
作者: 只是找一个地方码子_ | 来源:发表于2017-02-04 18:48 被阅读0次

bad day

have a fight with my mom

maybe when we calm down.it will be better

i just want to cry and be alone

now i dont want to talk with anyone

just myself

my world is one and my heart is closed

it seems that i am always calm

sometimes happy..

i never recieve encouragment from my mom, so thats the reason why i want recievement from others. i try hard and want to get admired from others. thats why i always compare with others.

thats awful.

i just want to reviece encouragement and sunny from my mom. not doubt and enable... i am an adult and 24 years old.

this days i am not happy.

even though it is unnecessary. i know it. it is no use to worry about the thing that not happened.

but i still worry about my job.  shit.  whatever. see what happens.

at home i feel ease.  although i know its better to make mom feel i am strong enough.  but her worry is too many .

i feel sorry about my cat.

tomorrow i will leave.

but its not a big deal.

because we are just one part in history.


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