Nov.2 PM 2017 No. 1066

Nov.2 PM 2017 No. 1066

作者: 打雷不怕 | 来源:发表于2017-11-03 20:45 被阅读0次

AP News Dictation Nov.2 PM@打雷不怕 No. 1066

  1. House Republicans unveiled their much anticipated tax plan on Thursday, the most extensive rewrite of the nation's tax code in decades. The proposal would add more 1.5 trillion to the US national debt over the last 10 years, slashing the corporate's tax rate and lowing taxes for most Americans.
  2. Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort and longtime bussiness associate Rick Gates are asking a federal judge to release them from home confinement. Court papers files ahead of a hearing Thursday said the men were not a risk of fleeing the country and that muti-billion dollar bonds were enough to make them show up for court.
  3. A man suspect of fatally shooting 3 people inside a suburban Denver Walmart late Wednesday was arrested after a brief police persuit. Police said and announermous tip led them to 47-year-old Scott Ostream. Police are still trying to determine the motive.
  4. And Pope Francis prayed and laid flowers at the cite of Worlds Nazi Massacre in Rome on Thursday. In honor of catholic ALL Souls's Day which celebrate the death. The cite remembers the 375 Italians murdured by Nazi following an attack on Nazi troops marching through the city.


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      本文标题:Nov.2 PM 2017 No. 1066
