【薄荷阅读】福尔摩斯探案 chapter15

【薄荷阅读】福尔摩斯探案 chapter15

作者: 李爹 | 来源:发表于2017-07-11 09:44 被阅读265次




    A man named John Ferrier and his daughter, Lucy Ferrier, were making a long journey across the Sierra Nevada desert in the United States.
    They found themselves without water or food and about to die.
    Before the creatures of the desert could get to them, a traveling group of Mormons found them, led by their famous leader, Brigham Young.
    The Mormons agreed to rescue them, but only if they also agreed to become Mormons.
    一个叫John Ferrie的男人,带着他的女儿Lucy Ferrier,在美国(the United States)内华达(Sierra Nevada)沙漠里艰难的行走着。
    在他们被沙漠中的怪兽叼走之前,一群Mormons(摩门)教徒发现了他们。领头人Brigham Young同意救他们,但前提是他们也要成为Mormons教徒。

    After leading them to safety, the Mormons told them, “You shall remain here. In a few days you will have recovered from your exhaustions(疲惫).
    Remember that now and forever you are of our religion. Brigham Young has said it, and he speaks with the voice of God.”
    在将这对父女带至安全地带后,Mormons教徒对父女说,“你就留在这里。几天后你的身体就能恢复健康。记住,你将永远要对Mormons保持忠诚。Brigham Young (领头人)用他天父般的声音说的。”

    Finally they arrived in Utah, which Young told them was the Promised Land.
    Young proved himself to be an expert manager as well as a firm chief.
    In the country there was draining(开沟浚壑), planting and clearing, until the next summer saw the whole country golden with the wheat crop.
    Everything thrived(繁荣) in the strange settlement.
    Ferrier, having recovered from his hardships, distinguished(使出众) himself as a useful guide and a hunter, and was given a good farm.
    He built himself a house in which Lucy grew up, and helped her father in all his activities.

    So the bud(花蕾) bloomed(绽放) into a flower: it was not the father, however, who first learned that the child had developed into the woman.
    One morning she was riding her horse along a road when she ran into a herd(群) of cattle, of which one suddenly turned and attacked her.
    She would have fallen and been killed, if a stranger had not caught her wildly-moving horse and led it calmly away.

    “You’re not hurt, I hope, miss,” said her savior(救星).
    She looked up at his dark, fierce face, and laughed.
    “I’m frightened(受惊了),” she said, “whoever would have thought that my horse would have been so scared(惊吓) by a lot of cows?”
    “Thank God you kept your seat,” the other said earnestly.

    He was a tall, savage(粗犷的)-looking young fellow, seated on a powerful brown horse, and clothed in the rough dress of a hunter, with a long rifle(步枪) over his shoulders.
    “I guess you are the daughter of John Ferrier,” he remarked, “I saw you ride down from his house.
    When you see him, ask him if he remembers the Jefferson Hopes of St. Louis.
    If he’s the same Ferrier, my father and he were pretty friendly.”
    “我想你应该是John Ferrier的女儿,我看你从庄园那边骑来的。你见到他的时候,麻烦问下他是否还记得圣路易街区的Jefferson Hope一家人。如果他是那位Ferrier先生的话,我父亲曾经和他还是好朋友的。”

    “Hadn’t you better come and ask yourself?” she asked.
    The young fellow seemed pleased at the suggestion. “I’ll do that,” he said.
    “He has a good deal to thank you for, and so have I,” she answered.
    “You must come and see us. I must leave now—Good-bye!”
    “Good-bye,” he answered, raising his hat, and bending over her little hand.

    He called on John Ferrier that night, and many times again, until his face was a familiar one at the farm-house.
    He soon became a favorite with the old farmer.
    Lucy’s red-faced cheeks and her bright, happy eyes showed clearly that she was in love.
    Her father may not have noticed, but her visitor certainly did.
    Jefferson Hope had to leave for two months on urgent(紧急的) business.
    He asked Lucy to wait for him, which she agreed to do, and promised to marry her on his return.
    当天晚上,他就去拜访了 John Ferrier 。随后,他又去拜访了多次,渐渐地他们都熟识起来。
    Jefferson Hope因为一件紧急事情,需要出去两个多月。

    Then she walked back into the house, the happiest girl in all Utah.
    One fine morning, John Ferrier was about to set out to his wheat fields, when he heard the click of the latch(门闩) on his gate, and, looking through the window, saw a middle-aged man coming up the path.
    His heart jumped to his mouth, for this was none other than the great Brigham Young himself.
    一个晴朗的早晨,John Ferrier 刚要去打理他的麦田,就听到了大门的敲门声,并且,从窗户能看到,外面路上站着一位中年男人。
    他的心差点跳出了嘴,因为这不是别人,是那位领头人,Brigham Young 。

    “Brother Ferrier,” Young said, taking a seat, and eyeing the farmer, “the true believers have been good friends to you.
    We picked you up when you were starving(挨饿) in the desert; we shared our food with you, led you safe to the Chosen Valley, gave you a good share of land, and allowed you to become rich under our protection. Is not this so?”
    “It is so,” answered John Ferrier.
    “Good then, it is of your daughter that I would speak to you,” said the leader of the Mormons.
    “There are rumors(传言) that she is to marry a non-Mormon.
    But you know the law: ‘Let every girl of the true faith marry one of the chosen; for if she marries a Gentile, she commits a serious sin(罪孽).’ ”
    “ Ferrier兄弟,”那位Young找了个座位,看着老农说道,“真正的信徒们对你们还不错吧?我们在你们快要饿死在沙漠的时候带你们走了出来;我们给你们分享了自己的食物,让你们能够安全到达这个山谷,给了你一块上好的地,并且在我们的保护下,让你变得如此富有。是不是这样?”
    “是的。”John Ferrier答到。
    “那好,我要与你说的是你女儿的事情。”那位领头人这么说,“有传言说她要嫁给一位不是Mormon教徒的人。但是你应该知道有这么一条律法: 每一位教徒的女儿,都应嫁给被选者中的一位;如果她嫁给了外邦人,那是一场严重的罪孽。”

    John Ferrier made no answer, but he played nervously with his riding-whip(马鞭).
    “We will give your daughter a choice.
    Stangerson has a son, and Drebber has a son, and either of them would gladly welcome your daughter to their house.
    Let her choose between them.
    They are young and rich, and of the true faith. What do you say to that?”
    Ferrier remained silent for some little time.
    John Ferrier 没说话,不安的摆弄着马鞭。

    “You will give us time,” he said at last.
    “My daughter is very young —she is not old enough to marry.”
    “She will have a month to choose,” said Young, rising from his seat.
    “At the end of that time she should give her answer.”
    Some hours after Young had left, Ferrier was still sitting with his elbows(手肘) upon his knees, considering how he should explain the matter to his daughter, when a soft hand was laid upon his, and looking up, he saw her standing beside him.
    One glance at her pale, frightened(受惊吓的) face showed him that she had heard what had happened.

    “There are some travelers starting for Nevada tomorrow, and I’ll ask them to carry a message to Jefferson Hope telling him the trouble we’re in.
    Knowing him, he’ll be back sooner than anyone might expect.
    In the meantime(同时), we have a clear month before us,” said the father, “and at the end of that, I guess we had better leave Utah.”
    “Leave Utah!”
    “That’s about the size of it(大概是这样吧).”
    “But the farm?”
    “明天会有一些旅行者们要出发去Nevada,我会让他们帮忙带封信给 Jefferson Hope ,告诉他我们现在的困境。

    “We will raise as much as we can in money, and let the rest go.
    To tell the truth, Lucy, it isn’t the first time I have thought of doing it.
    I don’t like to follow any man, as these folk do their prophet(先知).
    I’m a free-born American, and it’s all new to me. Guess I’m too old to learn.”
    “But they won’t let us leave,” his daughter cried.

    “Wait till Jefferson comes, and we’ll soon manage that.
    In the meantime(同时), don’t you worry yourself.
    There’s nothing to be afraid about, and there’s no danger at all.”
    Mr. Ferrier was not nearly as confident as he tried to sound, but he sent a message to Jefferson Hope telling the young man of the danger, and how necessary it was that he should return.
    Having done that he felt easier in his mind, and returned home with a lighter heart.
    “等Jefferson 来,我们一起策划。同时,你不必担心。这没什么事情好担心的,并不会有什么危险。”
    其实Ferrier先生并没有他说的那么自信,但他还是给Jefferson Hope写了封信,说明了领头人的恐怖危险,以及他必须得回来。




          本文标题:【薄荷阅读】福尔摩斯探案 chapter15
