

作者: 圣微 | 来源:发表于2017-12-04 07:35 被阅读0次

*3 Dec 1952*

*Delhi*.On December 3rd, in the morning, a public darshan was arranged at Rajendra Nagar, Delhi which was then one of the colonies for the refugees who had come to India after its partition in 1947. Here Sant Kirpal Singh of Ruhani Satsang welcomed Baba and introduced some of his followers to Him.       In the evening Meher Baba visited Delhi University, the Arts Faculty Building. This meeting was attended by several distinguished foreigners, including Americans and Chinese among others. Baba dictated the following from His board which was read out on His behalf:

      "The purpose of life is to realize oneness with the Infinite. That can be achieved through love for God. Infinite love makes us true to ourselves and to others. It makes us love honestly, comprehending that God Himself is Infinite Honesty.

Divine Love is the solution to all of our difficulties. It frees us from all cares and worries. It makes us speak truly, think truly and act truly. Divine Love purifies one's heart . . . I give my love and blessings."

This was the last day of Baba's stay in Delhi. So the Kains gave a farewell party for Baba and His mandali at their house. Baba was in a good mood and distributed prasad with both hands, perhaps as a sign of the fullness of His giving. That night Baba lovers gathered at the railway station to give Baba a hearty send off. The train, the Pathankot Express,

left Delhi at 10:00 P.M.

- Glimpses of the God-Man Vol.3, pg. 233-234


( _A slightly different version of above quote in Lord Meher_ :


      The purpose of life is to realize our oneness with the Infinite; this can be achieved through love for God. Divine love makes us true to ourselves and to others. It makes us live honestly, comprehending that God Himself is Infinite Honesty.

        Divine love is the solution to all our difficulties. It frees us from every kind of binding. It makes us speak truly, think truly and act truly. It makes us feel one with the whole universe. Divine love purifies our heart and glorifies our being. I give you my love and blessings. )


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