We can define a object and its attributes like this:
type person struct{
name string
age int
var P person
P.name = "CAO_Heng"
P.age = 25
Inside the function, you can also initialize the object like this:
P := person{"Tom",25}
Embeded segment
package main
import "fmt"
type Human struct{
name string
age int
weight int
type Student struct{
Human //Embeded segment, all elements in Human should be included here
speciality string
You can also visit the embeded segments like this:
Mark.Human = Human{"Mark",55,220}
Maek.Human.age -= 1
A comprehensive example:
package main
import "fmt"
type Skill []string
type Human struct{
name string
age int
weight int
type Student struct{
Human //string
Skills //self-defined slice
int //build-in type as the anonymous segment
speciality string
func main(){
jane := Student{Human:Human{"Jane",35,100},speciality:"Math"}
jane.Skills = []string{anatomy}
jane.Skills = append(jane.Skills,"physics","golang")
jane.int = 3