have to improve his grades if he ever wanted to amount to anything.

    He still continued to be plagued by agonizing self-consciousness when called upon to recite in class and often became confused tongue-tied,and red-faced from embarrassment.

    He described himself as "having the biggest inferiority complex in the state of Ohio." Then one day an event occurred that changed his life.

    After class, his economics professor had a no-nonsense talk with him. He told Norman that his self-consciousness was really mostly self-centeredness and that it was time for him to get over his shyness and inferiority complex and become a man.

    He also told him that, being a minister's son, he should know where to go for help.





    他非常钦佩他的父亲,但牧师的儿子并不总是那么容易当。有时其他孩子会取笑他是个“p.k.” (传教士的孩子)。因为他是“p.k.”,所以他的老师总是期待他能做出模范行为。












    s03e03 敢于梦想 - 诺曼.文森特.皮尔

    As a man:

    Norman decided to take his professor's advice and had a long talk with God about his problem. He asked God to help him work it out and, although his shyness never went away completely, it improved a great deal.

    He wasn't sure he wanted to be a minister like his father, so following his graduation from college, he decided to try working for a newspaper.

    After working for the newspaper for a year, he returned to school, In spite of his intention not to become a minister, he ound he liked theology, and in 1924 he graduated from the School of Theology at Boston University.

    He was beginning to gain a reputation not only was an excellent orator but also as a minister who could simplify the Word of God so that everone could understand it.

    He decided to try his hand at writing a book but became so discouraged that he threw his manuscript into the wastebasket. His wife, however, rescued the manuscript from the wastebasket and sent it to a publisher. The book was later called A Guide to Confident Living and made the best-seller list. Over the next four years it went through twenty-five printings.

    By this time he was becoming much in demand as public speaker and had received numerous honorary degrees from various colleges and universities.

    In 1952 his book The Power of Positive Thinking was published, and it was unequaled in sales by any book except the Bible. It remained on the best-seller list for many years and was translated into twenty-three languages.

    In the 1960s a motion picture was released, called One Man's Way, based on his biography, and it has been shown in many television reruns across the nation.

    He was the minister of the Marble Collegiate Church in New York City where he spoke to three thousand people every Sunday. And he was also the coeditor with his wife of the inspirational monthly magazine Guideposts, which is read by millions of people.

    He was the president and cofounder of the American Foundation of Religion and Psychiatry, which combined both religon and psychiatry in the treatment of people's problems, and he established a School of Practical Christianity for pastors to give them the opportunity to be enriched and refreshed spiritually.

    On March 26, 1984, he was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom at the White House and told that "few Americans have contributed so much to the personal happiness of their fellow citizens."

    By the time he retired  from the ministry in 1984, he had come a long way: fro a young man with a terrible inferiority complex to being one of America's most influential, most popular, and most loved preachers.









    在20世纪60年代,上映了一部根据他的传记改编的电影,名为”One Man's Way“,后来在全国各地的许多电视上重复播中。







      • 王佩:翻译的三重境界:信达雅,以信最为重要,也最难做到。



      本文标题:s03e03 敢于梦想 - 诺曼.文森特.皮尔
