

作者: gltjk | 来源:发表于2019-03-14 23:53 被阅读0次

moral: n. a practical lesson about what to do or how to behave, which you learn from a story or from something that happens to you


我们从这个 TED 演讲中可以学到的是,要想获得成功,得学会先帮助别人。
The moral of the TED talk is that learning to help others is necessary for success.


句子: One moral of the film Captain Marvel is that people must know who they are to become the best version of themselves.
翻译: 电影《惊奇队长》中能学到的一个道理就是人要先知道自己是谁才能成为最好的自己。
背景: 《惊奇队长》。

句子: The moral of reading so many stories is that we should not try to attach a moral to every story.
翻译: 读了这么多故事后我学到的教训就是不要给每个故事都牵强附会出一个教训。
背景: 阅读。


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