
作者: jerry_b3b5 | 来源:发表于2017-12-01 23:59 被阅读0次

Words & Expressions

versatile       多才多艺的

conglomerate    adj. 成团的;   vt. 使聚结;使成团

a man with such a versatile talent and colorful life a conglomerate of the qualities that have endeared him to his readers.

incorrigible   adj. 无法矫正的,屡教不改的,无可救药的

an incorrigible optimist, a great humanitarian, a friend of the people, a prose master, an original painter

aflectionate and warm admiring smile

wisdom of the serpent(n. 蛇;狡猾的人) and the gentleness of the dove

wield his pen

swerve     vt.& vi. 使突然转向;使转弯

e.g: He felt strongly, thought clearly, wrote beautifully, and acted with high courage, never swerved by his own interests or the changing fashions of opinion.

went through life like a whirlwind   (n. 旋风;)

annihilate (彻底击败) life

incarnation  n. 化身;前身;典型体现

but his spirit in the next incarnation might become a star in heaven, or a river on earth, to shine, to nourish, and to sustain all living.


1.Political chicanery and calculation were foreign to his character.

2.He could be whimsical or dignified, playful or serious, very serious, and from his pen we hear a chord reflecting all the human emotions of joy, delight, disillusionment, and resignation. was a temporary expression of something else, an eternal spirit in a temporary carcass.

4.Of this living, he was only a particle in a temporary manifestation of the eternal, and it really did not matter very much which particle he happened to be.

Summary & Thoughts 

Su Tongpo's charm:

1. optimisium towards misfortunes in life

2.wisdom in carrying out  out-of-date traditions 

3.rebellion against bureaucrats & rejection towards secular society

4.resposibility for family, his own intergrity and country 

5.consider his life a small particle in the universe ( in thinking philosophically )

At last, I wanna recite a paragraph from a famous Chinese writer in describing his maturity:



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