

作者: 亲爱的米亚 | 来源:发表于2019-05-29 11:58 被阅读0次





Note to self






Beauty starts from within

Stop being who you were and change into who you are.



I read in mild despair arecent article whereby a prominent female politicalfigure felt the need, todownplay her presence at wedding dinners, hoping notto upstage her husband togive him "respect".

I find this public expression dated and quite ironically, somewhat offensivetoher partner.As a well known artiste in the entertainment industry, I am wellaware of thestigmas surrounding every stereotype. After all, we have beentrained to give aclear indication of our image in the market. Be androgynous,smile sweetly,wear pants. While I benefit greatly from these guidelines, (sinceI am indeed inclined towards androgyny and happiness), I don't imagine itshould ever drawa boundary of what I can become.

To sidestep, being a mother was one of theluckiest thing that could happen tome (other than singing for a living). Having a child puts my priorities intolaserlike focus as I constantly juggle the right amount of work-life balance.Having done so for two plus years,my first conclusion is that this constantjuggle is the sweetness of life. Theother conclusion is that I probably couldnot have done it without a worthy partner.

I don't talk about my partner very often,not just because we feel like our privatethoughts are a sanctuary that we bothshare, but also because he is a fiercelyindependent individual who believes strongly in his own merits and strengths.To draw an accurate picture of our relationship is probably not possible in anyone interview as our growth as a couple shifts and takes form. Together, weargue about issues big and small, from what constitutes a yummy meal to thefuture ofthe country we both reside in. We watch some movies separately; Ican't watchTransformers and he can't watch Cate Blanchett (but along comes a afilm like 50 Shades of Gray and we are able to roll our eyes in tandem). Hecooks while Isort out the helper's monthly expenses. Sure, we don't fit intothe usualcategory of the typical Asian family, but what do you expect whenyoupursue a job like mine.

I don't endear to the idea of a powerhungry couple, I don't think it isnecessary for my husband to bring the doughin when I am completely capable ofdoing so. I am proud of the fact that I could work hard for my passion and formy family, but I am equally proud of him for holding us together when my jobtakes me away, assuring me that all is well at home. I cannot imagine a betterpartner than he and feel assured and fortunate that he would never feeldisrespected by me becoming the best that I could be.

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