
作者: MiniKay | 来源:发表于2016-10-08 23:43 被阅读0次

As the saying goes like this : No one is really free today . Cause Society and environment will force you to do the choice which is not made by you . I heard about  a story said by a colleague  professor. He said everytime when I ask in my class :Any questions ?The Asia students always keep silent. I talked to them after class why they don't ask questions. Some of them say :I am afraid if the question is stupid then  other students will laugh at me. Some of them tell me they  really don't have questions . They even don't know how to pop out question since school teach them teacher is always right .

This is the two aspects I need to improve for myself. One is none question is stupid so dont be afraid of giving questions. On the contrary, your questions will help other students to think things in different way . They will be glad to hear your sharing

Another is critical spriit. What we learn from school is command education. Teachers do not encourage us to ask questions but only follow the command. So we lost the ability to critize things  especially for those authorities. We should be proud that we have different opinion and express in public.

Remember we can only make improvements through different thinking


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