K. Costello, D. Gaiotto and J. Yagi, "Q-operator are 't Hooft lines"
We define a 't Hooft line such the the field strength on the surronding this line appraoches Dirac monopole which describes a G-bundle on
of first Chern class k, up to some appropriate class of gauge transformation. That means the field strength takes the form
where is an element of
The upshot is that 't Hooft line describes some singluar field configuratation. To describe the Dirac monopole more conveneintly in the 4DCS theory instead of considering the unit two-sphere we consider a a region which is the boundary of the solid cylinder: and
. (So we assume the line is along the
The boundary can be divided into three regions (From the point of view the 2-sphere, we introduce two pathes around the N pole and S pole and there is an overlapping region around the equator):
A solution to the equation of motion (modulo the gauge transformation)\footnote{Recall that the equation of motion is simply the flatness condition.} for the 4DCS theory on this region is described by:
- A holomorphic bundle on the discs
- An isomorphism between these two bundles restricted to
, The isomorphism is provided by parallel transport in the
Trivializing the holomorphic bundles at (Just like we trivialize the bundles at the disorder defects), the parallel transport (which will form the moduli space after remove the gauge symmtry.) is an element of the loop group
of the complex group
. The gauge transoformation at the top and bottom boundaries is not
because the gauge transformation should be able to extend to the center of the disc therefore the guage transformation is
. The moduli space of solution is then to be
where and
are Laurent series and Taylor series valued in
, respectivly. The coset space
is known as the affine Grassmannian.
Therefore, we can think of the 't Hooft line is associated with a singular guage transformation , where
is a coweight.
't Hooft line from surface defects
The idea is similar to engineer 2d integrable field theories by inserting defects. First let us define the topological surface defect.\par
Let be a complex manifold with a
--action. We consider the analytically-continued version of Poisson
--model with target space
. The fields of the theory are a map
and a one-form
. The Lagrangian is
The field has a guage transformation
This defect theory can be minimal coupled 4DCS by promoting the derivative to covariant deriavative. For example, if we insert the surface defect at , the Lagrangian for the coupled theory is simply
Let be the holomorphic vector fields on
corresponding to the action of
then the Lagrangian is
The gauge transformation for is now given the covariant derivative
There is also bulk gauge transformation?(Not clear the meaning "the bulk gauge transformation act on the fields in the obvious way.")
But we can use this gauge symmetry to fix to be a constant and we also assume that the stabilizer of apoint in
is a parabolic subgroup
then the tangent space of
at x is the quotient
. If the algebra has a triangular decomposition as
we can veiw the field as a one-form valued in
. In this gauge, the Lagrangian takes the form
Varing we get the equation of motion
Choosing the gauge such that , these equations are given by
Thus on the surface defects the gauge fields satisfy: has a zero and
has a pole at