

作者: 歸鶴樓主 | 来源:发表于2022-03-07 12:24 被阅读0次



Рідна мати моя

Рідна мати моя, ти ночей не доспала,

Ти водила мене у поля край села,

І в дорогу далеку ти мене на зорі проводжала,

І рушник вишиваний на щастя дала.

І в дорогу далеку ти мене на зорі проводжала,

І рушник вишиваний на щастя, на долю дала.

Хай на ньому цвіте росяниста доріжка,

І зелені луги, й солов'їні гаї,

І твоя незрадлива материнська ласкава усмішка,

І засмучені очі хороші твої.

I твоя незрадлива материнська ласкава усмішка,

І засмучені очі хороші, блакитні твої.

Я візьму той рушник, простелю, наче долю,

В тихім шелесті трав, в щебетанні дібров.

І на тім рушничкові оживе все знайоме до болю:

І дитинство, й розлука, і вірна любов.

І на тім рушничкові оживе все знайоме до болю:

І дитинство, й розлука, й твоя материнська любов.






















My dear mother, you didn’t sleep enough at nights

You were lead me to the fields on the village suburbs

And you saw me off to the long way out on the dawn

And you gave me the embroidered towel for luck

And you saw me off to the long way out on the awn

And you gave me the embroidered towel for luck, for chance

Let the dewy path flowers on it

And the green meadows, and coppices with nightingales

And your tender faithful mother’s smile

And you sad nice eyes

And your tender faithful mother’s smile

And you blue sad nice eyes

I’ll take your towel and spread it like the destiny

In the quiet rustle of grass, in the twitter of coppices

And on that little towel will become alive everything so painfully known

And childhood, and parting, and faithful love

And on that little towel will become alive everything so painfully known

And childhood, and parting, and you faithful mother’s love


Dear mother of mine, you've been through sleepless nights,

At the edge of the village, taking me to the fields,

And to faraway road you were seeing me off at the sunrise,

And for luck an embroidered towel you gave to me.

And to faraway road you were seeing me off at the sunrise,

And embroidered towel for luck and for fate, gave to me

Let the silver- dew path blossom brightly on it,

And green meadows scent, nightingale in groves,

And your gentle, unfailing, mother's smile so kind and moonlit,

And the eyes, sad and kind of yours.

And your gentle, unfailing, mother's smile so kind and moonlit,

And the eyes sad and kind, sky-blue, of yours.

I will take gift of yours, like a fate, lay it down, when I'm alone

In quiet rustle of the grass, in the chirping oak wood.

And on that little towel, will come alive, painfully my old home:

Parting, true love and my own childhood.

And on that little towel, will come alive, painfully my old home:

Parting, mother's love and my own childhood.


My beloved dear mother, you did not sleep through out the night

And you had led me out to the field near by the village

And there onto a distant road way beneath the stars you accompanied me, to see me off,

And a towel - embroidered for a good fate you had given to me.

And there onto a distant road way beneath the stars you accompanied me, to see me off,

And a towel - embroidered for a good fate you had given to me.

Let there on it bloom and flourish a wide path,

And the green meadows and the nightingale groves

And your dear faithful motherly precious and affectionate smile

And your tender yet sorrowful beautiful bright blue eyes.

And your dear faithful motherly precious and affectionate smile

And your tender yet sorrowful beautiful bright blue eyes.

I shall then take that towel, I'll lay it out as if it be my fate

In the quiet rustling of grasses, there in the whispering groves,

And on that very towel everything familiar will painfully come back to life -

And my childhood, our separation, and your faithful motherly love.

And on that very towel everything familiar will painfully come back to life -

And my childhood, our separation, and your faithful motherly love.


Dearest Mother of Mine, you had many sleepless nights

You led me to the fields next to the village

And on my long journey, you saw me off at dawn

And gave me an embroidered towel for luck

And on my long journey, you saw me off at dawn

And gave me an embroidered towel for luck and destiny

Let the dewy road blossom on it

Along with the green glens and groves full of nightingales

And your faithful, kind, motherly smile

And your sad, dear eyes

And your faithful, kind, motherly smile

And your sad, dear, blue eyes

I'll take this towel, and unfold it as if destiny

In the quiet, rustling meadows, and chirping oak-woods

And on this little towel, will live the familiar pain

My childhood, seperation, and unconditional love

And on this little towel, will live all the familiar pain

My childhood, seperation, and your motherly love



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