strategy~people must think!

strategy~people must think!

作者: 柏树维度 | 来源:发表于2020-06-21 16:26 被阅读0次

he does believe  very  intensely  in the  almost  infinite possibility of  human mind.

you  have to find out  what  you can't  know before  you  know  you  can't, don't  you?

so  i  don't  think  that  thought  should  be restricted  at all. 我认为思想一点都不应该被束缚。

why  shouldn't you go on thinking  about  the unthinkable?  为什么你不该继续想那些无法想象的东西?

nonsense, but the point  is  people must think! people must go on think!

they must try to  extend  the  boundaries  of  knowledge  and  they  don't  sometimes  even  know  where to  start. 

ordinary  people

they  should  provide  adequate  support.

who can guarantee that  his story is true?谁能保证她的话是真的?

pioneer  n. 先锋,先驱

he was a pioneer of  global captialism .



i cannot  guarantee you that all of this  is gonna succeed. 

to hear her talk .

identify  v. 确认

that‘s nothing  but  a  mosquito bite .


thought,  thought   

n.  想法,主意,    v.  think的过去式,认为

i thought  you could  win.

then a  sudden  thought  crossed  my  mind.




      本文标题:strategy~people must think!
