10 An Explosion

10 An Explosion

作者: 吉米妈妈 | 来源:发表于2018-02-26 11:52 被阅读0次


gullible: /'ɡʌlɪb ə l,'ɡʌləb ə l,ˋgʌləbḷ/ adj. too ready to believe what other people tell you, so that you are easily tricked

mercy:n. 仁慈,宽容;怜悯;幸运;善行 it’s a mercy (that):spoken used to say that it is lucky that a worse situation was avoided

wide:opening or spreading as much as possible

crown: [kraʊn] n. 王冠;花冠

daisy:n. 雏菊

drainboard:n. 滴水板

crisis:n. 危机

groan:[I] to make a long deep sound because you are in pain, upset, or disappointed, or because something is very enjoyable

beam:n. 横梁;光线

straddle: /'strædl,ˋstrædḷ/ v. [T ] to sit or stand with your legs on either side of someone or something

crash into:v. 闯入;撞到…上

pasture:n. 草地;牧场

topple:[I,T] to become unsteady and then fall over, or to make something do this

scuttle:[I always + adv/prep] to move quickly with short steps, especially because you are afraid and do not want to be noticed

narrow escape:a situation in which you only just avoid danger, difficulties, or trouble死里逃生,险些遇险

gabble: v. [I, T ]to say something so quickly that people cannot hear you clearly or understand you properly

It pays to: If a course of action pays, it results in some advantage or benefit for you. (某种做法) 有好处

surly:/'sɜːli,ˋsɝlɪ/ adj.bad-tempered and unfriendly

come in handy:be useful

in thunder:到底,究竟

pry:[T always + adv/prep] to force something open, or force it away from something else撬开,撬起

drool:v. 流口水

gulp:[T] to swallow large quantities of food or drink quickly

swish:v. [I,T ]to move or make something move quickly through the air with a quiet sound使作沙沙声

swoosh:v. [I ] to make a sound by moving quickly through the air〔在空中移动时〕发出嗖嗖声,嗖嗖作响

anxious:feeling strongly that you want to do something or want something to happen;anxious to do sth

rind:n. 壳;外皮

gingersnap:n. 姜饼

scum:n. 浮渣;泡沫

lining:['laɪnɪŋ]n. 衬里;内层

jello:n. 凝胶物

heartily:adv. with energy and enjoyment

astride:adv,prep.with one leg on each side of something 跨坐地;跨骑地;跨在…上

moodily:moody的变形;moody:annoyed or unhappy;often changing quickly from being in a good temper to being in a bad temper

horsefly:n. 马蝇

bestir:/bɪˈstɜː/vt.  to cause (oneself, or, rarely, another person) to become active; rouse. bestir oneself

drowse:v. [I ]打瞌睡

snooze: v. [I ] to sleep lightly for a short time


“Look at my frog!” said Avery, placing the frog on the drainboard and holding out his hand for pie.

He scooped up his frog.

Let's swing in the swing.

Then you got up all your nerve, took a deep breath, and jumped.

The air was filled with the terrible gases and smells from the rotten egg.

She held her nose and ran toward the house.

Who wants to live in a barn that is perfumed with rotten egg?



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