Lbp Frontal 51.9KB 24x24
Lbp Profile 47.0KB 20x34
Haar Frontal_alt 676.7KB Stump-based 20x20 gentle adaboost frontal face
Haar Frontal_alt2 540.6KB Tree-based 20x20 gentle
Haar Frontal_alt_tree 2.7MB Stump-based 20x20gentle,
Use tree of stage classifiers instead of a cascade
Haar Frontal default 930.1KB Stump-based 24x24 discrete
Haar Profile 828.5KB 20x20 profile face detector
Haar Roboman_ff_alt2 818KB Tree-based 20x20 gentle adaboost frontal face detector.
Tree-based training is more accurate than stump-based.
gentle adaboost is preferable to discrete and real adaboost.