// MaxBlockHeaderPayload is the maximum number of bytes a block header can be.
// Version 4 bytes + PrevBlock 32 bytes + MerkleRoot 32 bytes + StakeRoot 32
// bytes + VoteBits 2 bytes + FinalState 6 bytes + Voters 2 bytes + FreshStake 1
// byte + Revocations 1 bytes + PoolSize 4 bytes + Bits 4 bytes + SBits 8 bytes
// + Height 4 bytes + Size 4 bytes + Timestamp 4 bytes + Nonce 4 bytes +
// ExtraData 32 bytes + StakeVersion 4 bytes.
// --> Total 180 bytes.
// BlockHeader defines information about a block and is used in the decred
// block (MsgBlock) and headers (MsgHeaders) messages.
type BlockHeader struct {
// Version of the block. This is not the same as the protocol version.
// hex [:8]
Version int32
// Hash of the previous block in the block chain.
// hex [8:72]
PrevBlock chainhash.Hash
// Merkle tree reference to hash of all transactions for the block.
// hex [72:136]
MerkleRoot chainhash.Hash
// Merkle tree reference to hash of all stake transactions for the block.
// hex [136:200]
StakeRoot chainhash.Hash
// Votes on the previous merkleroot and yet undecided parameters.
// hex [200:204]
VoteBits uint16
// Final state of the PRNG used for ticket selection in the lottery.
// hex [204:216]
FinalState [6]byte
// Number of participating voters for this block.
// hex [216:220]
Voters uint16
// Number of new sstx in this block.
// hex [220:222]
FreshStake uint8
// Number of ssrtx present in this block.
// hex [222:224]
Revocations uint8
// Size of the ticket pool.
// hex [224:232]
PoolSize uint32
// Difficulty target for the block.
// hex [232:240]
Bits uint32
// Stake difficulty target.
// hex [240:256]
SBits int64
// Height is the block height in the block chain.
// hex [256:264]
Height uint32
// Size is the size of the serialized block in its entirety.
// hex [264:272]
Size uint32
// Time the block was created. This is, unfortunately, encoded as a
// uint32 on the wire and therefore is limited to 2106.
// hex [272:280]
Timestamp time.Time
// Nonce is technically a part of ExtraData, but we use it as the
// classical 4-byte nonce here.
// hex [280:288]
Nonce uint32
// ExtraData is used to encode the nonce or any other extra data
// that might be used later on in consensus.
// hex [288:352]
ExtraData [32]byte
// StakeVersion used for voting.
// hex [352:360]
StakeVersion uint32
blockVersion := headerE[:8]
prevBlock := headerE[8:72]
genTx1 := headerE[72:288]
nBits := headerE[232:240]
nTime := headerE[272:280]
genTx2 := headerE[352:360]
HeaderHeight := binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(headerE[256:264])