China TourismFlourishing in Today
Tourismis an important strategic, pillar and comprehensive industry in the worldeconomy. With the development of economic globalization and the integration ofthe world economy, the world tourism industry has entered the golden age ofrapid development.
Sincethe reform and opening up, our government has promulgated a series of policiesaimed at promoting the development of tourism. Tourism has become one of theindustries in China's national economy which has the fastest development speedand has obvious international competitive advantages.
Sincethe reform and opening up, with the sustained and rapid economic development ofChina and the rapid improvement of the income level of the residents, thetourist number and tourism revenue have been increasing rapidly. Tourismindustry has become an important industry in China's economy, and has becomeone of the fastest growing areas of residents' consumption. The data of theNational Tourism Administration "China Tourism Statistics Bulletin"shows that in the ten years from 2006 to 2015, the overall domestic tourismincome showed a steady growth trend.

In2015, the total number of domestic tourism was 4 billion person, the domestictourism income was 3 trillion and 419 billion 510 million Yuan, and the incomeof inbound tourism was 113 billion 650 million dollars. China has become thesecond largest tourist destination country in the world and the first majoroutbound tourist country.
With the development of the tourism industry and the development of China's economy,China has attracted a lot of foreign tourists to travel.

Ascan be seen from this chart, the number of foreigners traveling is graduallyincreasing, with the exception of the decline in 2009, which has alwaysmaintained a balance. It is exciting to reach 25.98 million in 2015. The numberof male tourists is significantly more than that of female tourists and hasremained at around 15 million. China obviously attracts many male foreigners totravel and relax.

Fromchart3, the main reason foreigners come to China for tourism is the largestproportion of sightseeing and leisure activities. Visiting relatives andfriends accounted for the least proportion, it appeared only after 2012. Itshows that China has enough charm to attract foreign tourists and bringcomfortable feelings to foreigners.
Withthe development of China's tourism industry, there are more and more travelagencies in China. From the chart4, obviously it can be seen graduallyincreasing. The total number of star
gradehotels has maintained a balance, not much change. The total number of stargrade hotels was in 2009, with a total of 14237. The minimum period was 2015,with a total of 12327. It can be seen that China's demand for star grade hotelsis getting higher and higher, making the total number less.

Chart 4
Fromthe perspective of per capita tourism expenditure, the per capita cost oftourism has been increasing rapidly in recent ten years, and the average percapita expenditure of urban residents has increased from 766.40 Yuan in 2006 to985.50 Yuan in 2015, an increase of 29%. The per capita expenditure of ruralresidents increased from 221.90 Yuan in 2006 to 554.20 Yuan in 2015, anincrease of 149.75%.
Thegrowth rate of the per capita expenditure of rural residents is far more thanthe growth rate of urban residents, and the gap with the per capita expenditureof urban residents is narrowing.

Chart 5
Finally, the 10 most popular tourist citiesin China are Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Qingdao, Sanya, Xiamen, Hangzhou,Guilin, Nanchang and Dali.

Chart 6
The champion is the capital of Beijing,well deserved. Beijing is an ancient city with a history of more than 3,000years. It is a country's political, economic and cultural center. It is alsothe most representative and prosperous city in the country. It is a microcosmof a country. Beijing has well-known historical buildings such as the ForbiddenCity, Tiananmen Square, the Great Wall, the Olympic Games held, well-knownmodern architecture such as the Bird's Nest, Water Cube, the National GrandTheater. So it is very popular for Chinese and foreigners to travel.
Today's rapid development of China'stourism industry, I hope everyone will enjoy life. In China, let tourism becomea way to recreate and find freedom!