2019-08-12 English The American

2019-08-12 English The American

作者: 泥巴叔叔 | 来源:发表于2019-08-12 07:19 被阅读0次


    My job’s really hectic this time of year, too. What’s new with you?

    hectic V.S. busy
    A hectic situation is one that is very busy and involves a lot of rushed activity.

    a hectic schedule / to lead a hectic life

    Things have been hectic recently. 

    I have been busy all the time. 

    glad V.S. nice

    Actually, I’m headed to the mall later, anyway.

    Hi There

    By the way, I’ve been meaning to talk to you.

    I've been thinking of talking to you. 

    Meet The Neighbors

    You’ll need $2 in change. The driver won’t take dollar bills, and he won’t give you change. Make sure you have exact change.

    dollar bill V.S. note 

    换零钱:May I make change for 20?

    找不开:Do I need exact change?

    Riding The Bus



          本文标题:2019-08-12 English The American
