

作者: 朗月斋主 | 来源:发表于2023-01-13 19:51 被阅读0次

To be a good person is a kind of self-demand. But in real life, it takes a huge cost to maintain the image of a good person. For example, if you buy breakfast for your colleague every day, if you delay one day, he will not forgive you for your previous mistakes because of your good behavior, but only remember this one. There is no problem with being a good person, but we should be restrained and leave room for ourselves to refuse under pressure.
Sanmao said, "Don't be afraid to refuse others, if your reason is justified. When a person asks for a request, he has two kinds of answers in his mind. Therefore, it is expected to give him any one of the answers." Guilt caused by refusal is a common disease of people who are afraid to refuse. Don't hesitate, refuse when you should, and don't be a good old man who consumes yourself. The long road of life can not always be stifled.


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