<Gone Girl>099
Release date: 2014-10-3
Type: Drama/Crime/Horror/Suspense
Running time:149mins
Recommendation Rate:★★★★★
Four questions:
1、What’s the main idea and the message or value of the movie that the director is going to convey?
What's marriage?What's important in marriage? The beauty and ugliness in marriage.
2、Find three points that most touching or what you think is the most important details(conversation、picture or plot).
A/ Their conversation shocked me, is that real marriage? People got married, mostly based on love. With time goes by, they may resent each other, wanna control each other. I don't even think there is love left between the couple. That's too pessimistic. But it may exist in reality.
B/ Amy is different, that because of her parents, who built the image of amazing Amy, only for earning money, but never care about the influences on Amy. Amy is a writer, full of creativities and imaginations. When her husband Nick betrayed on her, she took it as depriving her pride and dignity, money and hope etc. For her, having an affair equals to murder.
C/ Amy killed her ex-boyfriend, who saved her. She designed everything, pretended to be raped and abused, she had to kill him for leaving. She is too cruel and tricky. I hate and love her.
3、What did you learn from the movie?
Lovers have good relationships at the very beginning, why it can not last forever? Too familiar with each other? If one day, there is no love, make sure no harm. Keep the last decency.
4、The background of the story.
Amy and Nick got married, Nick had an affair. Amy designed herself missing to set up Nick.