SQL面试题, since 2022-03-29

SQL面试题, since 2022-03-29

作者: Mc杰夫 | 来源:发表于2022-03-30 14:00 被阅读0次

    (2022.03.29 Tues)

      1. 存在一个关系score_board(stu_id, stu_name, subjects, stu_score),保存的是学生姓名、学号、科目和成绩。找出最低成绩大于80的学生姓名。
    SELECT stu_name
    FROM score_board
    GROUP BY stu_name
    HAVING min(stu_score) > 80;


    SELECT stu_name
    FROM score_board
    WHERE stu_name NOT IN (
    SELECT stu_name 
    FROM score_board
    WHERE score < 80);
      1. 同上题关系,找出平均成绩大于80的学生姓名和平均成绩
    SELECT stu_name, AVG(stu_score)
    FROM score_board
    GROUP BY stu_name
    HAVING AVG(stu_score) > 80;
      1. 同上题关系,加入一个自增的stid列作为primary key,关系中有些记录的内容重复,仅stid不同。显示非冗余项。
    SELECT * 
    FROM score_board
    WHERE stid in (
    SELECT min(stid)
    FROM score_board
    GROUP BY stu_name, stu_score, subjects, stu_score);


    DELETE FROM score_board
    WHERE stid not in (
    SELECT min(stid)
    FROM score_board
    GROUP BY stu_name, stu_score, subjects, stu_score);
      1. 一个关系r,仅有一列,该列的值为单一的字母。查询出该列中不同的字母两两得到的所有可能组合。
    SELECT a.cname, b.cname
    FROM alphabet_table a, alphabet_table b
    where a.cname < b.cname;
      1. 一个关系r(years, months, amount),其中的month字段的取值范围是[1, 2, 3, 4]。写一个查询,查询结果是关系k(years, month1, month2, month3, month4),其中month1到month4字段保留的是特定years在对应month的amount值。
    SELECT years,
    (select amount from month_amt m where months = 1 and m.years = a.years) as 'm1',
    (select amount from month_amt m where months = 2 and m.years = a.years) as 'm2',
    (select amount from month_amt m where months = 3 and m.years = a.years) as 'm3',
    (select amount from month_amt m where months = 4 and m.years = a.years) as 'm4'
    FROM month_amt a
    GROUP BY a.years;

    (2022.03.31 Thur)

    SELECT years,
    SUM(CASE WHEN months = 1 then month_amt else 0 end) AS m1,
    SUM(CASE WHEN months = 2 then month_amt else 0 end) AS m2,
    SUM(CASE WHEN months = 3 then month_amt else 0 end) AS m3,
    SUM(CASE WHEN months = 4 then month_amt else 0 end) AS m4
    FROM month_amt
    group by years;

    (2022.03.31 Thur)

      1. 创建关系满足,1) 根据另一个关系的结构,2) 根据另一个关系结构并复制数据
    CREATE TABLE table2 LIKE table1;
    CREATE TABLE table2 LIKE table1;
    INSERT INTO table2 SELECT * FROM table1;
      1. 有关系a(article, submitter, update_ts),返回每个文章和提交人的最后update时间。注,同一个文章可能被多人update,显示每个submitter的最后update时间。
    SELECT article, submitter, max(update_ts)
    FROM a
    GROUP BY article, submitter;


    select a.article, a.submitter, c.update_ts 
    from a b, 
    (select max(update_ts) from a where a.article=b.article) c;
      1. 有主副两个关系,删除主关系中在副关系中不存在的sid
    DELETE FROM primary_table NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM primary_table where primary_table.sid=secondary_table.sid);
      1. 有两个关系da和db,都有key和value两个字段,修改表da的值,使得如果db表中有相同的key字段值,则da中对应的value字段与db中的value字段相同。
    UPDATE da SET value = (select value from db where da.key = db.key) 
    where key in (select key from db where db.key = da.key); 
      1. 成绩单关系r(name, subjects, score),返回一个新的关系r1(name, subjects, score, grade),成绩高于80则good,否则为normal。
    select *,
    case when score > 80 then 'good'
    else 'normal' end as mark
    from r
      1. 存在一个关系score_board(stu_id, stu_name, subjects, stu_score),保存的是学生姓名、学号、科目和成绩。找出没有一门成绩低于75,并且有至少两门成绩高于85分的学生,并给出其平均成绩。
    SELECT stu_name, AVG(score)
    FROM score_board
    stu_name NOT IN (
        SELECT stu_name FROM score_board
        WHERE score < 75)
    stu_name IN (
        SELECT stu_name
        FROM score_board
        WHERE score > 85
        GROUP BY stu_name
        HAVING count(*) > 1)
    GROUP BY stu_name
    ORDER BY AVG(score);

    (2022.04.11 Mon)

      1. 依然考虑关系score_board(stu_id, stu_name, subjects, stu_score),找出每个科目最高分,已经该学生的信息。
    select * 
    from score_board a
    where score in 
    (select max(score) from score_board b 
     where a.subjects=b.subjects); 


    SELECT *
    FROM (
    SELECT *, 
    FIRT_VALUE(score) OVER(PARTITION BY subjects ORDER BY scores DESC) AS highest_score
    FROM score_board) AS a
    WHERE a.score = a.highest_score;
      1. 考虑关系score_board(stu_id, stu_name, subjects, stu_score),已知有所有人都参加了三门课考试,找出每个人的最低成绩,和其他信息。
    select * from 
    (select *, 
     dense_ranking() over(partition by stu_name order by scores desc) AS ranking 
     from score_board) a 
    where a.ranking > 2;

    注意,该题可转化为经典的Top N问题,或“既要分组又要排序”问题,而该问题都可以用ranking的窗口函数来解决。

      1. 考虑关系score_board(stu_id, stu_name, subjects, stu_score),找出成绩低于科目平均成绩的同学信息
    select * 
    from test_data.stu_score a
    where score < 
    (select avg(score) from test_data.stu_score b 
     where a.subjects = b.subjects);

    (2022.05.27 Fri)

    • 15 (leetcode 176. second highest score, easy) 一个关系employ(id, salary),该关系中id是primary key不重复。返回一个关系仅有变量SecondHighestSalary其中给出工资第二高的salary
    select max(salary) SecondHighestSalary
    from employ
    where salary < (select max(salary) from employ);
    • 17 (leetcode 177. the Nth highest salary) 一个关系employ(id, salary),其中id不重复,返回一个表只有一个变量getNthHighestSalary。(提示:用窗口函数)
      RETURN (
          # Write your MySQL query statement below.
          select distinct(salary) getNthHighestSalary from (
          select salary, dense_rank() over(order by salary desc) 'rank'
              from Employee
          ) a
          where a.rank=N


    • 18 (leetcode 178. rank score, medium)关系如上employ(id, salary),每个id不同,对salary排序,如果有并列则并列之后的序号是当前序号加一。返回关系含有salary和rank两个字段。
    select salary, DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY salary DESC) AS 'rank'
    FROM employ;


    • 19 (leetcode 180. consecutive numbers, medium)有一个关系log(id, num),写一个SQL查询找到num字段中连续出现最少3次的数字,返回关系的字段是ConsecutiveNums。

    • 20 (leetcode 191. Employees Earning More Than Their Managers) 有关系Employee(id, salary, name, managerID),所有人的id在这个表里。提示:用join。

    select a.name Employee
    from Employee a
    inner join Employee b
    ON a.managerID = b.id
    WHERE a.salary > b.salary;
    • 21 (182. Duplicate Emails, easy) 有关系Person(id, email),id独一无二,email有的有重复,找出有重复的email
    SELECT email from Person
    group by email 
    having count(*) > 1;

    (2022.05.28 Sat)

    • 22 (197. Rising Temperature, easy) 有关系Weather(id, recordDate, temperature),其中的recordDate是连续日期,找出所有当天气温比前一天气温高的id。
    select a.id from Weather a, Weather b
    WHERE timestampdiff(day, a.recordDate, b.recordDate) = -1 
    AND a.temperature > b.temperature;


    • 23 (183. Customers Who Never Order, easy) 有两个关系Customers(id, name)和Orders(id, customerID),其中的Customers.id和Orders.customerID等价。Orders关系中记录了售出商品的id和购买者id。写一个查询找出没有购买商品的用户名。
    SELECT a.name from Customers a
    WHERE a.id not in (
    SELECT b.id FROM Customers b 
    INNER JOIN Orders c
    ON b.id = c.customerID


    • 24 (185. Department Top Three Salaries, hard) 有两个关系Employee(id, salary, name, departmentID)和Department(id, name)分别记录了职工的基本信息和部门信息,要求返回一个关系,记录了每个部门工资最高数额前三位的所有员工,其中包含(Department, Name, Salary)。每个数额上可能有不止一位员工。
    SELECT b.name 'Department', a. name Name, a.salary Salary
    FROM (select name, id, departmentID, 
    DENSE_RANK() over(partition by departmentID order by salary desc) 'rank'
    from Employee
    ) a
    INNER JOIN Department b
    ON a.departmentID = b.id
    WHERE a.rank <= 3;


    • 25 (196. Delete Duplicate Emails, easy) 有关系Person(id, email),其中相同email对应了不同的id,清除冗余的id信息,只保留最小的id。
    # Mysql
    DELETE p1 FROM Person p1, Person p2
    WHERE p1.email = p2.email AND p1.id > p2.id;
    # Oracle
    DELETE FROM Person 
    WHERE id in (
    SELECT a.id id FROM Person a, Person b
    WHERE a.email = b.email AND a.id > b.id
    • 26 (184. Department Highest Salary, medium) 有关系Employee(id, name, salary, departmentID)和Department(id, name),要求找出各部门最高工资的同事, 可并列,(Department, Employee, Salary)
    SELECT b.name 'Department', a.name 'Employee', a.salary 'Salary'
    FROM ( SELECT id, name, salary, departmentID, 
    rank() over(partition by departmentID order by salary desc) 'ranking' 
    FROM Employee
    ) a
    INNER JOIN Department b
    ON a.departmentID = b.id
    WHERE a.ranking = 1;
    • 27 (608. Tree Node, medium) 有关系Tree(id, p_id),保存的是树中的节点id和其parent id,如果p_id为Null则该点为Root,如果该节点是其他节点的parent,则该点为Inner,否则该节点类型为Leaf。返回节点类型(id, type)。
    SELECT id, 
    (CASE WHEN p_id is NUL THEN 'Root'
          WHEN id in (select p_id from Tree) THEN 'Inner'
          ELSE 'Leaf'
     END) 'type'
    FROM Tree
    • 28 (1158. Market Analysis I, medium) 有三个关系记录用户和订单信息,Users(user_id, join_date, favourite_brand),Orders(order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id)和Items(item_id, item_brand),返回用户id和加入日期以及在2019年的下单次数,(buyer_id, join_date, orders_in_2019)
    SELECT user_id 'buyer_id', join_date, count(*) orders_in_2019
    FROM Users a
    LEFT JOIN ( SELECT item_id, buyer_id From Orders 
    WHERE order_date between '2019-01-01' and '2019-12-31'
    ) b
    ON a.user_id = b.buyer_id
    GROUP BY a.user_id;




          本文标题:SQL面试题, since 2022-03-29
