

作者: KKK要学习 | 来源:发表于2018-12-16 19:51 被阅读0次



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          "Women are expected too in this era." There is nothing wrong, but if this kinds of comments is not proper. This is a woman whose life is really tough. This is a woman whose life is really tough. SunFang was married to a man, who was actually a drunkard. He will hit his wife after drinking. Time went by. SunFang was pregnant with a baby. She usually sat on the bench before under the green tree. She gentlely stroked her belly, thinking like this" Evething will be better off after the baby is born". However, the fact is that everything is even worse.Because the baby was born with a rare disease. There is no doubt that the poor couple will spend a amount of money to cure of the baby. It too much money to afford. Besides this, whether the baby can be thoroughly cured remianed unknown. The father gives up almost without hestitation. SunFang implored her husband, but was useless. So alone, with the sick baby,SunFang led a tough life. Having no money, SuFang was driven away by the hospital and the bed was emptied out for DuoDuo. In a rainy day, SunFang's baby died of fever. So that why SunFang took away DuoDuo.

        At first, I thought that SuFang took away DuoDuo in revenge. She would toture her, or even kill her. But, neither happened. I have to say SunFang transferred her love to DuoDuo .

        It is a headache to comment on SuFang. From a legal point of view, SunFang did something that could't be forgiven--she killed his husband、took away the baby withou permission and so on. But ,we all know that she has no choice. The life compelled her to. It is the life that caused the tragedy. In fact, the world we live in is no better than the film. Perphas somewhere in the world we doesn't  know, there is a SunFang or a little baby in danger.


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