The dance

作者: Pan11 | 来源:发表于2017-10-17 20:36 被阅读0次

这一章讲了他朋友Tom对他做的两件事。第一就是邀请他去一个talent show, 结果是让Trover假扮一个来自美国的rapper,于是他在台上乱唱一番,台下听不懂英文观众erupted with cheers and applause。第二件事就是帮Trover找一个美丽的姑娘参加学校的舞会,交换条件是free music。一开始很顺利,但是最后结局不是特别美好,也印证了Trover的这句话:

I knew Tom was full of shit, but the thing that makes a con man successful is that he never gives you nothing. He delivers just enough to keep you believing


  1. Tom was a chatterbox, hyperactive and go-go-go
    chatterbox: n. a person who talks a lot, especially a child
    hyperactive: adj. too active and only able to keep quiet and still for short periods

  2. what Tom had failed to tell me was that he’d told these people he was bringing a famous rapper from America to come and rap in their talent show
    fail: v. to not do sth
    仿句:He failed to keep his promise.

  3. Tom, always the hustler and the deal maker, stepped in
    step in: to help sb in a disagreement or difficult situation
    仿句:A businessman stepped in and donated some money to the family.

  4. I was mortified
    mortify:to make sb feel very ashamed or embarrassed
    mortify sb( to do sth )
    It mortifies sb that
    仿句: He was mortified of his stupid joke.



      本文标题:The dance
