278. First Bad Version?(二分查找)

278. First Bad Version?(二分查找)

作者: 飞飞廉 | 来源:发表于2017-12-02 15:10 被阅读0次

    leetcode 278. First Bad Version

    You are a product manager and currently leading a team to develop a new product. Unfortunately, the latest version of your product fails the quality check. Since each version is developed based on the previous version, all the versions after a bad version are also bad.

    Suppose you have n versions [1, 2, ..., n] and you want to find out the first bad one, which causes all the following ones to be bad.

    You are given an API bool isBadVersion(version) which will return whether version is bad. Implement a function to find the first bad version. You should minimize the number of calls to the API.

    Special thanks to @jianchao.li.fighter for adding this problem and creating all test cases.


    ???OJ里有个坑,那就是如果left和right都特别大的话,那么left+right可能会溢出,我们的处理方法就是变成left + (right - left) / 2,很好的避免的溢出问题?不太懂?



          本文标题:278. First Bad Version?(二分查找)
