两种模型来自于论文Learning To Detect Unseen Object Classes by Between-Class Attribute Transfer。
原文介绍论文Online incremental attribute-based zero-shot learning中的描述:
The difference between DAP and IAP is the relationship between training classes and testing classes. In DAP, all classes are treated equally based on the attributes’ results in the attribute layer. On the contrary, by indirectly learning the attributes in IAP, the attributes’ values are induced from the training classes, which are intermediate feature layers.
而关于IAP模型的介绍却很少很少,在一篇介绍ZSL的文章(DeepLearning | Zero Shot Learning 零样本学习 - 冯良骏 的 博客 - CSDN博客)里,作者说:
间接属性预测 Indirect attribute prediction (IAP)
但是最近读的这篇论文Online Incremental Attribute-based Zero-shot Learning却主要用到了IAP模型,为此要对IAP模型有一定的理解。
Indirect attribute prediction (IAP), depicted in Figure 2(c), also uses the attributes to transfer knowledge between classes,but the attributes form a connecting layer between two layers of labels, one for classes that are known at training time and one for classes that are not. The training phase of IAP is ordinary multi-class classification. At test time, the predictions for all training classes induce a labeling of the attribute layer, from which a labeling over the test classes can be inferred.